Early in the morning, Xu Hao went to the bank to withdraw 50,000 yuan in cash. Carrying so much cash, Xu Hao's heart was beating really hard. However, he also knew that nothing was more persuasive than cash when signing contracts with his countrymen.

After meeting up with Bai Yan, the two of them took a taxi and went straight to Longwan Village.

As the road was not easy to walk on, it was almost noon when the two arrived at Longwan Village. Because he had called Hee Dahai earlier, Hee Dahai and the rest had long been waiting for him at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Xu Hao and Bai Yan getting off the car, Hee Dahai and the rest heaved a sigh of relief. These two days, they had been afraid that Xu Hao would go back on his words. In that case, the matter of repairing the road in the village would once again fall through.

"Brother Xu, Miss Bai, we have been waiting for you." When Hee Dahai saw Xu Hao, it was as if he had seen his family members for a long time. Liu Zhonghua and the rest also greeted Xu Hao and Bai Yan immediately.

After chatting for a while, Xu Hao and Bai Yan followed Hee Dahai and went straight to the Hee Dahai family.

Aunt Hee had already prepared a sumptuous meal, but when she saw Xu Hao and the others enter the house, she immediately went to prepare it.

At the table, Xu Hao indicated that he would not drink anymore. Hee Dahai and the others knew Xu Hao's tolerance for alcohol, and because he needed to do some proper business later on, they did not drink.

After dinner, Liu Zhonghua and the rest went to inform everyone, while Xu Hao and Bai Yan took out the long prepared contract and passed it to Hee Dahai.

Hee Dahai took the contract and looked at it, then nodded his head, and said: "There's no problem with the contract, I will tell my fellow villagers about it."

Very quickly, Hee Dahai's family was packed full of people, and all the villagers were discussing about the contract signing today. Especially those who had a lot of land at home, they felt even more elated. After all, it meant a considerable amount of income.

"Alright, everyone's here. Everyone, stop standing. Sit down." Aunt Hee, Liu Zhonghua and the rest had already set up a bench in the courtyard. After their fellow villagers came, there were a few who sat down, but there were even more who habitually stood.

Hee Dahai repeated himself a few times before the villagers sat down.

Xu Hao, Liu Zhonghua and the others respectively handed over the prepared contracts to each of their fellow villagers. Then, Xu Hao started to talk about the contents of the contracts.

The contents of the contract were very easy to understand, so the villagers could understand it as well. After Xu Hao finished speaking, he looked towards his fellow villagers and asked for everyone's opinion.

"Xu boss, we trust you. Why don't you tell us how to sign the contract?" Some of the more anxious villagers had already begun to urge the signing of the contract.

As the villagers talked amongst themselves, Xu Hao once again said loudly, "Everyone, quiet down. There are some things I have to repeat. The contract was signed in one go for ten years. "After signing the contract, pay the rent for the first year. Starting next year, pay three years rent at once …"

Previously, Hee Dahai and the others had communicated with their fellow villagers about the method of payment, so everyone could accept it. When Xu Hao finished speaking, the anxious people started urging him again.

Seeing that your fellow villagers were anxious too, Xu Hao took out the cash in his bag that he had prepared a long time ago.

When they saw the cash on the table, the villagers were all flustered. That was a whole fifty thousand yuan in cash! Many people had never seen so much money in their lives!

"Xu Boss, you're so generous." Liu Zhonghua could not help but extend his thumb out, and say to Xu Hao.

"Alright, alright. Everyone sit down and sign the contract according to the name I called." Hee Dahai said loudly to the villagers, then took out the register he had prepared a long time ago, and began to call for people.

Under the witness of all the villagers, they signed their names on the contract. Xu Hao also signed his name on the contract, but sealed it with the village's seal. With this, a land lease contract was signed.

Xu Hao and the villagers each took one copy of the contract, while the village kept the other copy.

After signing the contract, Xu Hao immediately gave the villager 600 dollars. This is the annual rent for three acres of land.

Holding the 600 yuan in his hand, the fellow villager was so happy that he couldn't believe it was true. There were already impatient people behind him, so he quickly told the person who signed the contract to go back so that the others could sign it.

Because each contract requires the signature of three parties to be considered officially completed, the signing speed is very slow. Until six in the afternoon, when Xu Hao finally signed the last contract. At this time, Xu Hao's hands were extremely sore.

"I'm so tired." Xu Hao immediately leaned against the chair and said: "This afternoon, my arm is about to break. In the past when I was in school, I had never written so many words! "

"Hao, come, use some warm water to soak your hands. I'll massage your hands later." Today, Bai Yan stood at the side and was in charge of giving out money. Seeing Xu Hao working so hard, her heart ached for him.

"Thank you, Aunt Bai." Seeing the Aunt Bai gently bringing over a basin of warm water, Xu Hao immediately said politely, and then, soaked his hand in the warm water.

Bai Yan, on the other hand, considerately moved Xu Hao's wrist to ease the aching pain in his arm.

"Better?" Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan asked.

Staring at Bai Yan's beautiful face that was just inches away from him, Xu Hao couldn't help but be stunned for two seconds, and then, hurriedly said. "Thank you, Aunt Bai, it's already much better."

At this time, Aunt Hee had already prepared dinner. At night, although Xu Hao repeatedly said that he did not drink, this time both Liu Zhonghua and Hee Dahai expressed that he must drink some, in order to celebrate Xu Hao's Vegetable Base.

Under the persuasion of Hee Dahai and the others, even Bai Yan, who usually did not drink, expressed that she would like to drink a little.

Hee Dahai and the rest were simple and very hospitable. Unknowingly, the cup of white wine in Xu Hao's hands had reached the end. And at this time, Liu Zhonghua had once again filled his stomach to the brim.

"I really can't drink anymore." Xu Hao was afraid that he would get drunk, hence he immediately said that he could not drink anymore. But under the persuasion of Liu Zhonghua and the others, Xu Hao still raised his wine cup. On the other side, Bai Yan who had drank half a cup of white wine, was blushing red.

"You guys drink first, I can't take it anymore." Bai Yan looked at Hee Dahai and the others apologetically, stood up, and said. Then, with the support of the Aunt Hee, she went to her room to rest first.

On the other side, Xu Hao, Hee Dahai and the others were still drinking. Xu Hao was indeed happy today. Since the contract had been successfully finalized, the preparations for Vegetable Base could begin.

When he returns from the Longwan Village, he can urge Yang Long to start the construction as soon as possible. Thinking about the huge benefits Vegetable Base would bring to him in the future, Xu Hao had already taken the initiative to raise his wine cup, and repeatedly toasted Hee Dahai and the others, expressing his gratitude!

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