Bai Niu's side was extremely fast, in just three days, his construction team had already reached the Longwan Village. The arrival of the construction team also allowed Hee Dahai's anxious heart to be completely at ease.

With the arrival of the construction team, they did not even need to be greeted by Hee Dahai before they went to receive the engineering team.

When Bai Niu and his team prepared to start the construction, Xu Hao's Vegetable Base had also officially started growing the vegetables. To Xu Hao, time was now money. He had to make the first batch of vegetables grow as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not be able to make ends meet.

Although the ten villagers and Hee Dahai did not understand why Xu Hao was so anxious about planting the vegetables, they did not understand. However, Xu Hao was the boss, no matter what he wanted to do, the big guy would naturally do it.

"Uncle He, I'll be troubling you with the matter of Vegetable Base. When you're free, help me keep an eye on it." After transporting all the vegetables and seeds to the Longwan Village, Xu Hao went to find Hee Dahai, Liu Zhonghua and the others.

Although they did not need to work, they could at least help to monitor the situation with Vegetable Base. Xu Hao couldn't stay in the Longwan Village often, so he really couldn't guarantee that the ten people he hired would work diligently. Although the ten people that Xu Hao had chosen were all good, under the premise of lacking supervision, no matter how important they were, they would still be lazy.

"Xu, don't worry about the Vegetable Base. Since we have accepted your money and are willing to be your advisors, we must contribute a lot. " Hee Dahai promised. No matter what, they still had 1% of the shares other than the 1000 yuan they get every month. If this Vegetable Base earned money, they would be able to get more, wouldn't that be?

After returning from the Longwan Village, Xu Hao paid a visit to Tang Jing once again. His Vegetable Base was primarily aimed at supplying for the high end markets, while Tang Jing was Xu Hao's number one target client. If he did not quickly negotiate with Tang Jing, when the vegetables for Vegetable Base matured, he would be blind.

Xu Hao's arrival caused Tang Jing to be slightly shocked, but she still got someone to invite Xu Hao in.

Tang Jing was dressed very professionally today. A white skintight shirt with a tight waist revealed her perfect figure and slim waist. A beige skintight dress accentuated her straight and long legs that were wrapped in black stockings. On her delicate little feet, there was a pair of white lady's shoes.

Seeing Xu Hao, Tang Jing nodded at him before sitting on the office's guest sofa, while Xu Hao sat opposite of him.

Raising his head and looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing went straight to the point: "Why are you free today to come to my place?"

"Look at what you said Miss Tang, didn't I come here to thank you?" Xu Hao laughed and said: "Miss Tang, do you still remember what I told you at the entrance of the police station the last time?"

Hearing that Xu Hao still dared to mention what he said at the entrance of the police station, Tang Jing's face immediately changed. The last time she went to get Xu Hao out of the police station, she didn't expect that not only was Xu Hao not grateful to her, he had even said that cooperating with her was the best form of repayment. Does she, Tang Jing, still need a partner?

"Then I will have to trouble Mr. Xu. My apologies, I do not have any thoughts of cooperating with you, please go back." With that, Tang Jing straightforwardly sent out the order to expel the guest.

Tang Jing's words stunned Xu Hao. He simply could not continue. However, at this time, Xu Hao absolutely could not leave. If he left, what about Vegetable Base?

As a result, at this time, even though Xu Hao had heard Tang Jing's order to leave, he still shamelessly pretended not to hear, and continued to linger on.

"Miss Tang, let me briefly describe my situation …" Xu Hao turned a deaf ear to Tang Jing's order to leave, and instead began to introduce the situation of the Vegetable Base by himself.

Hearing the scale of Xu Hao's Vegetable Base, Tang Jing was a little shocked. Although she had a few stable vegetable suppliers, they were not large. The largest one of them was less than 30 mu. If Xu Hao really had the Vegetable Base of one hundred mu, to be able to steadily provide her with all kinds of green vegetables, it would be a pretty good choice.

Until Xu Hao finished his introduction, Tang Jing did not interrupt him.

After Xu Hao finished speaking, he could not help but raise his head and look at Tang Jing. Logically speaking, at this time, Tang Jing should have asked a few questions, could it be that this woman was not curious at all?

To Xu Hao's disappointment, Tang Jing did not have any intention to inquire. As a last resort, Xu Hao had to say it out loud herself: "Miss Tang, if you cooperate with me, I promise I won't disappoint you. I can grow delicious fruit, and I can grow better vegetables. "

"Is that so?" The word "indifferent" popped out from Tang Jing's mouth. Tang Jing stared at Xu Hao and asked: "Why should I believe you?"

"I …" Xu Hao was speechless, why was Tang Jing such a woman not willing to enter? Just that, at the current stage, if she did not finish discussing about Tang Jing, this big client, his Vegetable Base might not even have begun, and she would die prematurely. For the sake of this Vegetable Base, Xu Hao had invested all of his wealth.

"Can't say it? "In that case, please go back." Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao, and once again, issued the order to leave.

This time, Xu Hao was really a little angry. He stood up, looked at Tang Jing and said: "Miss Tang, are you sure you want to do this to such an extent? "I know that you may be prejudiced against me because of some matters, but I'm here to talk to you about cooperation. You should put aside those preconceptions …"

"It's not your turn to teach me a lesson." Tang Jing's beautiful face turned cold, and said: "Please leave now!"

"You will regret it." With that said, Xu Hao turned and left Tang Jing's office.

The moment Xu Hao left, Tang Jing stood up, returned to the boss' chair behind her desk and sat down. Then, he called Liang Hongyu in.

"President Tang, you were looking for me?" Standing in front of the desk, Liang Hongyu said respectfully.

"Go and help me investigate the hundred mu of Vegetable Base that Xu Hao mentioned. The more detailed the data, the better." As Tang Jing spoke, the corners of her mouth revealed a rare smile, and she said: "This Xu Family's descendant, is becoming harder and harder to see through. "Originally, I thought that with the accumulation of his first funds, he would enter the capital market and even start a small company. I never thought that he would actually start a small company."

"Yes, President Tang, I will send people to investigate immediately." Liang Hongyu did not accept Tang Jing's second half of the sentence. He knew very well that as the boss's assistant, he had to say whatever he wanted to say.

Waving her hand, Tang Jing allowed Liang Hongyu to leave, while she stood up and took out the detailed information about Xu Hao that she had investigated previously from the safe behind him, and started reading it carefully.

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