After cracking down on the Zhao family's chemical plant, Tang Zongming did not stop, and then began to erode other industries of the Zhao family! In addition to the core pharmaceutical industry of Zhao family, other industries have been affected to varying degrees!

"Tang Zongming, an old man, deceives people too much!" childe Zhao couldn't hold his anger any longer. If only one or two industries are hit, it's nothing for the Zhao family, which is a big business. It's good for the Tang family!

However, all the industries outside the Zhao family have been affected. This time, childe Zhao can't calm down at last! If he can't give a reasonable explanation at the family meeting at the end of the year, his identity as a family agent must be deprived!

He took charge of the Zhao family at the age of 30 and became a speaker! Twenty years now! He can't imagine the meaning of his life without this power!

He will never allow this to happen! He wants to stop all this!

"Zhao Ye!" Mr. Zhao shouted at the door.

Soon, Zhao ye came in and respectfully saluted childe Zhao.

"How's K3 research? I don't care what method you use, tell them that I want to see the results before the end of the year!" looking at Zhao Ye, Mr. Zhao is no longer calm and calm in the past!

I can't help that childe Zhao is not anxious! Once the family meeting at the end of the year, he does not get more than half of the support, the Zhao family will have to change people! In the current situation, unless K3 virus is put into the market and obtains high profits, he will not be able to keep the position of the speaker!

"Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid..." Zhao Ye is a little embarrassed. The research is not done overnight. This research has invested a huge amount of money and took three years. As long as there is enough time, success is almost inevitable! At this time, eager for quick success and instant benefit will lead to all kinds of accidents!

"I don't want to hear any explanation! The family won't give me so much time, so I can't give you time!" looking at Zhao Ye, Mr. Zhao asked, "isn't there a virus code named T1 on the black market recently? Look at the correlation analysis, it's very consistent with our K3 research. If it doesn't work, buy this T1 virus!"

"Childe Zhao, this is against the rules! In order to ensure absolute safety, all our viruses must be studied by ourselves, so..." Zhao Ye said hurriedly. The emergence of the virus code T1 is really a coincidence. He can't help but deal with it carelessly!

"Rules are dead, people are alive! Since there are ready-made ones, why should we study them ourselves?" master Zhao looked at Zhao Ye fiercely and said, "send someone to check the T1 virus immediately, and I want the most detailed report!"

"Yes, I'll go now!" Zhao Ye said, and quickly turned and went out!


At the same time, in Tang Jing's club, Xu Hao, Tang Jing, Liang Hongyu and song Yuwei are planning the harvest during this period! With the tacit consent of the Tang family, they will not be soft when they swallow up the Zhao family's industry!

"The industry we ate alone is worth more than 5 billion!" Song Yuwei is the most direct participant and knows everything about each project!

"The Zhao family is really rich! We casually ate several of their industries, up to 5 billion!" Xu Hao said in shock. No wonder Xu's group was vulnerable in front of the Zhao family! The Zhao family is a financial giant!

"This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Zhao family!" Tang Jing glanced and said, "if grandpa didn't let us move the Zhao family's pharmaceutical enterprise, we would make more money! You don't know how lucrative the Zhao family's pharmaceutical enterprise is..."

Song Yuwei also boasts that she has seen big scenes! But Tang Jing didn't pay attention to the five billion yuan at all! This makes song Yuwei more and more curious about Tang Jing's identity!

"We just want to put pressure on Mr. Zhao, but we don't really force him to kill us!" Xu Hao said quickly. If Xu Hao and Tang Jia really want to attack the Zhao family's pharmaceutical enterprise, it will inevitably lead to a strong counterattack by Mr. Zhao. It is not known who will win and who will lose at that time!

Therefore, now they can only take the way of boiling frogs in warm water and nibble at the Zhao family's industry a little bit! Although this will make the Zhao family bleed, it will not hurt the muscles and bones. In this way, the Zhao family will not summon up the courage to break the dead net with the Tang family and Xu Hao!

I have to admit that Tang Zongming is really crafty. He adopts the way of boiling frogs in warm water, which makes the Zhao family very uncomfortable, but it won't hurt their muscles and bones. Let the Zhao family have scruples, and at the same time, force Mr. Zhao to go to the pit they dug to the greatest extent!

"What shall we do next?" Song Yuwei asked excitedly. These days, although she is the busiest, but let her enjoy it! Seeing one well-known enterprise after another incorporated into her fund company gives song Yuwei a strong sense of achievement!

"Continue to encroach on other industries of the Zhao family!" Tang Jing said, "this is the relevant information collected by grandpa. We can follow this order..."

The four men hid in the conference room and carefully discussed the encroachment on the Zhao family's industry. On the other hand, childe Zhao is also forcing Zhao Ye to contact the owner of T1 virus as soon as possible.

"Mr. Zhao, this plum organization was unknown before. Let's be careful." Zhao Ye has a strong vigilance against the sudden emergence of the plum organization.

"What? Are you afraid that someone is making trouble?" he looked at Zhao Ye and asked.

Nodding, Zhao Ye said, "it's a coincidence that this Mei organization appears, and their virus is just what we need..."

"Don't be suspicious!" master Zhao waved, took out a document, handed it to Zhao Ye, and said, "this is a message from the Middle East. This Mei organization is actually a branch of s organization. I've found someone to confirm that the T1 virus of Mei organization was obtained by s organization from m country!"

After reading the materials handed to him by childe Zhao, Zhao Ye is still a little worried! Although the origin of Mei organization and the source of T1 virus have been found out, Zhao Ye still has a faint uneasiness!

"Mr. Zhao, for the sake of safety, should our laboratory be directly transferred to an overseas Island, so that if something happens, we can get rid of the relationship in time!" Zhao Ye is an extremely cautious person, and everything hopes to be safe.

"It's too late! Send someone to contact the Mei organization immediately, bring the T1 virus back as quickly as possible, and hand it over to the K3 project laboratory immediately to let them synthesize the super virus!" there is not much time for the family meeting at the end of the year. Mr. Zhao can't wait that long. He must hand in a satisfactory answer before the family meeting!

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