With a car, it was much easier to travel to and from Longwan Village. Therefore, in this period of time, as long as Xu Hao had time, he would run towards the Longwan Village. Firstly, it could deepen the relationship between him and Bai Yan, and secondly, it could also bear witness to the development of his Vegetable Base.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed and the road leading to town through the Vegetable Base Project was completed on the same day.

On the day that Longwan Village came to the town to clear the road, not only did a few leaders come, even a deputy mayor came to attend the ceremony. During the traffic ceremony, the deputy mayor first thanked Xu Hao for his contributions to the Longwan Village, and then announced the rewards for Xu Hao given by the city.

When he heard the deputy mayor announce that Xu Hao's Vegetable Base was exempt from taxes for three years, Xu Hao suspected that he had misheard. After all, according to Xu Hao's estimation of the turnover, three years of taxes wasn't a small amount.

"Thank you, thank you Mayor Wang and all the leaders in the city." Gripping Mayor Wang's hand tightly, Xu Hao expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart. Exempting three years of taxes was simply too important for Xu Hao, who had just started his career.

"President Xu is too polite. Our Jiangcheng wishes for more loving entrepreneurs like the President Xu. " Mayor Wang also said politely.

After the traffic ceremony, Mayor Wang still stayed behind to accompany the engineering team for dinner, and even called the engineering team captain, Bai Niu, to the main table. This made Bai Niu feel extremely flattered.

"Captain Bai, I heard from the Village Head Hee and the President Xu that you are doing this project without any profits. This kind of beneficent act of yours is worthy of admiration! " Mayor Wang said. He raised his cup and gave Bai Niu a toast.

Bai Niu was so excited that his hands were trembling. This was the deputy mayor, if it was in the past, he probably wouldn't even be able to catch a glimpse of him from afar. Lifting up his wine cup, Bai Niu finished the whole cup of wine in one gulp. Then, he said, "Thank you, Mayor Wang. We're all from the countryside, so we know what a road means to a village... "

Bai Niu's simple words had won Mayor Wang's high praise. Not only that, Mayor Wang had also given Bai Niu a name card, telling him that if there were any difficulties, he could go and find him.

After he had his fill, Mayor Wang organized a small group of colloquiums for the village cadres with Longwan Village and several other leaders of the town. He naturally praised Xu Hao's Vegetable Base greatly during this period, and called upon the Longwan Village to give Xu Hao more convenience, so as to stimulate the economic development of the Longwan Village.

It wasn't until 4 PM that Mayor Wang left because there were still things to do in the city.

This time, Mayor Wang's arrival stunned everyone. After all, it was impossible for Mayor Wang to ask about such a small matter. Then, there was only one reason why Mayor Wang had come this time — — to help Xu Hao!

Although the few leaders of the town did not say anything, they had already made up their minds. In the future, whenever Xu Hao requested, the entire town would approve. Otherwise, they wouldn't give face to the city.

After sending off the leaders of the town, Hee Dahai and the others all went to bed after drinking too much. This time, although Xu Hao drank quite a bit of wine, his mind was still relatively clear. At this moment, Xu Hao, Bai Niu and the others were sitting and chatting in Vegetable Base's office.

"Xu Hao, what do you think Mayor Wang means?" Bai Niu held Mayor Wang's name card and read it countless of times, as if he could not read enough no matter how hard he tried.

"I don't understand either." Xu Hao shook his head and said. Logically speaking, a small Vegetable Base should not be enough to attract the attention of the city leaders. Even if Xu Hao had invested a few million, it would still be alright. But including this road, Xu Hao's investment in the early stages was only around $600,000 to $700,000. In the eyes of the city leaders, this was nothing.

"Who cares what their leader's intentions are. Anyway, we don't need to pay taxes for at least three years." Bai Yan's thoughts were a bit simpler, right now, all she was thinking about was how to manage this Vegetable Base.

"Aunt Bai is right!" Looking at the delighted Bai Yan, Xu Hao said: "The first batch of vegetables from Vegetable Base has basically grown. It's time to send the first batch over to Tang Jing's side."

This first batch of vegetables would directly determine whether Tang Jing would work with them in the future. Therefore, Xu Hao's heart was thumping hard right now. After all, Tang Jing, this woman, definitely could not use any ordinary way of thinking! She was different from normal women! This was the impression that Xu Hao had of him in his heart.

That night, Xu Hao and Bai Yan organized the ten workers of the Vegetable Base together and harvested the ripe vegetables. After packing them up, they prepared to send them over to Tang Jing's Yimei Health Care Centre on the next day.

"Alright, Aunt Bai, it's getting late. You should rest early." The clock on the wall pointed to eleven o'clock, while Xu Hao and Bai Yan had just finished their work.

Rubbing her waist, Bai Yan said to Xu Hao: "Aunt is not tired. I'll check the vegetables again so that there won't be any problems. You can go rest first. " As she said that, Bai Yan went to go through the records again to ensure that there wouldn't be any problems tomorrow.

Taking advantage of this, Xu Hao called Liang Hongyu, telling him about the vegetables he would deliver to Yimei Health Care Centre tomorrow. Liang Hongyu had received Tang Jing's instructions long ago, so he naturally agreed without hesitation.

After hanging up Xu Hao's phone, Liang Hongyu immediately went to report this to Tang Jing.

Tang Jing who was lazily lying on the sofa seemed to be a completely different person from her in the company. Especially since Tang Jing was currently holding an oversized puppet that belonged to Hui Tai Lang, it made everyone even more shocked.

Liang Hongyu was obviously not surprised by this, after walking over, he explained the contents of the phone call to Xu Hao.

"Alright, I understand. "Just do as I said." As Tang Jing said that, she suddenly seemed to remember something, she looked at Liang Hongyu and asked: "Why did Mayor Wang run over today, didn't you say you could arrange someone to go over?"

Liang Hongyu was also very speechless. He told this matter to the Jiangcheng leader. However, the leaders of Jiangcheng did not know the meaning of randomly arranging a person's life. If Liang Hongyu did not stop him, the mayor of Jiangcheng would have gone over personally.

"Mayor Wang is ranked lower in the city, so he's not really a big leader." Liang Hongyu said somewhat embarrassedly. Of course he knew that Tang Jing had asked the Jiangcheng to arrange for the leaders to take care of Xu Hao, so his goal was naturally for Xu Hao to grow up as soon as possible. Only when Xu Hao's career reached a certain scale would he be able to smoothly step into the pit that he hoped Xu Hao would step into!

"Alright, let's do it like this. You are responsible for matters regarding Vegetable Base, so you don't need to report to me specifically. If you have any problems with Xu Hao, you can think of a way to get rid of them. If necessary, you can use a portion of your Tang Family's influence. " Tang Jing waved towards Liang Hongyu before she continued to watch the television. As for the television, it was shockingly "Happy Sheep and Hui Tai Lang". If people outside found out that the strong lady who could shake Jiangcheng with a stamp of her foot was actually watching such a childish cartoon, they would definitely be greatly shocked!

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