At around six o'clock, Bai Niu arrived at Bai Yan's residence.

Looking at Bai Niu's 1.8m big size, Xu Hao could not help but to be startled, this was truly a person who lived up to his name. Bai Niu was as strong as an ox.

"Bro, you're here." Bai Yan, who was busy in the kitchen, also quickly came out and greeted Bai Niu. After briefly introducing him to Bai Niu, he hurriedly entered the kitchen.

Bai Niu was one of those people that got familiar with others. After sitting down, he took out a cigarette and handed it to Xu Hao. Xu Hao skillfully received the cigarette, then quickly picked up the lighter on the tea table and lit it for Bai Niu.

The two of them conversed for a bit before Bai Niu started asking about the project. Xu Hao gave a general overview of the project, and then said: "To tell you the truth, Big Brother Bai, this project is not very complicated, it only involves a few things …"

"What is it? Just tell me." Bai Niu said casually.

After speaking briefly about Yang Long's ban on Longwan Village Engineering, Xu Hao said: "Brother Bai, I won't make things difficult for you. After all, your engineering team needs to rely on the construction of a company to survive.

"I thought it was something big. I have long hated that damn fatty Yang Long. Don't worry, I will take over this project. At most, I'll take my brothers to other construction companies. These few years, a company has bullied our dependent construction teams quite a bit. "If it wasn't for us, the dependent construction teams, who work day and night on such big projects, they wouldn't have been able to finish the work on time!" Hearing Yang Long's name, Bai Niu was obviously very excited. It could be seen that Bai Niu had suffered a lot from Yang Long's anger these past few years as well.

Hearing Bai Niu's loud voice from the living room, Bai Yan thought that Xu Hao was unhappy and quickly ran out from the kitchen.

Seeing the two of them chatting happily, Bai Yan smiled speechlessly, and then said: "Alright, alright. Don't just sit there, come to the kitchen and get the dishes ready for dinner. "

When it was time to eat, Bai Niu had actually intended to drink some wine. But Bai Yan and Xu Hao simultaneously thought of that incident with the Longwan Village, so Bai Yan resolutely opposed drinking, "We still have to talk business later, you are not allowed to drink."

Although Bai Niu was tall and big, he was very afraid of his little sister. Therefore, when Bai Yan said that drinking is not allowed, Bai Niu had no choice but to agree.

Hearing Bai Yan say that drinking is not allowed, Xu Hao obviously knew, and Bai Yan must have definitely thought of the matter of Longwan Village back then. Originally, Xu Hao had thought that if she drank too much, he would be able to sleep with Bai Yan. But now, it seemed that such a possibility did not exist anymore.

"Big Brother, about that manager Yang thing, will it really not affect you?" Although Bai Niu said that it was fine, Bai Yan was still a bit worried.

"Little sister, don't worry, I have long disliked that bullsh * t Yang Long!" The moment Yang Long was mentioned, Bai Niu's anger rose, "This grandson Yang Long, not only is our wages deducted, he also often delays until the end of the year before he is released. The brothers no longer wanted to work in his hands. We have to put in effort. As long as we have the strength, we can't earn any money! "

After a brief discussion at the dining table, the three of them decided to go and take a look at Longwan Village the next day. If there were no problems, they could start the construction in two days.

Early morning on the second day, Xu Hao and Bai Yan rode on Bai Niu's car and went straight to the Longwan Village. Accompanying them was a young man from Bai Niu's engineering team. His name was Wang Bin.

The reason why Bai Niu brought Wang Bin along this time was mainly to assess the difficulty of the construction and to calculate the funds needed for the entire project.

On the way, Xu Hao explained the situation of the project, "Brother Bai, Wang Bin, take a look." Xu Hao pointed to the dirt road that they were on, and said: "The main thing is to build a asphalt road from town to Longwan Village, and then it will be just some basic works on Vegetable Base."

Bai Niu and Wang Bin were also observing the road conditions along the way, as if they knew what was going on.

When Xu Hao and his group arrived at the Longwan Village, it was already almost noon. Hee Dahai and the rest were already waiting at the entrance of the village.

Hearing that Xu Hao had introduced him as the leader of the construction team, Hee Dahai even more so greeted him enthusiastically, afraid that his poor hospitality would affect the road construction in the village.

After a simple rest at Hee Dahai's home and some food, Xu Hao and his group once again followed Hee Dahai to the Vegetable Base area to inspect carefully. Xu Hao's plan for the Vegetable Base was very simple as well. Other than the necessary wall, there was only a row of office space, as well as a few one-meter-wide, criss-crossing paths within the Vegetable Base.

After taking a careful look around, Wang Bin had already memorized some of the necessary data. Returning back to Hee Dahai's home, Bai Wangbin organized the data in his records. After that, he calculated the amount of funds needed for the entire project using simple calculations.

"I've calculated it already. Including the materials and labor costs, it would need around 450,000 to 500,000 yuan." Wang Bin passed the calculated numbers to Xu Hao and Bai Niu, and said: "If there are no accidents, then it is basically this number."

"Xiao Wang, Brother Xu Hao is one of our people, you haven't miscalculated the money right?" Bai Niu looked at Wang Bin and asked.

"Brother Bai, I've listed the materials in detail here. They are all materials, labor fees, as well as some machinery and vehicles rental fees." Wang Bin quickly explained as well.

Xu Hao knew that the price that Wang Bin had offered was extremely reasonable. After all, Yang Long had looked around for people to calculate before, and the price he had offered was five hundred and fifty thousand. Later on, it was due to his personal reasons that the price increased to seven hundred thousand.

"Brother Bai, I can accept this price." Putting down the price calculation form that Wang Bin gave him, Xu Hao said: "Brother Bai, I will give you this batch of project fees in one go. "There are no other requirements, just that I want to finish it as soon as possible."

"Brother Xu Hao, don't worry. When we return today, I will start preparing. We will definitely start construction within three days." Bai Niu said with complete righteousness. This was something his sister had personally instructed him to do, so he naturally didn't dare to be careless.

"Then the one in charge of building a company …" Xu Hao knew that Bai Niu's people were all working on the construction of a company.

"That damn fatty with the surname Yang owes us two months of wages. This time, we will also give him a hard time, letting that damn fatty know how strong we are." This time, Bai Niu was really proud of himself. In the past, he had to pretend to be a grandson under Yang Long's hands. All year round, he didn't make much money. So, this time, Bai Niu was not determined to stay in the One Building Company. After doing this project with Xu Hao, he would just have to find another construction company to rely on. They were a mature engineering team, and there was no need to worry about not having a construction company willing to take them.

Bai Niu was confident and was not afraid of Yang Long's threats at all!

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