Under the strong intervention of master Zhao, Zhao Ye had to obey master Zhao's orders and send someone to secretly contact Mei organization!

After several exploratory negotiations, the two sides soon reached a cooperation intention! The Zhao family bought T1 virus from Mei organization in an extremely considerable amount. The location of the transaction between the two sides is on the high seas.

Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhao Ye thought they didn't know what they were doing, but they didn't know. All this was under the close surveillance of Tang Zongming!

At the moment Zhao Ye confirmed the transaction, Tang Zongming knew that the fish had bitten the hook!

"How about our positioning device?" Tang Zongming asked uneasily, looking at the staff on one side.

"Chief, please rest assured that the latest military scientific research achievements adopted by our positioning device will not be scanned by any instrument!" the military staff quickly replied.

Nodding and witnessing all the transactions organized by Zhao Ye and Mei, Tang Zongming immediately announced the start of the decapitation plan!


While the military decapitation operation was launched, Xu Hao also appeared in the East China Sea with a high profile! He just wants to use himself as bait to attract the attention of Childe Zhao, and even provoke him, so that childe Zhao will completely lose his rational judgment!

Xu Hao made a high-profile appearance in the East China Sea, and bought back the building of Xu group at nearly three times the price, announcing to everyone that the people of Xu group are back again!

"You're a madman!" in the office of Xu's group building, Huang Xin couldn't help complaining about Xu Hao and said, "obviously you don't need to spend so much money to buy this building, you're really..."

"Sister Xin, you should know what this building means to me!" Xu Hao walked over, gently hugged Huang Xin's waist and said softly.

"But... That's hundreds of millions!" Huang Xin couldn't help glancing at Xu Hao and was still angry about the wronged money!

Gently hugging Huang Xin, Xu Hao's hand restlessly stretched in from the hem of Huang Xin's clothes, and soon found the pair of plumpness in Huang Xin's chest!

"Stop fooling around!" after patting Xu Hao, Huang Xin wanted to open the distance with Xu Hao.

However, how could Xu Hao let Huang Xin go so easily? As soon as he picked up Huang Xin, Xu Hao roughly pressed Huang Xin on the huge desk in the office!

"Little bastard, what are you doing?" Huang Xin was a little afraid. Xu Hao, a little bastard, started to do things, but he was reckless!

"Of course, let this building have a more important meaning for us!" Xu Hao said, kissing Huang Xin

Huang Xin wanted to open her eyes, but Xu Hao held her tightly, so that she could not escape Xu Hao's claws!

Under Xu Hao's attack, Huang Xin's resistance gradually weakened, paralyzed on the desk, and even began to cooperate with Xu Hao's actions!

"Sister Xin, do you remember what you said to me?" Xu Hao whispered to Huang Xin.

Huang Xin, who has some confused feelings, has almost lost his ability to think! Vaguely responded to Xu Hao and kissed him again!

"You said that one day when my status and wealth surpass Yao Ruili, you will warm my bed!" holding Huang Xin gently, Xu Hao said: "now, Yao Ruili is not as good as a dog in my eyes! Sister Xin, do you want to fulfill your promise?"

"Listen to you..." Huang Xin said vaguely in Xu Hao's ear, pulling Xu Hao's clothes with both hands

Huang Xin hinted so obviously that Xu Hao naturally no longer hesitated and took off his clothes directly!

After a cloud and rain, Huang Xin was ashamed and angry! I'm ashamed to follow Xu Hao's wishes in the office; Angry is that Xu Hao, a little bastard, doesn't know how to pity her!

Get dressed, Huang Xin and Xu Hao sit on the sofa in the office and look at the sunset outside the window!

Listening to Xu Hao's story about the past of the Xu family, Huang Xin knew that there were so many things hidden under Xu Hao's unfamiliar face!

"So, Mr. Zhao is the murderer who killed your parents?" turning to Xu Hao, Huang Xin asked in some shock.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes! I have sworn to avenge them! Therefore, I will get rid of Childe Zhao at all costs!"

"But..." Huang Xin wanted to say that the Zhao family was difficult to deal with, but he couldn't say it!

"Well, sister Xin, don't say that!" Xu Hao quickly interrupted Huang Xin. "Next, I will transfer some industries to the East China Sea. On the East China Sea side, you have to sit down with sister Xin!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Huang Xin nodded and said, "I want to avenge my parents, too!"

Hearing Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao was stunned and hurriedly asked, "what did you just say?"

"You don't care about me!" she glanced at Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, "well, well, I have to go back and make some preparations! You can't fight alone!"

"Sister Xin, repeat what you said before!" Xu Hao still didn't give up. He was sure he heard right. Huang Xin said our parents!

"Want to hear? Wait until my sister is in a good mood!" Huang Xin said, directly gave Xu Hao a beautiful figure and walked out of the office!


Just after walking out of the Xu group building, Xu Hao received a call from Tang Jing, "come to me. I have something important to discuss with you!"

Knowing that some things were inconvenient to say on the phone, Xu Hao quickly took a taxi to Tang Jing's residence in the East China Sea!

However, to Xu Hao's surprise, Tang Zongming was also in Tang Jing's residence in addition to herself.

"Why? I was surprised to see me?" Tang Zongming smiled and said, "I came to the East China Sea quietly this time to witness the last battle!"

"Finally, the plan started?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Tang Zongming in shock.

Nodding, Tang Zongming said, "it's started! I'll name it beheading!"

"Grandpa Tang, your code name is too uninspired!" Xu Hao turned his eyes helplessly and said, "at least have a name to pull the wind!"

"It's just a code. What you call is not important, what you do is important!" Tang Zongming smiled and said, "you have to attract fire during this period of time. It's best to completely involve childe Zhao's energy!"

"Don't worry, Grandpa Tang! I promise that as long as I stay in the East China Sea for a day, Mr. Zhao won't want to sleep well!" Xu Hao quickly patted his chest and said. This time, he came to the East China Sea just to add congestion to childe Zhao?

It's impossible to do other things, but it's not easy for Xu Hao to add such things!

"Grandpa, don't worry! Maybe Xu Hao can kill Mr. Zhao before you succeed in your action!" Tang Jing also covered her mouth and said with a smile.

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