Being held by Xu Hao's hand, and thinking back to the past two times when he was in this room, Bai Yan's beautiful face couldn't help but turn red. He immediately opened Xu Hao's hands and said: "Hao, stop messing around. Aunt is a bit tired after a long day. " With that, Bai Yan ran out of Xu Hao's room with a red face.

Just as he left the room, he coincidentally met Bai Niu who was walking in from the outside. Seeing her sister being so flustered, Bai Niu could not help but ask: "Little Yan, what's wrong?"

"Huh?" Bai Yan stared blankly for a moment, then hurriedly said: "Big bro, there's nothing to do. I'm a little tired, so I'll go to sleep first. You should also go to sleep earlier." Then, he rushed back to her room.

He looked at the abnormal Bai Yan, and then looked in the direction Bai Yan had ran in just now. Bai Niu pondered for a moment, shook her head, and then, walked towards her own room.

Early morning of the second day, Xu Hao was woken up by the noise coming from outside. Because the workers in the construction team were all eating at Hee Dahai's home, it was very noisy this early in the morning.

When Xu Hao got up, he saw Bai Yan, Aunt Hee and a few women from the village busy cooking breakfast, while in the courtyard, there were workers from all over the place eating breakfast. After breakfast, they would have to go to the construction site and replace the night shift from yesterday.

Seeing that Xu Hao woke up so early, Bai Yan immediately went to wash his face, "Wash your face first, wait for the workers to finish eating before I make you breakfast."

"No need, no need, I'll just eat as I please." Xu Hao did not want Bai Yan to overwork herself and immediately said.

After breakfast, the workers went straight to the construction site. After Xu Hao finished his meal, he also suggested to go to the construction site to have a look.

Under Bai Yan's lead, Xu Hao first went to the construction site. Although it had only been a week, the project had already been completed by a quarter. This progress exceeded Bai Niu's and his expectations.

On the construction site, everyone was busy doing their work, and Xu Hao was too embarrassed to stay at the construction site for too long, hence he followed Bai Yan to the construction site of Vegetable Base.

The Vegetable Base s did not have many workers assigned to it. Their main task was to build the walls and office space for the Vegetable Base s.

The progress of the construction was not slow either. One third of the progress of the wall had already been completed. The road repair work was also going on synchronously.

Although the workers had paid great attention to the construction, it was inevitable that they would step on the newly sprouted seedlings. Looking at those crushed vegetable seedlings, Bai Yan felt her heart ache. After all, these were all money.

"Aunt Bai, look, these are all places to pass through. Even if the workers don't step on them, these vegetables won't grow." Xu Hao looked at Bai Yan's pained expression and quickly said.

The two of them walked around the Vegetable Base briefly before Bai Yan prepared to return with Xu Hao. Seeing that it was almost noon, she went back to prepare some food.

"Aunt Bai, let's go over to take a look." It is a good chance for us to get Longwan Village, but not for us to have a chance to improve ourselves. " Xu Hao naturally did not want to go back. He still wanted to be alone with Bai Yan for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Yan nodded and agreed. Although Bai Yan was not a person from the Longwan Village, she had a general understanding of her surroundings in the past few days.

Leading Xu Hao, the two of them gradually distanced themselves from the village. Not far from the village, there was a small mountain. Xu Hao proposed to go up the mountain to have a look. The view of Longwan Village was not bad, especially this mountain. If they were to build a villa on the mountainside, they would definitely fight for it!

As soon as they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they could clearly feel that the temperature in the surrounding area was a little lower than in the village.

"How cool." As Xu Hao said this, he observed Bai Yan's expression, and then, bravely, he extended his hand and gently grasped Bai Yan's small hand.

The moment Xu Hao held Bai Yan's hand, Bai Yan felt as if she was electrocuted, and her body involuntarily trembled. Bai Yan wanted to retract her hand, but Xu Hao firmly held onto his hand and refused to let go.

Seeing Xu Hao's scoundrel look, Bai Yan was both angry and amused. After rolling her eyes at Xu Hao, Bai Yan asked: "What? And like when I was a kid, my aunt took your hand and played around with you? "

When Bai Yan mentioned her childhood, Xu Hao felt a little awkward. When Bai Yan first arrived at Xu Hao's home, she was only ten years old, but at that time, Bai Yan was already an extremely beautiful woman. Therefore, at that time, if Xu Hao had nothing to do, she would just hold Bai Yan's hand and stroll around! Bai Yan treated Xu Hao as a child, so naturally, she wouldn't think too much about her.

"That's right, Aunt Bai. When I hold your hand, I feel at ease." Xu Hao glanced at Bai Yan and said. These words were not made up by Xu Hao. When he was young, he held onto Bai Yan's hand and felt a sense of assurance.

"Oh you, you …" Bai Yan dotingly glanced at Xu Hao, then no longer opposed the matter of Xu Hao holding her hand.

Holding hands, the two of them slowly walked up the mountain. After walking for a while, the two were tired. Xu Hao found a cool place and said: "Aunt Bai, let's rest here for a while. This place is really cool!"

"The temperature of this mountain is indeed much lower than the temperature below." Bai Yan nodded. After sitting down, he wanted to let go of Xu Hao's hand, but Xu Hao still firmly held onto her hand and did not let go.

After accompanying Bai Yan for a while, Xu Hao suddenly looked at Bai Yan and asked: "Aunt Bai, can I lie on your lap?"

Bai Yan was startled, her beautiful face immediately flushed red, she immediately shook her head and said: "No!"

"But it's not comfortable lying down like this." Xu Hao looked at Bai Yan, simply acting pitiful.

Seeing that Xu Hao was just lying on the grass, Bai Yan hesitated for a moment before stretching out his leg and saying: "Then rest your back on my leg and don't move around, do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes!" Xu Hao nodded his head repeatedly, yet his heart was a little pleased with himself. This at least meant that in Bai Yan's heart, he did not reject him at all. Adding to the few times he had with Bai Yan, this couldn't help but cause Xu Hao's mind to become even more lively.

Of course, Xu Hao knew that he couldn't rush things! If he went overboard today, then he wouldn't have the chance to be alone with Bai Yan in the future. All of them had to be careful to the point.

"Aunt Bai, when we get more money in the future, we will build a villa on this mountain. What do you think? "When you have nothing to do, come over and stay for a while!" Pointing to his surroundings, Xu Hao said to Bai Yan.

Giving Xu Hao a doting glance, Bai Yan only laughed, but did not speak.

After the two of them stayed on the mountain for over an hour, Bai Yan said: "Alright, let's go back. Otherwise, since they didn't see us when we were eating, they might as well get anxious. "

In the distance, Xu Hao saw the construction team's few large carts moving towards the village. Xu Hao knew that the workers were preparing to go back to eat lunch.

"Let's go down the mountain!" As Xu Hao said this, he still held onto Bai Yan's hand and walked down the mountain.

Bai Yan glanced at Xu Hao and knew that Xu Hao did not plan to let go of her hand. Thinking that there was no one else here, Bai Yan silently allowed Xu Hao to hold her hand.

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