After separating with Zhang Yue, Xu Hao planned to make a trip to Bai Yan's home and make plans with him. Now that everything was prepared, they could only wait for Huang Xin to prepare the contract and withdraw the money tomorrow night before heading to Longwan Village to sign the contract.

Knocking on the door, Xu Hao rushed inside and shouted, "Aunt Bai, it's me."

"It's Hao." Bai Yan's voice came from inside the door, and very quickly, the door opened.

The moment he saw Bai Yan, Xu Hao was completely dumbstruck: a white sling on Bai Yan's upper body, with a pair of grey hot pants underneath. Most of the skin on her body was exposed, so she was extremely alluring. There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and her face was flushed from exercise, which made him look even more alluring.

Seeing Xu Hao staring at him, Bai Yan instantly reacted. He was practicing his yoga at home just now, and upon hearing Xu Hao's voice, he immediately opened the door for him, not even having the time to change his clothes.

"Hao, wait a moment, let Aunt go change." Bai Yan said, twisting her voluptuous body, she rushed anxiously towards the bedroom.

Only when the bedroom door closed did Xu Hao regain his senses. Recalling the small episode where the two people occurred at the Longwan Village the other day, Xu Hao's mouth and tongue became even parched. He quickly picked up the cup of water on the tea table and drank a few gulps before suppressing the anger in his heart.

Bai Yan, who had changed into a set of loose clothes, walked out from his bedroom, his face still flushed. Originally, after the few times where he had an unintentional flirtation with Xu Hao, Bai Yan had paid special attention to maintaining a distance from him. She was afraid that Xu Hao would think too highly of her. But now, with him dressed like that, if Hao saw it, what would happen if Hao misunderstood?

For a moment, Bai Yan's heart was in turmoil. Sitting opposite to Xu Hao, he too, was absent-minded.

"Aunt Bai, what do you think?" After Xu Hao finished speaking, he immediately asked for Bai Yan's opinion.

"Huh?" Bai Yan stared blankly for a moment before raising her head to look at Xu Hao. Previously, she hadn't heard what Xu Hao had said at all, and had been thinking whether or not he would misunderstand her.

Seeing Bai Yan like this, Xu Hao knew that Bai Yan definitely did not hear what she had said. Thus, Xu Hao could only say it again: "Aunt Bai, I have already asked my men to prepare the contract. If there are no problems, we can print it out tomorrow. After the contract has been printed, we'll go to the bank to get the money, then go to Longwan Village and sign the contract with the villagers.

"Sure, I'll listen to you." Bai Yan nodded her head and said.

"Right, have you found a construction company yet?" Just as the two were entering a state of silence, Bai Yan suddenly asked.

Nodding his head, Xu Hao said: "We have already contacted a company, but as for the specific contract, we will have to wait for them to finish the project evaluation."

Hearing that Xu Hao had already found a construction company, Bai Yan swallowed all the words he wanted to say. Initially, Bai Yan thought that this project could be handed over to her brother's construction team. However, since Xu Hao had already found the person he wanted, Bai Yan would naturally not say anything else.

"Aunt Bai, do you have a better candidate?" Looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao hurriedly asked. Just as Bai Yan understood him, he also understood Bai Yan.

No, no." Bai Yan immediately said: "Yi Jian Corporation is a large corporation, the quality of their construction will be assured." Bai Yan's brother's engineering team was a private engineering team under the control of a construction company. Although it had the construction aptitude, it still couldn't compare to a professional construction team of a large company.

Originally, Bai Yan had thought that if Xu Hao couldn't find a suitable person, she would introduce the project to her brother. This way, she could help her brother earn some money and save Xu Hao a lot of money. However, since Xu Hao had already found the engineering team, she would naturally not bring up this matter again.

Bai Yan did not want to say it, so she did not pursue the matter further. In any case, she had already entrusted the task of construction to Yang Long.

The two of them then went down to look for Longwan Village to sign the contract. Xu Hao then got up and said his goodbyes. Because of the awkward situation from before, Bai Yan did not mention anything about stopping Xu Hao from eating.

When he returned home, he coincidentally met Huang Xin who had just finished work. Seeing Huang Xin, Xu Hao hurriedly walked forward, took the bag in Huang Xin's hands, and said: "Sis Xin, you've gotten off work so early!"

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Huang Xin was obviously still angry at what happened yesterday.

Xu Hao had long figured out Huang Xin's personality and knew that he was not angry. If Huang Xin was angry, then it would not be so simple as a snort.

Huang Xin said. "Xu Hao, you little bastard, it's getting more and more outrageous now. Do you believe that I won't chop off your dog paws later?"

"Of course not, Sis Xin!" Xu Hao quickly replied, "Cut off my dog claws, who's going to massage you?" Xu Hao said, as though he was about to give Huang Xin a massage.

After glaring at Xu Hao, Huang Xin immediately dodged, then took out the key, and opened the door.

Returning to her room, Huang Xin took out a printed contract from her bag, handed it over to Xu Hao, and said: "This is the contract I made today. I've looked it over with my legal colleagues, there aren't any loopholes …"

Receiving the land contract, Xu Hao took a look at it. He didn't know much about contracts. Since Huang Xin had already looked for his colleague from the legal department, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Thank you so much, Sis Xin. If not for being afraid that you would despise me, I would have given myself to you." Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said shamelessly.

Seeing Xu Hao's cheap look, Huang Xin immediately raised her fist and said to Xu Hao: "I'll beat you up if you don't believe me!"

"Alright, alright, Sis Xin, don't be angry. You'll get wrinkles soon enough." Xu Hao hurriedly said as he placed his hand on Huang Xin's shoulder to massage her shoulders. Then he said: "Sis Xin, you worked hard at work, don't cook today, let's go to the restaurant later."

"It's just a few coins, isn't it?" Huang Xin stood up as she spoke, "Take a look at the contract first, I'll go cook. "Since you want to do some work, you have to learn to be frugal. You have to spend every penny on steel!"

"Thank you, Sis Xin, for your teachings. I understand." Xu Hao maintained her mischievous smile, and said to Huang Xin.

"Where are you looking?" Seeing Xu Hao's lustful eyes staring at his chest, Huang Xin's originally smiling face instantly turned cold.

Xu Hao laughed awkwardly, "Sis Xin, so it turns out that you like purple!"

Xu Hao, you Little Bastard, are you going to die? As he said that, Huang Xin waved his small hand to show that he was threatening his!

Only, Xu Hao who had almost completely understood Huang Xin's personality, was not afraid of her harmless warning! Still chuckling, that pair of thief eyes still did not calm down. Huang Xin was so angry that she reached out her little foot and kicked him ruthlessly, then turned around and walked into the bedroom …

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