Until she left Yang Long's office, Xu Hao's words still resounded in her mind. Although the words were not very elegant, but it had reached the heart of a woman. At least, to Zhang Yue, it was like this. If there was a man who could always protect her, she wouldn't have to disguise herself as a thorny rose. She also wants to be a gentle woman!

"Xu Hao, I'm sorry. This time's matter …" Seeing Xu Hao quickly walk forward, Zhang Yue immediately jogged forward a few steps and barely caught up with him, walking shoulder-to-shoulder with him.

"Sister Zhang Yue, you are not to be blamed for this matter." Glancing at Zhang Yue, Xu Hao slowed her pace and said: "But Sister Zhang Yue, I have to say a few words to you. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? Do you still intend to agree to Yang Long's request? "

"No, no." Hearing Xu Hao's slightly angry words, Zhang Yue was actually very happy in his heart. This at least meant that in Xu Hao's heart, she cared about her, and had the intention to protect her.

He definitely could not rely on Yang Long for the project anymore. Xu Hao was worried. Although the construction was not big, it was still related to the future of Xu Hao's Vegetable Base. If this dragged on, for Xu Hao, the loss would be the biggest.

Seeing that Xu Hao was a little worried, Zhang Yue immediately said: "Xu Hao, I'll contact another construction company. Maybe there's a way."

At this time, Xu Hao had no other choice but to nod his head and agree.

After the two of them separated, Xu Hao took a taxi back to his residence. In the past few days, Xu Hao had been busy with matters of the Vegetable Base. This change caused Xu Hao to feel both physically and mentally exhausted.

After sleeping at home for a while, when Xu Hao woke up, it was already past six in the afternoon.

After putting on his clothes, Xu Hao directly went to Huang Xin's house. Knocking on the door, very quickly, it was opened. Huang Xin was standing there, wearing an apron and holding a spatula, there was no need to ask, he was definitely cooking.

"Sis Xin, I'm here to scrounge for food again." Xu Hao giggled as he walked past Huang Xin and into Huang Xin's home. As he passed by Huang Xin, Xu Hao took in a deep breath. The familiar smell on Huang Xin's body was still the same.

"Virtuous." She rolled her eyes at Xu Hao, who walked into the kitchen and continued with his work.

Very quickly, Huang Xin finished preparing the food, and then, called Xu Hao over for dinner.

On the dining table, Huang Xin glanced at Xu Hao and asked: "What? You're in a bad mood? "

Nodding, Xu Hao roughly described the difficulties that he had encountered with regards to Vegetable Base. Looking towards Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "Originally, I thought starting a business was an easy thing to do, but when I actually did it, I realized that starting a business is really, really, extremely difficult."

After giving Xu Hao some food, Huang Xin opened his mouth and said: "No matter what I do, it is unavoidable that I will encounter difficulties. Do you want to give up when you encounter difficulties? This is not the Xu Hao that I know. "

"Is that so? Sis Xin, in your heart, do you really think this way? " Hearing Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao immediately became spirited. Originally, he thought that he should have a very negative image in Huang Xin's heart.

Nodding solemnly, Huang Xin replied: "Of course. For example, your heart that wants to take advantage of me has never backed down or given up! "Say, are you always thinking of how to take advantage of me?"

Huang Xin's words almost made Xu Hao spit out the food in his mouth. With a sullen face, Xu Hao said to Huang Xin, "Sis Xin, in your heart, I have this kind of image."

"That's right, how do you think you are?" As Huang Xin said this, she continued to lower his head to eat. It was just that her slightly moving shoulders betrayed her.

Realizing that Huang Xin was holding back her laughter, Xu Hao suddenly grew bold. She immediately stood up and walked over to hug Huang Xin, and pretended to be fierce as she said: "Sis Xin, you actually dare to think of me like that. I'll let you know today how awesome I am!"

"Xu Hao, you Bastard! You must die! Let go of me!" Suddenly being embraced by Xu Hao, Huang Xin was stunned. In this period of time, Xu Hao's restless hands had taken advantage of her.

"Hehe, Sis Xin, didn't you say that I was always trying to take advantage of you? Now that there's such a good opportunity, I can't bear to let it go. " Xu Hao said as she carried Huang Xin, and was about to push him down onto the sofa.

"Little Bastard, hurry up and let me go, otherwise, I will cripple your third leg!" Huang Xin's murderous words caused Xu Hao to involuntarily shudder, and he hurriedly let go of Huang Xin.

With a smile, Xu Hao said: "Sis Xin, look at you, why are you so anxious? I was just joking with you, right? "

"Humph!" Snorting coldly, Huang Xin said: "Looks like if I don't give you a bit of punishment, you won't be able to remember anything, I've decided …"

Hearing Huang Xin's intentionally stretched voice, Xu Hao was stunned, and prayed that Huang Xin would not use any ruthless methods.

Seeing Xu Hao's worried expression, a proud look flashed across Huang Xin's face, "I've decided, you wash the dishes today!"

"Sis Xin, you should have told me earlier, you scared me to death." Hearing that it was only to punish him to wash the dishes, Xu Hao heaved a sigh of relief. If not for Huang Xin's murderous eyes stopping the excited Xu Hao, he would have hugged Huang Xin again.

By the time Xu Hao finished washing the dishes and came out of the kitchen, he had already cut up the fruits and placed them on the tea table. Seeing Xu Hao walking over, she called him over to sit.

"Whatever we do, we will encounter difficulties. "However, you must know that there are more solutions than difficulties. As long as it's difficult, there are ways to solve it …" Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said in all seriousness: "If you use all the bad water in your stomach, you will definitely think of a way to solve the problem."

Hearing the first half of Huang Xin's words, it was alright, but the second half, why did it not seem like any kind words?

"Sis Xin, are you praising me or cursing me?" Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin speechlessly, and asked.

"Guess!" After Huang Xin finished speaking, she stuffed the small piece of apple she was holding into her sexy red lips and looked at Xu Hao with a smile.

Seeing that Huang Xin was staring at him, Xu Hao's face couldn't help but turn red, as she felt uncomfortable all over. Giving an awkward cough, Xu Hao stood up and said: "Sis Xin, it's getting late, I'll be leaving first." With that, Xu Hao ran out of the room with her tail between her legs. He could not figure out what Huang Xin's eyes meant. Her intuition told Xu Hao that this was not a good thing. Since this was not a good thing, of course she had to hurry up and leave.

Looking at Xu Hao's sorry state of fleeing, the corner of Huang Xin's mouth curled into a smile: "Little brat, with just this bit of cultivation, you want to take advantage of me!" After she finished speaking, Huang Xin, on the other hand, let out a "puchi" as the flower branches started to tremble uncontrollably.

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