Xu Hao silently walked out. Zhang Yue was a little taken aback. And Su Jing, who was at the side, was even more at a loss. Looking at Zhang Yue, Su Jing pulled her arm and said: "Cousin sister, what do we do?"

"I'll go and take a look. You stay in the store." Zhang Yue said, and quickly chased out.

Seeing Xu Hao getting into a taxi, Zhang Yue immediately rushed over and stopped the taxi. After the car stopped, Zhang Yue also got on.

Seeing Zhang Yue coming up to him, Xu Hao said, "Sister Zhang Yue, I will handle this matter myself. You don't need to worry about it."

"Xu Hao, don't be rash." Judging from Xu Hao's words, Zhang Yue should be in trouble. But, that Yang Long was also not someone to be trifled with. As the manager of the Jiangcheng, Yang Long could be said to be a black and white eater.

He smiled at Zhang Yue, and Xu Hao said: "At my age, if I don't do some impulsive things, wouldn't my life be in vain?"

"Xu Hao..." Zhang Yue still wanted to persuade Xu Hao a little more, but he was interrupted by him.

"Alright, Sister Zhang Yue, I have my limits." With that, Xu Hao spoke no more. Zhang Yue also tactfully closed her mouth.

The taxi quickly arrived at the Jiangcheng area. Xu Hao threw a hundred yuan to the driver of the taxi and then got off.

Zhang Yue did not dare delay and immediately followed. Seeing Zhang Yue following them, Xu Hao only stopped for a moment and did not say anything.

After asking about Yang Long's office, Xu Hao immediately walked over with large strides.

Arriving at the door to Yang Long's office, Xu Hao did not knock as he immediately pushed open the door. At this time, Yang Long was looking at some sort of document. Seeing Xu Hao and Zhang Yue push open the door and come in, not only was Yang Long not angry, he had a perverted smile on his face.

"What is it? You've thought it through? " Looking at Zhang Yue and Xu Hao, Yang Long said with a lustful smile on his face, "It's alright if you think it through. In the Jiangcheng, what benefits do you have if you go against me, Yang Long? Especially you, Zhang Yue, as long as you obediently listen to me, when the time comes, wouldn't I just make you eat, drink, and drink to your heart's content? "

"Fuck you!" As Xu Hao spoke, he directly punched Yang Long in the face.

Yang Long was a little confused, he knew Zhang Yue's background. Since this Xu Hao was Zhang Yue's little brother, then their background should be around the same. For a nobody with no power and no influence, it was Yang Long who could do whatever he wanted!

While Yang Long was still in a daze, Xu Hao's fist struck onto her body like a violent storm. Yang Long also let out a miserable scream like a pig being butchered. Looking at Yang Long being violently beaten up, Zhang Yue couldn't help but to vent out her anger in her heart.

However, Zhang Yue knew that if Xu Hao continued to fight, he might even lose his life. Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yue couldn't be bothered anymore. She directly grabbed Xu Hao's waist from behind and said: "Xu Hao, calm down. If you keep on beating him, you'll kill him! "

At this time, Yang Long was already lying on the desk like a dead pig. Based on his appearance, he looked as miserable as possible.

Being tightly hugged by Zhang Yue, Xu Hao also slowly calmed down. Feeling Zhang Yue's curvy body behind him, Xu Hao awkwardly coughed and said: "Sister Zhang Yue, I understand, let go of me."

"Then promise me you won't do anything stupid." To be honest, Zhang Yue was moved when she saw Xu Hao standing up for her. Her husband was like a sullen calabash. She had never enjoyed the feeling of being protected by a man before. Today was the first time!

At this time, Yang Long, who had just been beaten like a dead pig, finally stood up slowly, pointed at Xu Hao and Zhang Yue and said: "Your father will be the son of a bitch if I don't make you pay today!"

"Sure, I'll be waiting." Xu Hao looked at Yang Long, and said: "I want to see what abilities you have! In my entire life, the person I despise the most is someone as despicable as you. What ability is this to coerce a woman? Asking a woman to take off her clothes and take the initiative to throw herself into his arms is truly a skill! "

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Zhang Yue's beautiful face could not help but turn red. Gently pulling on Xu Hao's clothes, Zhang Yue said: "Xu Hao, quickly leave. The police will be here in a while."

Turning his head to look at Zhang Yue, Xu Hao asked: "I once had a very good friend. When I was eating at a small restaurant, my girlfriend was teased by a delinquent. However, I have always remembered what he said! "

Zhang Yue curiously looked at Xu Hao, and asked: "What did he say?"

He told me that men are born to protect women! If you're still impulsive, you should pick up your knife and teach that little hooligan a a lesson. If you're over impulsive, you should earn enough money to take your girlfriend to a fancy restaurant, because there won't be any hooligans there! " Xu Hao said word by word, then looked at Yang Long, and continued: "Unfortunately, I am currently at the age where I should act on impulse, so I must teach him a lesson!

After Xu Hao finished speaking, Zhang Yue's heart was in turmoil for a moment, but he did not know what Xu Hao's words meant.

Just then, a few policemen walked in, led by Liu Yuling. Just now, when she was outside the door, she had coincidentally heard what Xu Hao had said. Although her words weren't very sincere, she admitted that as a woman, she was somewhat touched.

"You're fighting again!" Seeing Xu Hao, Liu Yuling spoke first.

"Comrade Police, you came at the perfect time. Quickly arrest them." Not only did they break into my office illegally, they even beat me up. Look … " As he said that, Yang Long showed Liu Yuling the bloodstains on his body.

"Manager Yang, are you sure you want to do this?" Looking at Yang Long, Xu Hao walked straight towards him.

Seeing Xu Hao walking over, Yang Long hurriedly retreated. He acted fierce but was actually weak at heart as he said: "You … What do you want? "Comrade Police, quickly stop him!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm just having a chat with Manager Yang." Xu Hao turned towards Liu Yuling, smiled, and said.

Leaning over to Yang Long's side, Xu Hao whispered: "Does manager Yang still remember the phone call you made before? I recorded it. Now, do you still want to report this to the police? "

Hearing that his phone had been recorded, Yang Long was startled. He hadn't thought that his actions, which he'd been so proud of, would give his opponent such a weakness. If that recording were to be released, he might not be able to become the manager!

"Have you thought it over? "Manager Yang?" Xu Hao said, and even waved the phone in his hand.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Police Officer. I remember now, I fell down on my own. It has nothing to do with them." At this time, Yang Long could only swallow his anger, it was not easy for him to get the position of Jiangcheng One Building Manager, he did not want to lose this job, or even his reputation!

Yang Long was very satisfied with his tactful answer. He turned his head and looked at Liu Yuling, Xu Hao said: "Officer Liu, there is nothing going on here, why don't we go out and have a cup of coffee?"

"Manager Yang, are you sure you fell down on your own?" Liu Yuling asked Yang Long again. With the injuries on Yang Long's body, how could he have fallen down?

"Officer Liu, don't tell me you think Manager Yang is a pig? If he fell down, would he not have something to worry about? " Xu Hao looked at Liu Yuling and smiled: "Now, can we go out and drink a cup of coffee?"

"Sorry, I'm on duty right now, so I don't have time." Liu Yuling coldly said to Xu Hao, and then asked Yang Long about it again. Only after confirming that Yang Long was not reporting the incident to him, did Liu Yuling leave angrily with her men.

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