After arranging for the workers to unload the flowers and soil, Sun Mingde enthusiastically led Xu Hao to tour the Nursery Base. This Nursery Base was definitely one of the core industries of the Sun Family, and was also one of the trump cards of the Sun Family.

Compared to the Nursery Base, Xu Hao's Vegetable Base was a little shabby. However, Xu Hao was confident that he could surpass Sun Family in a few years!

"Not only is our Sun Family the biggest, our Nursery Base is also number one in the entire province. Even in the entire country, it's still one of the top. " Sun Mingde proudly introduced the situation of his Nursery Base.

After walking around Nursery Base for a bit, Sun Mingde invited Xu Hao to Nursery Base's canteen for a work meal. Although it was just a dining hall, whether it was the dishes or the taste, it was not inferior to the restaurants outside. Looks like Sun Family really did attach importance to this side of Nursery Base.

During dinner time, Sun Mingde would take the initiative to mention the matter of his previous experiments failing. Originally, they had used the flower soil provided by Xu Hao to cultivate two mutated orchids. If nothing unexpected happened, these two orchids would definitely shine during this year's Orchid Expo. However, the heavens did not allow it. Within a few days, these two orchids died.

Hearing Sun Mingde mention orchids, Xu Hao suddenly thought that Huang Xin seemed to like orchids a lot too. Therefore, Xu Hao wanted to go to the Sun Family to cultivate orchids. Sun Mingde hesitated for a moment, then nodded his head and agreed.

Under Sun Mingde's guidance, Xu Hao visited the Orchid Seedling Center, which was the core of the Sun Family. Here, he created more than a third of the profits for the Sun Family every year. It could be considered to be the core of the Sun Family's core industries.

Xu Hao didn't really understand much about orchids, but even if one didn't know how to appreciate them, when they saw all kinds of orchids, they would sincerely sigh: "So beautiful!" Among them, there were even a few unique orchids, all of which were creations of the Sun Family. Even if it was the Sun Family, it was impossible for them to replicate it! It was a pure godsend item that he had stumbled upon by chance!

After visiting the Orchid Seedling Center, Sun Mingde invited Xu Hao to his office.

Although Sun Mingde did not care about the matters of the company, he had never let go of the matters of the Nursery Base.

Sitting on the office's guest sofa, Xu Hao casually chatted with Sun Mingde. Sun Xiaowen was actually quietly making tea for the two of them. It could be seen that Sun Xiaowen's skills in brewing tea were still not bad. At least, from the perspective of a layman like Xu Hao, he looked like one.

"Here, try the tea that Xiao Wen brewed." Sun Mingde glanced at Xu Hao, and picked up the teacup in front of him. Xu Hao imitated Sun Mingde's actions and raised his teacup.

With Xu Hao's age, it really wasn't suitable for drinking tea. After taking a shallow taste, Xu Hao naturally praised the taste to be good.

Sun Mingde only smiled and nodded, but did not say anything.

"Little friend Xu Hao, the reason I invited you to my office is because I want to talk about cooperation with you again." Looking up at Xu Hao, Sun Mingde said: "As you can see, our Sun Family is very strong. If there is enough of that kind of flowery soil, then our Sun Family can play a greater role! At that time, forget about the entire nation's markets, even the entire world's markets, our Sun Family will have the capital to enter … "

"Sorry, I told Miss Sun very clearly earlier." Looking towards Sun Mingde, Xu Hao said: "Taking a step back, even if I want to look for a partner, Sun Family isn't the best choice, right?"

"Xu Hao, why is our Sun Family not the best choice? Can other companies give the same conditions as our Sun Family? " Hearing Xu Hao's tone of voice, for some reason, Sun Xiaowen felt as if he was suffocating.

"Xiao Wen." Turning his head to look at Sun Xiaowen, Sun Mingde smiled as he looked at Xu Hao. He continued: "Fine, when Little Brother Xu Hao is interested, you can contact me anytime. Our Sun Family will open the door to cooperation with you at any time!"

"Thank you!" Xu Hao stood up, extended his hand, and said politely to Sun Mingde. Compared to Sun Xiaowen's impulse, Sun Mingde was much calmer. This was probably the reason why Sun Mingde had never placed his Nursery Base in Sun Xiaowen's hands. After all, any small mistake in the Nursery Base would likely lead to the destruction of the Sun Family!

After sending Xu Hao off from the Nursery Base, Sun Mingde gave him two pots of orchids and a car key.

Xu Hao was startled, and looked at Sun Mingde with a little confusion.

"I see that little friend Xu Hao seems to be interested in orchids. Although the quality of these two pots of orchids are not exceptional, they were carefully cultivated by our Sun Family." Sun Mingde smiled and said: "As for this carriage, if you don't mind, little friend Xu Hao, you can use it first."

"This... How embarrassing. " Xu Hao said somewhat embarrassedly. Sun Mingde sent his orchids and carriages. Although it was just a Volkswagen Passat, it was not a luxury car, but it was not cheap either.

"Compared to little friend Xu Hao helping my Sun Family, this is nothing." Sun Mingde laughed, then turned and looked at Sun Xiaowen.

Sun Xiaowen quickly took out a cheque and passed it to Sun Mingde.

"This is the sum of five hundred thousand dollars." Giving the cheque to Xu Hao, Sun Mingde said: "This time, if our Sun Family is lucky enough to keep our position as the president of the Jiangcheng Orchid Cultivation Association, this old man will definitely personally pay you a visit to thank you!"

"Elder Sun, you're too courteous. I don't need the money, just treat it as I bought this car. It just so happens that I also need a car. " Xu Hao looked at the two Passats in front of him and said. Now, Xu Hao truly felt that it was inconvenient to not have a car.

That's a big loss for you." Sun Mingde immediately said. Even if it was a new car, it wouldn't be worth half a million yuan, let alone a car that had been driving for more than half a year.

"It's fine, I don't need to buy a car at the moment. The procedures are too troublesome." Xu Hao said with a smile.

Sun Mingde nodded with a smile and did not persist. However, by telling Xu Hao clearly that the carriage would temporarily be hung under the Shengshi Floral Chain Store, it would be able to save him a lot of trouble.

After thanking Sun Mingde, Xu Hao then personally drove back to his home in the city.

With two pots of orchids suddenly added on, Xu Hao really did not know how to handle it.

First, he placed the orchids in a shady position on the balcony, then, Xu Hao started to think about how to handle the two pots of orchids. Giving it to Huang Xin seemed to be a good idea, but Xu Hao wanted to try and lure in the transmutation of the orchid himself.

Although he had only heard a simple explanation about the process from the technician at the Sun Family's Orchid Seedling Center, Xu Hao still wanted to give it a try. If he could really cultivate a unique orchid, then he could give it to Huang Xin for more reason.

Thinking about how Huang Xin would look like after receiving the orchids, Xu Hao couldn't help but become excited. With this thought, Xu Hao hurriedly entered that mysterious space, brought out quite a bit of soil, and then carefully added it into the orchid pot.

Although Xu Hao did not know the core technique to induce the changes in the orchids, but Xu Hao had this type of mysterious soil that allowed him to take as much as he wanted. And Sun Mingde had also said before that this mysterious soil had the ability to induce changes in the orchids.

Hehe, when the time comes, I will give these two pots of orchids to Sis Xin. Sis Xin would be so touched that she would cry and shout, then throw herself into my arms! As she thought about it, Xu Hao actually couldn't help but laugh out loud …

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