After exiting the Yimei Health Care Centre, Xu Hao couldn't help but feel a little lost. If he really did not have the support of Tang Jing, this big customer, could he still hold on with his Vegetable Base? However, he had already spoken his big words just now. If he were to turn around and find Tang Jing, he would not be able to take it lying down.

"This matter is rather troublesome." Xu Hao rubbed his head, he did not expect the situation to turn out like this. Only, Xu Hao had yet to think of a way to resolve this crisis in front of him. Initially, the reason he wanted to obtain Vegetable Base was to provide vegetables for Tang Jing's Yimei Health Care Centre, but who would have thought that he would fall out with Tang Jing?

Fortunately, Xu Hao was not a compassionate person. Although things were in a crisis, with regards to the Vegetable Base, he did not turn his head around to shoot, and had to continue. As for the sales, he could only slowly think of a way.

After returning home, Xu Hao habitually arrived at the mysterious space. Compared to before, there wasn't much of a change in space. However, around the apple tree, some grass had already grown out. Xu Hao was pleasantly surprised by this change.

Leaning on the apple tree, Xu Hao ate a few apples, rested for a while, and then exited the dimension. After calculating the time, it was almost time for Huang Xin to get off work. Just as Xu Hao was about to call Huang Xin, his phone suddenly rang.

"The two of us really have the same thoughts." Looking at the caller ID that displayed Huang Xin's name, Xu Hao laughed and quickly picked up.

"Xu Hao, why haven't you picked up the phone?" When the call connected, Huang Xin asked with some complaints.

Xu Hao was startled, and immediately reacted. Previously, when he was in that mysterious space, there was naturally no signal. So he gave a vague explanation, and then asked: "Sis Xin, what are you calling me for?"

"Is there time tonight? "Let's have a meal together." Huang Xin's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Hearing Huang Xin's invitation, Xu Hao was stunned, this was the first time Huang Xin took the initiative to ask him out to eat. Why did it feel like a dream? Thinking of this, Xu Hao wanted to pinch himself.

"What is it? Is there something I can't take off? " Xu Hao had not answered the entire time, so he asked.

"I have time, I have time. When the Sis Xin invites you, even if you don't have time, you still have to find time. " Xu Hao snickered, then asked about the time and place to eat.

"Bitch." After Huang Xin told Xu Hao the time and place on the phone, she hung up.

Even after he put down the phone, Xu Hao was still thinking about how he should eat with Huang Xin. This was completely illogical. However, all of these weren't important anymore. Xu Hao immediately went to take a bath, find a set of relatively fresh clothes to change into, and then went straight to the western restaurant he had agreed to meet with Huang Xin.

As soon as he walked into the Western Restaurant, Xu Hao saw Huang Xin dressed in professional attire. Such a beautiful woman could be seen by anyone in a single glance.

"Here …" Huang Xin also saw Xu Hao, and immediately waved at him.

As he walked towards Huang Xin, Xu Hao could clearly feel the jealousy of the surrounding men.

"Sis Xin, why did you suddenly think of asking me out for a meal? Is this considered a date? " Once he sat down, Xu Hao asked with a sneer.

"What the hell did I ask you out for? I came looking for you for a reason." Giving Xu Hao a supercilious look, Huang Xin said: "There's still one more person, we'll be there soon."

"Who is it that is so mysterious?" Xu Hao could not help but look towards Huang Xin and ask.

Huang Xin only laughed, and did not reply.

"Sis Xin, that smile of yours has a deep meaning." Xu Hao said as he extended his hand out and grabbed onto Huang Xin's little hand.

She rolled her eyes at Xu Hao, who asked: "You don't want your dog paws anymore, right?"

"Of course not." As Xu Hao spoke, he quickly retracted his hand and obediently sat in front of Huang Xin, staring at him.

Being stared at by Xu Hao made his blush. Huang Xin said: "Why are you staring at me?"

"I like you." Xu Hao said very straightforwardly.

Huang Xin rolled her eyes and said: "That's enough, big sis isn't that kind of girl, she could be coaxed by you with just a few words."

The two of them waited for around ten minutes. Finally, the person Huang Xin wanted to wait for arrived late.

Seeing the person, Xu Hao was stunned, because the person who had come was Yao Ruili.

"Sis Xin, what do you mean by that?" Seeing Yao Ruili coming over, Xu Hao immediately stood up, pointed at Yao Ruili and questioned him. Xu Hao was truly a little angry.

Huang Xin had clearly asked for him, why did she still call him Yao Ruili? Could it be that Sis Xin had already agreed to be Yao Ruili's girlfriend? But, didn't Sis Xin say that she wouldn't talk about boyfriends for a short period of time?

In just an instant, countless thoughts flashed past Xu Hao's mind, and his anger towards Yao Ruili naturally rose even higher.

Yao Ruili had also felt Xu Hao's anger, and he was currently extremely depressed as well. As the pride of the heavens, how could he be willing to lower his head to Xu Hao? However, he had no choice but to lower her head. Who allowed Xu Hao to hug his leg because of Tang Family?

Although he did not know the specific relationship between Xu Hao and Tang Family, he could tell that Xu Hao definitely had a connection with Tang Family from the incident where Liang Hongyu had personally appeared at the police station to save Xu Hao. Moreover, in these few days, he had used the power of the Yao Family to look around. He discovered that this Xu Hao actually had some connections with Tang Jing. Tang Jing was the granddaughter that the old man Tang Family doted on the most!

Yao Ruili didn't even want to think about what kind of existence Tang Family were. As long as the Tang Family was willing, with just a slight move of the pinky, the Yao Family would be eternally doomed. Therefore, after considering it over and over again, Yao Ruili decided to give in to Xu Hao.

"Xu Hao, I asked Miss Huang to ask you out this time." Looking at Xu Hao, Yao Ruili said somewhat embarrassedly: "I'm worried about inviting you out, but you won't come out."

"Why are you looking for me?" Turning his head to look at Yao Ruili, Xu Hao directly asked.

"The things that happened before, the misunderstanding between us, it was all my fault. I'll apologize to you." Yao Ruili looked at Xu Hao. Although his heart was filled with hate, he still apologized, "Also, there's nothing going on between me and Miss Huang …"

"Are you done?" Glancing at Yao Ruili, Xu Hao asked.

Xu Hao's words directly caused Yao Ruili to stand there in embarrassment. He didn't know how to say the words that were about to reach his mouth.

Fortunately, Huang Xin opened her mouth in time to smooth things over, "Today President Yao said that she hoped that I could bring you out. He wanted to explain everything that happened before to you, I agreed without your permission, you won't be angry with me, right?" After she finished speaking, Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao, her heart beating like a drum.

"Sis Xin, there's no need to be so polite between us." Xu Hao was angry at Yao Ruili, but he would definitely not vent his anger at Huang Xin because of this.

"Then... I won't disturb the two of you, if there's anything I, Yao Ruili, can help you with, please feel free to speak. " Yao Ruili said as he put down a cheque and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment." Just as Yao Ruili turned around, Xu Hao called out to him.

Turning his head, he looked at Xu Hao. Yao Ruili did not understand what he meant.

"Take your money and leave." Xu Hao would definitely not take money that Yao Ruili had given him. If he took another man's money in front of a woman he liked, how could he, Xu Hao, put his face?

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