Xu Hao had originally planned to stay at the Longwan Village for a few days, but Sun Xiaowen's call had disrupted her plans.

Two days ago, Xu Hao said that he would give Sun Family an additional twenty bags of flowery soil, but even though Sun Xiaowen was waiting on the left and right, she did not manage to find any flower soil that Xu Hao had sent over. Although he couldn't help but call Xu Hao, for the sake of Sun Family, she had to make this call.

After he answered the phone, Sun Xiaowen's cold voice came out, "Xu Hao, what is the meaning of this?"

"What's wrong with me?" Xu Hao was a little dazed. He did not know how he offended this little girl Sun Xiaowen again.

Hearing Xu Hao's answer, Sun Xiaowen became even angrier. Could it be that Xu Hao was simply toying with her the last time they met? Thinking about that, Sun Xiaowen really wanted to bite off Xu Hao. However, for the sake of Sun Family, Sun Xiaowen had to bear with it and brought up the matter of the flower earth.

Once Sun Xiaowen said this, Xu Hao couldn't help but smack his forehead and say: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've been so busy these past few days that I forgot about this matter! "Well, tomorrow, I'll personally deliver the flower soil to you, okay?"

"Thank you." After Sun Xiaowen finished speaking, she did not wait for Xu Hao to speak and hung up the phone.

Hearing the tweeting on the phone, Xu Hao was a little speechless.

Because he wanted to prepare some flowers and dirt for Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao had no choice but to return to the Jiangcheng. coincidentally, the construction team needed to return to the Jiangcheng to buy the materials, so Xu Hao decided to take a ride on the wind. Once he reached the Jiangcheng, Xu Hao immediately took a taxi to return home.

After returning home, the first thing Xu Hao did was to fill twenty bags full of dirt for Sun Xiaowen. He was prepared to send them over to Sun Xiaowen tomorrow morning. This time, it was indeed his fault, because he had forgotten about cooperating with Tang Jing.

After filling up the soil, Xu Hao then comfortably took a bath, and then, he went and knocked on Huang Xin's door.

Huang Xin who was eating heard someone knocking on the door and immediately came to open it. Seeing Xu Hao standing at the door, Huang Xin was a little surprised, "Where have you been these past few days? I thought you weren't coming back! "

"Sis Xin, why do I feel jealous hearing your words?" Xu Hao judged the cool-dressed Huang Xin as he said this with a pout.

"Do you believe that I'll beat you up?" Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao with dissatisfaction and waved her fist. Of course, in other words, Huang Xin would not truly attack Xu Hao.

Xu Hao had already figured out Huang Xin's temperament. With a chuckle, he walked towards Huang Xin's home. Xu Hao walked straight to the table's edge and picked up his chopsticks and bowl, preparing to eat.

Seeing Xu Hao pick up his own tableware and wolfing it down, Huang Xin was speechless. "That's my tableware!"

"It's fine, Sis Xin, I don't mind you." Xu Hao said, and began to eat again.

After a while, Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao speechlessly and said: "Eat slower, no one will snatch it away from you!"

"Sis Xin, you are so nice." Xu Hao mumbled as he started to eat.

Seeing how tasty Xu Hao's food was, Huang Xin, who was almost done eating, sat opposite of him and asked: "Have you been busy with matters regarding the Vegetable Base these past few days?"

"Yes, I went to look at the Longwan Village and stayed at the construction site for two days." As Xu Hao said that, he could not help but raise his head to look at Huang Xin. He did not expect that Huang Xin was actually concerned about his matters.

Seeing Xu Hao staring at her, Huang Xin asked: "Why are you staring at me?"

"Sis Xin, I didn't expect you to be so concerned about me." Xu Hao laughed, but just as he was about to take advantage of the situation, he saw Huang Xin's eyes filled with killing intent and tactfully shut his mouth.

After eating, Xu Hao had originally planned to stay behind with Huang Xin, but Huang Xin had directly ordered him to leave. Seeing Xu Hao's malicious eyes, Huang Xin felt that it would be safer to chase this Little Bastard out first.


On the second day, Xu Hao finally had a rare lazy nap. During the past two days at Longwan Village, he had been awoken around six o'clock every day.

After going downstairs to eat breakfast, Xu Hao found a van to cart the goods in, and then transported all twenty bags of flowery soil to the lower floor of Shengshi Floral Chain Store.

He dialed Sun Xiaowen's number, and said: "President Sun, the flower soil has already been delivered to the company. Why don't you arrange for someone to come and receive it?"

"Ah?" "Really?" Originally, she thought that Xu Hao would drag it out for a few more days. She did not expect that this early in the morning, Xu Hao would deliver the flower soil to her.

"President Sun, do you think I would joke around with you this early in the morning?" Xu Hao asked in a speechless manner.

"Sorry, sorry, I was too excited. Wait for me for a while." Sun Xiaowen said as she ran downstairs in a hurry.

Seeing the minivan that was stopped not far away, Sun Xiaowen immediately jogged over. Xu Hao pushed open the door of the minivan as well and alighted.

Looking at Xu Hao, Sun Xiaowen's beautiful face flushed red. Recalling the matter at the teahouse last time, Sun Xiaowen felt a little awkward. However, even if she was embarrassed, she still had to accept this flowery soil.

Seeing that the van was neatly filled with twenty bags of flowery soil, Sun Xiaowen was in a good mood, "Thank you, thank you. Could I trouble you to send this soil to the Nursery Base of our Sun Family! "

The driver in the car heard and quickly said, "It's fine to send it over, but it needs more money."

"Sure, no problem." Sun Xiaowen immediately agreed. This flowery soil was priceless. No matter how much money was added, she was willing.

He gave Yang Qian a call, and very quickly, Yang Qian drove a car over. Sun Xiaowen hesitated for a moment, then invited Xu Hao onto the carriage.

Seeing Sun Xiaowen's unwilling look, Xu Hao was too lazy to take Sun Xiaowen's car, and said: "I'll just take the van, it's comfortable." With that said, Xu Hao got into the van.

The van followed behind Sun Xiaowen's car and headed towards Sun Family.

At this moment, Yang Qian, who was driving, glanced at Sun Xiaowen and asked: "Wenwen, why did you invite Xu Hao to the car just now? Didn't you say that men were not allowed to sit in your car?"

"Sister Qian, I was just being polite with Xu Hao. No matter what, Xu Hao also gave us twenty bags of flower soil." Sun Xiaowen was puzzled as to why she invited Xu Hao to the carriage. Was it really out of courtesy?

With Sun Xiaowen's explanation, Yang Qian did not pursue the matter any further.

Very quickly, two cars, one in front and one behind, drove into Sun Family.

Sun Family took up a huge amount of space, and was close to eight hundred acres in size. This allowed the Sun Family to have the confidence to expand! It was precisely because of this Nursery Base which took up a total of 800 mu that when Sun Family expanded crazily, one did not have to worry about the problem of not being able to supply flowers.

While he was in the carriage, Xu Hao had already called Sun Mingde who was in charge of the Nursery Base. As a result, the moment the two cars entered Nursery Base, they saw Sun Mingde waiting there.

Seeing Xu Hao walking over from the car, Sun Mingde politely walked over and held Xu Hao's hand, saying: "Little friend Xu Hao, thank you, really too much!" After he finished speaking, Sun Mingde held Xu Hao's hand and refused to let go for a long time …

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