Returning to the house, Xu Hao found a large basin and poured all of the fish food he bought into it. He also added more soil from the mysterious space. After doing all that, Xu Hao started to add water to the pot and slowly stir it.

Very quickly, the fish food and the soil in the basin were mixed together.

Originally, Xu Hao had planned to continue working and slowly mix the fish food and mud into small balls. However, after hearing the sound of Huang Xin knocking on the door, Xu Hao could only give up on this idea for now.

"Sis Xin, I'll be there right away." Xu Hao rushed out the door and shouted.

"Then I won't lock the door." Huang Xin said, and turned to return home.

After washing his hands and cleaning them up, Xu Hao hurried out to Huang Xin's house for dinner.

Seeing Huang Xin cook a few dishes, Xu Hao was a little surprised. Usually, Huang Xin would only serve two dishes, which was just enough for the two of them to finish eating.

Looking towards Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked, "Sis Xin, today, this is..."

"Sis is happy, let's celebrate." Huang Xin smiled at Xu Hao and said.

Seeing Huang Xin like this, Xu Hao knew that Huang Xin had something good to do. Xu Hao immediately went forward and asked: "Sis Xin, what's the good news? Tell me." After saying that, Xu Hao reached out her hand, about to hug Huang Xin.

Her beautiful eyes rolled over at Xu Hao, who said: "Move away your dog paws!"

Laughing, Xu Hao also slowly understood Huang Xin's personality. Not only did he not let go of him, he wrapped his arms around Huang Xin's waist, saying, "Sis Xin, what's so good about this, tell me."

"I've been promoted. Deputy Manager, Human Resources." Because she was happy, Huang Xin did not mind Xu Hao's hands that were around her waist. As long as Xu Hao was not too excessive, Huang Xin would basically tacitly approve of Xu Hao's petty tricks.

"Really? Sis Xin, congratulations. " Xu Hao said as he carried Huang Xin and walked around the room. If Huang Xin had not stopped her, Xu Hao's mouth would have been planted straight into Huang Xin's mouth.

Seeing that Huang Xin's face did not look good, Xu Hao quickly put Huang Xin down and said: "Sis Xin, this is a joyous occasion, we must celebrate properly. How about a drink? "

Seeing Xu Hao's malicious expression, Huang Xin rolled her eyes and said, "Drinking your ass, you still have to go to work tomorrow. Hurry up and wash your hands and get ready for dinner. "

"Alright." Xu Hao said, and immediately headed towards the kitchen.

During the meal, Xu Hao naturally asked Huang Xin about her situation in detail. Hearing Huang Xin say that after promotion, the salary would also increase by a large amount, Xu Hao immediately lost his excitement. With the salary being high, Huang Xin would not move away right?

Seeing that Xu Hao's mood wasn't good, Huang Xin asked: "What's wrong? Are you not happy that your elder sister has been promoted? You little bastard, do you have any conscience? "

"Sis Xin, after you get your promotion and salary, you won't be moving away right? "I can't bear to part with you." Xu Hao said as she extended his hand out and grabbed onto Huang Xin's little hand.

Hearing Xu Hao's serious words, Huang Xin could not help but burst out laughing. Looking towards Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "You little bastard, you still have a bit of conscience. "Don't worry, I'm not moving out. It's so good to live here. The rent is low, so close to the company."

"Really?" Receiving Huang Xin's reply, a boulder in Xu Hao's heart had finally landed on the ground.

Huang Xin solemnly nodded his head and said: "Really, this time you can relax and eat, right?"

"Heh heh." Xu Hao laughed, his mood improving.

After eating, Xu Hao did not rush back. If he stayed at Huang Xin's house, he would definitely watch TV with him.

Today, Huang Xin was in a good mood, so she decided to leave the matter to Xu Hao.

They sat on the sofa, eating fruit and watching TV. However, Xu Hao's thoughts were not on the television, his eyes were only on Huang Xin.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Being looked at by Xu Hao until he felt somewhat uncomfortable, Huang Xin couldn't help but ask.

Xu Hao laughed awkwardly, then said: "Sis Xin, I realized that you look even better than those TV celebrities!"

"Nonsense, you only know how to talk." Although he said that, Huang Xin was actually very happy in her heart. What kind of woman doesn't like to be praised as pretty?

Laughing, Xu Hao boldly grabbed Huang Xin's hand and asked: "Sis Xin, can you tell me, why are you not willing to date?"

The moment Xu Hao asked this question, his expression immediately changed.

"Alright, I'm a bit tired. You can go back now." With that, Huang Xin stood up and turned off the television.

Xu Hao didn't know which part of his words were wrong, but seeing how preoccupied Huang Xin was, Xu Hao felt extremely regretful. The happy event had turned out like this!

"Sis Xin, I'm sorry, I …" Xu Hao wanted to apologize, but was stopped by Huang Xin.

Waving her hand, Huang Xin said: "It has nothing to do with you. My affairs are rather complicated. If there's a chance in the future, I'll tell you, okay? "

"Alright, Sis Xin, then let's do this." Xu Hao turned and left after he finished speaking.

Upon returning home, Xu Hao saw that he had finished half of the fish food, and continued with his work.

After spending almost an hour of time, Xu Hao finally twisted the fish food and soil mixture into little balls one by one. He then moved all the small balls into the mysterious space. It had always been a sunny place, so it was very suitable for making a barbecue.

After finishing all this work, Xu Hao went to the bathroom to take a bath, then laid on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

After a beautiful sleep, Xu Hao got up and washed his face and rinsed his mouth. Then, he pushed open the door to the storage room and entered the mysterious space. Seeing that the fish food that had been rubbed into little balls had already been dried, Xu Hao brought all of them back with satisfaction.

After finding the sealed bag that he did not use up previously, Xu Hao started to bag the fish food.

Roughly estimating, these fish food must be at least 20 jin. According to the previous price given by Wang Yumin, one Jin 500 yuan was 10,000 yuan! Thinking about it, Xu Hao wanted to directly make a fish food processing plant.

However, Xu Hao knew that not everyone was as rich as Wang Yumin. A catty of 500 yuan worth of fish food was destined to follow the high-end route. And the high-end route meant that the sales wouldn't be too high!

Taking out the contact number Wang Yumin left for him yesterday, Xu Hao dialed Wang Yuming's number.

Hearing Xu Hao say that he had already found that type of fish food, Wang Yumin was so excited that he looked like a child on the phone. He immediately asked Xu Hao where he was and he wanted to personally come over to retrieve it.

Xu Hao did not dare to let Wang Yumin travel back and forth. After all, they were almost seventy years old.

Anyway, Xu Hao had a car now, and he had been to Wang Yumin's home before, so he decided to send it over to Wang Yumin personally.

Hearing the words of thanks from Wang Yumin on the phone, Xu Hao suddenly felt that what he had done was a little too dark. After all, the cost of his fish food, was less than twenty pieces per catty, but he had sold it to Wang Yumin for five hundred yuan and a catty …

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