Xu Hao frequently appeared in various public places, like a thorn in Mr. Zhao's throat, which made him sleep and eat hard!

In the building of the former Xu group, the new Xu group was re established. Not only business people came to congratulate, but also many leaders of Donghai city attended the inaugural meeting of Xu group.

Donghai TV station even carried out a very long report. At the moment, Xu Hao's speech is playing on TV!

"... I'm sure you are familiar with the Xu group! At the beginning, the Xu group was killed by a traitor, resulting in bankruptcy. Today, I Xu Hao re established the Xu group in the Xu group building! I hope you can continue to support the Xu group..."

Listening to Xu Hao's speech, Zhao Gongzi angrily threw out the remote control in his hand!

"Zhao Ye..." he shouted to the outside.

Soon, Zhao ye came in, "childe Zhao..."

"How's the research progress of K3?" Mr. Zhao can't wait for a moment now! Xu Hao not only plundered the Zhao family's industry with great fanfare, but also openly established Xu's group in the East China Sea!

"The latest data from the laboratory is almost successful. Only the last human experiment is needed..." Zhao Ye carefully reports the progress of the research! Recently, childe Zhao has a very bad temper. Even he has to be careful.

"OK! Once you confirm your success, put this virus on me immediately!" these days, there is finally a good news that makes Mr. Zhao happy. "Zhao Ye, this time, you personally supervise, and you are absolutely not allowed to have any accidents!"

"Yes!" Zhao Ye nodded quickly.


While Xu Hao attracted all the attention of Childe Zhao, the military headed by Tang Zongming was also secretly monitoring the Zhao family's virus laboratory.

Through these days of investigation, Tang Zongming finally had a comprehensive understanding and understanding of Zhao's virus laboratory!

"I didn't expect that the virus laboratory of the Zhao family was under our noses. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, who would have thought?" Tang Zongming couldn't help feeling and was surprised by the courage of the Zhao family!

The East China Sea is an international metropolis. The Zhao family has been in the virus laboratory in the East China Sea for so many years!

"Chief, the decapitation action plan has been set up." the military staff handed the just completed action plan to Tang Zongming and said, "through our many simulation exercises, we have confirmed that this plan is the most effective and has the greatest success rate!"

"How dangerous the Zhao family's virus laboratory is, I don't need to repeat it! Your action plan must be cautious and cautious! The East China Sea is an international metropolis. Once the virus leaks, the lives of tens of millions of people will be threatened!" looking at the military staff, Tang Zongming once again stressed the importance of this action!

"Chief, please rest assured that we will never joke about the safety of tens of millions of people!" the military staff quickly said.

After reading the action plan, Tang Zongming signed it!

"During this time, closely monitor the movements of all the Zhao family, and catch them all at the moment of action!" handed the action plan to the military staff, and Tang Zongming issued the order of action.

After confirming the action plan, Tang Zongming made a special trip to have a secret talk with Xu Hao!

These days, Xu Hao has attracted all the attention of Childe Zhao! It provides an excellent cover for the military's action! If Xu Hao hadn't provoked Mr. Zhao outside to attract attention, the military's action would not be so smooth!

"I'll take action at 12:00 this evening!" Tang Zongming said to Xu Hao, "you can follow me and let you witness the destruction of the Zhao family in the whole process!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Tang!" Xu Hao said quickly. Tang Zongming's ability to do this is already the biggest concession within his authority! After all, this operation is very important and highly confidential! Tang Zongming made an exception to allow such an irrelevant person as Xu Hao to participate.

"Just say thank you!" Tang Zongming smiled, suddenly changed the subject and asked, "when are you going to confess to me about your relationship with Tang Jing?"

"What?" Xu Hao was stunned. He didn't know what Tang Zongming was going to do when he suddenly mentioned it?

"Come on, don't be careless with me! If I don't even know such a little thing, I'll live in vain for so many years!" directly interrupted Xu Hao's stupidity, and Tang Zongming said: "I don't care about your mess. I don't care how many women you have! But one thing, if you dare to make Tang Jing wronged, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I'll catch you back and let you spend the rest of your life in prison!"

"Grandpa Tang, you're a little unreasonable." Xu Hao hurriedly said, "besides, it's not appropriate for you to intervene in my private affairs with Tang Jing?"

"Fart! Tang Jing is my granddaughter. Why is it inappropriate for me to intervene?" he glared at Xu Hao. Tang Zongming said, "anyway, I told you what to say. Pay attention to your boy!"

Looking at Xu Hao's sad face, Tang Zongming patted him hard on the shoulder and said, "all right, don't frown, go and have a drink with me!"


The time for final action is getting closer and closer! Tang Zongming took Xu Hao into the command room!

At this moment, the screen of the command room has uploaded the pictures of all operation locations! Zhao family villa, Zhao childe's residence, virus laboratory... All places related to the operation are surrounded by the military. Only when Tang Zongming gives an order, they will completely eradicate the cancer of Zhao family in one fell swoop according to the action plan!

"Action!" Tang Zongming sat in the command room and said to the military staff around him.

With Tang Zongming's order, all action teams acted at the same time.

On the screen of the command room, all the pictures of action are displayed in real time!

Xu Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a group of soldiers rush into Mr. Zhao's residence. Mr. Zhao was dazed and shocked! What he fears most is to catch Mr. Zhao at the last moment of his action!

At the same time, the military also seized a large number of biochemical viruses in Zhao's virus laboratory.

"Grandpa Tang, is the evidence conclusive this time?" looking at Tang Zongming, Xu Hao asked nervously.

Smiling and nodding, Tang Zongming said, "this time, I see what else the Zhao family has to say! In order to eradicate the cancer of the Zhao family, I have been staring at them for more than ten years!"

"Grandpa Tang, you have failed too? You haven't caught any trace of them for more than ten years?" Xu Hao shrugged helplessly and said.

"Smelly boy, are you looking for a fight? Do you talk to your elders like that?" Tang Zongming was in a good mood after eradicating the cancer of the Zhao family. Naturally, he wouldn't care about Xu Hao's joking words!

"Grandpa Tang, I want to see Mr. Zhao and talk to him alone!" looked at Tang Zongming and Xu Hao made a request.

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