Xu Hao involved most of Mr. Zhao's energy, so that Mr. Zhao didn't find the Tang family's private actions at all.

With the particularity of mysterious space, in just three months, the Tang family cultivated a controllable super virus, which was named T1 by the Tang family.

"This virus has strong phagocytosis and can devour any known virus. Such a virus is very suitable to be the carrier of super virus. I think the Zhao family will not let go once they know the existence of this virus." Tang Zongming showed Xu Hao this super virus and said confidently: "the problem now is to find a way to lure the Zhao family!"

The Zhao family are not fools. If they sell the virus directly to them, they will inevitably detect it. Therefore, the virus must be transferred to the Zhao family through an extremely secret way.

"You don't have to worry about this," Mr. Tang said mysteriously, obviously winning.

"Grandpa Tang, I have only one request. I want to witness the demise of the Zhao family!" Xu Hao said when he looked at Tang Zongming.

Nodding with a smile, Tang Zongming said, "of course! I promised you! However, during this period, your Dongping company has to be bigger and try to attract the attention of the Zhao family!"

Xu Hao was shocked to hear that Tang Zongming made him move more! In just three months, with the secret cooperation of the Tang family, Dongping company has almost eroded all the market share of Tianle beverage group. Now there is almost only an empty shell left in Tianle beverage group!

"Grandpa Tang, even if we want to do something else, there is no entry point!" Xu Hao said with a headache.

Tang Zongming smiled, took out a document, handed it to Xu Hao and said, "these are two large chemical plants under the Zhao family. I will instruct relevant departments to seal them up. I don't think I need to teach you the rest?"

In a moment, Xu Hao understood what Tang Zongming meant!

The reason why Tang Zongming openly dealt with the Zhao family's industry is naturally to force the Zhao family into a desperate situation. In this way, once the news of the super virus is spread, childe Zhao will win it at all costs in order to recover the losses.

Of course, another advantage of Tang Zongming's doing so is that he can divert the Zhao family's attention from the Tang family's private actions, so as to attract the Zhao family into the Internet!

"Don't worry, Grandpa Tang, I know what to do!" Xu Hao said confidently. Although he did this with some meaning of taking advantage of the fire, everyone is for the country and against the Zhao family! At this time, Xu Hao is naturally duty bound!

"Come on, don't be cheap and be good!" Tang Zongming said after looking at Xu Hao: "the two chemical plants are worth at least more than 2 billion. You don't lose!"

"Grandpa Tang, look at what you said. Don't I also work for the country? Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country." Xu Hao said very brazenly, and he was naturally excited at the bottom of his heart!

With a helpless wave of his hand, Tang Zongming said, "come on, smelly boy, hurry up, or I can't help beating you! I've taken such a big advantage. It's good to say that I'm for the country!"

Out of Tang Zongming's study, Xu Hao saw Tang Jing standing not far away waiting for him.

"What have you been talking about with grandpa for so long?" seeing Xu Hao coming out, Tang Jing hurried forward and asked.

"Of course it's a big plan!" said Xu Hao. He simply said Tang Zongming's plan, and then said, "what? Are you interested in working together? I can't eat such a big business!"

"Of course together!" Tang Jing's little face was full of excitement. She didn't expect that Grandpa would do such a thing of abusing power for personal gain!

However, Tang Jing soon thought of the reason why grandpa did this! Tang Zongming did this naturally to cover up deeper actions!

Under the command of Tang Zongming, the relevant departments conducted strict inspection on the two chemical plants! Under various extremely strict inspections, the chemical plant naturally exposed various problems. On the grounds of endangering national security, relevant departments forced the reorganization of chemical plants and introduced external capital.

At this time, song Yuwei's fund company strongly intervened and successfully took shares in two chemical plants, becoming its second largest shareholder and occupying more than 40% of the shares! Song Yuwei spent less than one tenth of the market value of the two chemical plants!


"Tang Zongming, an old bastard, attacked my chemical plant for his granddaughter!" Mr. Zhao had a bad hunch when the chemical plant was inspected by relevant departments. It was not until the relevant departments intervened strongly and asked for the reorganization of the chemical plant that Mr. Zhao fully understood Tang Zongming's intention. He didn't expect that Tang Zongming, who always boasted of integrity, would do such a thing of abusing power for personal gain.

"Mr. Zhao, what shall we do next?" Mr. Zhao's right-hand assistant, Zhao Ye, stood beside him and asked in a low voice.

"Tang Zongming is a measured man. He knows that the foundation of our Zhao family is in the biopharmaceutical industry, so he didn't touch our foundation, just cut into the chemical factory!" childe Zhao soon calmed down. "Tang Zongming should do this for his baby granddaughter. We recognize this account!"

"How can the family meeting at the end of the year account for so many losses at once?" Zhao Ye couldn't help asking again.

"As long as our pharmaceutical factories all over the world do not have problems, what will this loss be for us?" Mr. Zhao sneered and said: "how is the research on K3 virus?"

"At present, we know there is no progress..." Zhao Ye said, and couldn't help looking at childe Zhao carefully.

"We have invested tens of millions in this project. It has been three years and there has been no progress!" master Zhao said coldly, "if there is no result this year, you know what to do!"

"Yes!" the young man said, and quickly turned and went out.

"Xu Hao... Tang family, it's interesting! Tang Zongming, I thought you were a righteous man. I didn't expect you to be a mortal, and you will be influenced by emotion!" said Mr. Zhao, but he couldn't help laughing wildly.

Compared with the loss of more than a billion, he was more interested in discovering Tang Zongming's behavior this time! It's only more than ten billion. It's nothing for the Zhao family! However, if he finds this weakness of Tang Zongming, he can deal with the Tang family, and even pull the Tang family over for his use!

Once even the Tang family is used by the Zhao family, the Zhao family's influence in China is bound to further develop! At that time, it will be impossible for the Zhao family to use the economy to control the global political situation!

Thinking that in his hands, the Zhao family will complete this feat, childe Zhao is in a good mood!

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