"Do you want to see Mr. Zhao?" Tang Zongming asked suspiciously, staring at Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes! I want to see childe Zhao! I want to know more details of that year!"

"OK, I'll give you fifteen minutes!" after hesitating, Tang Zongming nodded and agreed.

In the military's secret base, Xu Hao met childe Zhao.

There was no imagined tension and uneasiness, not even a trace of surprise. Looking at Xu Hao, Mr. Zhao asked, "T1 virus is the bait you put out?"

"Yes!" nodded. Xu Hao went to sit down opposite Mr. Zhao, and then asked, "I want to know what happened at the beginning!"

"I just used some small means!" Mr. Zhao said frankly. "We Zhao family can take a fancy to your Xu group. You should be grateful, not refuse us! The Zhao family's request can't be refused by anyone!"

"Just because they refused to join the Zhao family, you killed them?" Xu Hao was angry, patted the table and asked loudly.

"Their refusal is the greatest contempt for the Zhao family!" looking up at Xu Hao, Mr. Zhao said, "you will never understand that the dignity of the Zhao family can not be trampled on!"

Xu Hao didn't expect that their death was just because they refused to join the Zhao family, that's all!

"I'll fuck you!" Xu Hao rushed and punched childe Zhao in the face. Just as Xu Hao was about to hit the second punch, the guard on duty rushed in and stopped Xu Hao's behavior.


"Grandpa Tang, why did you stop me?" looking at Tang Zongming, Xu Hao asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Zhao naturally has a national law trial!" looking at Xu Hao, Tang Zongming said: "kill him. Have you considered the consequences?"

"I......" Xu Hao was speechless for a moment, but he couldn't avenge his parents himself, which made Xu Hao feel a little sorry!

"Well, the next thing will naturally be handled by the military." Tang Zongming worried about Xu Hao's impulse to do something again, and directly drove Xu Hao away from the military's secret base.

Just returned to his residence, Xu Hao found that Bai Yan and several of them were there! In particular, even Dong Yangfan was there, which surprised Xu Hao.

"Why? Don't you welcome us?" Bai Yan asked, looking at Xu Hao.

"How? Why don't you say hello to me when you come?" Xu Hao asked them to sit down.

"I invited them." Huang Xin came out of the kitchen, looked at Xu Hao with a smile and said. However, the smile on Huang Xin's face frightened Xu Hao.

"Xu Hao, we've been worried about you for a while." Su Jing's eyes turned red as soon as she saw Xu Hao!

Looking at her slightly haggard look, Xu Hao knew that Su Jing must have had trouble eating and sleeping during this period of time!

"All right, all right, I'm fine!" walked to Su Jing's side, and Xu Hao gently grabbed Su Jing's little hand.

As soon as he sat down, Xu Hao saw several sharp eyes looking at him. Seeing the bad look in the eyes of several women, Xu Hao quickly turned off the topic, "sister Xin, is it time to eat? I'm starving!"

"What's the hurry? How many people haven't arrived!" Huang Xin stared at Xu Hao and asked, "guess who else is coming?"

"How do I know? I'm not an immortal!" Xu Hao said with some guilt. All the women in this room are related to him. This gives Xu Hao a bad feeling.

Turning to Bai Yan, Xu Hao hopes Bai Yan can give her some hints! However, Bai Yan, who has always spoiled him, resolutely stood on Huang Xin's side and abandoned Xu Hao this time!

"You... You shouldn't have any conspiracy?" Xu Hao said with some guilt. If you knew this, you might as well run away as soon as possible!

"Sit down for me!" looking at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said fiercely, "you can't run away today!"

"I don't think it means a bit of a trial meeting," said Xu Hao, glancing at Song Yuwei, Bai Yan, Su Jing, Dong Yangfan and Huang Xin one by one!

"Whether it's a trial meeting or not, you'll know in a moment!" gave Xu Hao an unfathomable smile, and Huang Xin went to bring out a plate of fruit and put it on the tea table in front of several people.

Soon the doorbell rang. Dong Yangfan hurried to open the door.

The person who came in was Tang Jing! As soon as she saw Huang Xin and them, Tang Jing immediately greeted them. Xu Hao had the cheek to say hello to Tang Jing, but Tang Jing didn't even look at Xu Hao!

"Are you all together?" Xu Hao asked tentatively, looking at Huang Xin with a guilty heart.

"Qi didn't Qi, you didn't count points in your heart?" with a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said in a bad tone.

Xu Hao is beating drums in his heart. He doesn't know what the situation is. However, looking at the meaning of several women, he probably had a hard time tonight. I don't know if I can leave a whole body!

Soon the doorbell rang again! The person who came in this time was Zhang Yalin! This is somewhat beyond Xu Hao's expectation! He and Zhang Yalin are absolutely innocent!

"No... no?" Xu Hao asked again, looking at several women with a guilty heart!

"What do you say?" the neat answer made Xu Hao feel guilty again!

While talking, the doorbell rang again! The people who came this time were Zhang Yue and Xu Ting!

"Sorry, sorry. The first time I came to Donghai, I went the wrong way!" as soon as I entered the door, Zhang Yue quickly explained and greeted the people in the house one by one, except Xu Hao!

"It's gone this time?" Xu Hao was completely desperate. How did these women get together in the end! Looking at the situation today, if he doesn't tell the truth, he may be swallowed alive by several women!

"Hum!" was another neat reply!

"Sisters, we have only one purpose this time, that is to discuss how to deal with Xu Hao, a heartless man!" as the initiator, Huang Xin is naturally the first to speak!

"What are you talking about? Kill your head directly!" Dong Yangfan, a little girl, is afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

"No, Xu Hao didn't mean it!" Su Jing was kind-hearted after all, and faintly showed her sympathy for Xu Hao!

Xu haogang wanted to praise Su Jing. Several women looked at Su Jing at the same time. For a moment, Su Jing rebelled: "I listen to you!" after that, Su Jing lowered her head and dared not look at Xu Hao.

"I don't express my opinion, I just come to join the fun!" Zhang Yalin should know the purpose of today's party, but after all, she has no substantive relationship with Xu Hao, so she quickly stated her position, "of course, if you want to fight Xu Hao, I don't mind contributing!"


Seeing that the situation was bad, Xu Hao winked at Bai Yan and song Yuwei! They have always connived at Xu Hao. They won't sit idly by at this critical moment!

Song Yuwei and Bai Yan also want to help Xu Hao. However, looking at the current situation, neither of them dared to speak, which could be a fire. Moreover, before they agreed on the United Front, Bai Yan and song Yuwei could not betray!

"Ouch, headache... Headache..." said Xu Hao, standing up and running towards the bedroom! At this time, of course, it's better to hide first! If these women unite, they will never give him good fruit to eat!

"Xu Hao wants to slip away!" Dong Yangfan was the first to find Xu Hao's purpose. He stood up and chased Xu Hao's bedroom. Several other women were unwilling to fall behind and rushed into Xu Hao's bedroom.

"Hey... What are you doing? Come one by one!"

"Don't take off my clothes, you female hooligans..."

"Well, well, I admit defeat. Can you come one by one? It's too much to bear together..."

"Less nonsense, sisters, since Xu Hao bastard dared to provoke us, today we will unite and clean up this bastard!" with Huang Xin's call, several women immediately turned into female hooligans and pulled out Xu Hao!

"Help..." Xu Hao covered his vital position and lay shivering in bed. Several women rushed at him with a snee

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