When he drove to Wang Yumin's house, Xu Hao saw Wang Yumin already standing at the entrance waiting for him.

Seeing Xu Hao's car, Wang Yumin quickly walked towards him, feeling that the stone in his heart had dropped to the ground.

After parking the car, Xu Hao removed the nearly ten kilograms of fish food from the car, and then walked inside the house with Wang Yumin.

On the way, Wang Yumin impatiently picked up a bag of fish food. Placing it in front of his nose, Wang Yumin could not help but frown. Based on his many years of experience raising fish, Xu Hao had given him crucian carp bait. Red parrot fish do not eat this kind of cheap fish food.

Glancing at Xu Hao, Wang Yumin felt a little disappointed. Previously, he thought highly of Xu Hao, but he never thought that Xu Hao would actually use such a thing to deceive him. Raising fish had always been one of Wang Yumin's biggest hobbies. Over the past few decades, Wang Yumin had a very detailed understanding of the habits of all kinds of fish, as well as their food and bait.

After bringing the twenty kilograms of fish food to the tea table in the room, Xu Hao excitedly wanted to test the effects of this fish food. Yesterday, he had added a 1: 1 ratio to the mysterious soil. He wondered if these red parrot fish would like it.

Seeing that Xu Hao was about to throw the fish food into the pond, Wang Yumin immediately stopped him.

Xu Hao looked at Wang Yumin suspiciously, and asked: "Grandpa Wang, what's wrong?"

"Come, come, sit down. I'll tell you now." As Wang Yumin said this, he pulled Xu Hao to sit on the sofa in the living room, and then he began to explain in detail.

When he heard Wang Yumin point out that the fish food he brought over was carp bait, Xu Hao's face could not help but turn red. Yesterday, he didn't really care what kind of fish food he bought. It was all just a random purchase.

"Grandpa Wang, I also don't understand these things. "But my friend said that this fish food is the latest formula. Maybe it can be used to feed the red parrot fish?" Xu Hao looked at Wang Yumin and said seriously.

Seeing that Xu Hao was still trying to quibble at this time, Wang Yumin was extremely disappointed in him. However, in order to make Xu Hao give up, Wang Yumin decided to grant his wish. Picking up the fish food that Xu Hao had carried in, Wang Yumin crushed it in his hands and fed it into the fish bowl.

Originally, Wang Yumin thought that the Red parrot fish would definitely not care about these fish food. However, to his surprise, the red parrot fish began to scramble for the food.

"Huh?" Wang Yumin couldn't help but let out a curious cry, and then, he increased the amount he was fed. When he was certain that the red parrot fish had started to eat the crucian carp bait, he could no longer remain calm.

Could it be that this carp bait was really the newest formula? Otherwise, why would the red parrot fish eat this carp bait?

Thinking about his previous distrust and doubt of Xu Hao, Wang Yumin couldn't help but feel a little awkward. Turning his head to look at Xu Hao, Wang Yumin said: "Ah, Xu, sorry, I misunderstood you just now. This is no ordinary carp bait, I was wrong. "

"Grandpa Wang, you better not say such words." Xu Hao felt awkward. Of course, he knew that the reason why these red parrot fishes would eat carp bait was because these carp fodder were mixed with mysterious soil. What they were fighting for was the mysterious soil, not the carp bait.

Taking out ten thousand pieces of cash, Wang Yumin handed it over to Xu Hao before sincerely saying, "Xu, thank you! "In the future, I'll have to trouble you to get me more of this fish food."

"Grandpa Wang, saying this, even I feel a little embarrassed." Xu Hao said a little embarrassedly, then accepted the money.

After talking to Wang Yumin about the fish food for a while, Xu Hao finally had a rough understanding of the fish food.

"Alright, Grandpa Wang, then I'll take my leave first." Xu Hao said as he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Let's go after some food. Your Grandma Wang has gone to buy groceries. She should be back soon." Wang Yumin immediately said. In the morning, when Xu Hao called Wang Yumin to say that he was coming over, Grandma Wang immediately went out to buy vegetables. Grandma Wang genuinely liked Xu Hao as a child.

Xu Hao had planned to refuse. But after seeing Grandma Wang, who had bought a huge pile of dishes and was rushing back, the words that were about to come out of his mouth were swallowed back down by Xu Hao. Xu Hao hurried over and took the vegetable basket from the Grandma Wang's hands, then said: "Grandma Wang, I feel embarrassed to see you buy so many dishes."

"Silly child, just you wait. Grandma is going to cook." With that, the Grandma Wang carried the vegetable basket and walked towards the back.

Grandma Wang went to cook while Xu Hao and Wang Yumin chatted in front. Xu Hao also wanted to know more about the food from Wang Yumin. After all, this was the second path that Xu Hao planned to take to expand his wealth.

Regarding Xu Hao's question, Wang Yumin had also passed it down to him. Over the past few decades, Wang Yumin had pretty much become half an expert. Therefore, he was well aware of how many fishes were fed as bait.

As they chatted, Xu Hao thought of a problem. Wang Yumin's retirement salary was not low, why didn't the two of them hire a nanny? This way, there were also people who took care of the old couple.

"Something happened at Nanny's house and she went home to take care of it. Furthermore, your Grandma Wang and I are both young, you can take care of yourself. " Wang Yumin laughed and said.

Just as Xu Hao was chatting with Wang Yumin, a man who seemed to be around 30 years old came over to Wang Yumin's house. The man looked at Xu Hao warily, and just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Wang Yumin.

"Come, let me introduce you all. This is a new friend of mine, Xu Hao." With that, Wang Yumin pointed to the man who just came in and said: "This is my nephew, Xiao Jingyi."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Hearing Wang Yumin's introduction, Xiao Jingyi couldn't help but take another glance at Xu Hao, extended his hand, and took the initiative to greet him.

"I'm glad to meet you too." Although he did not like Xiao Jingyi's gaze, Xu Hao still took the initiative to extend his hand. Only, when Xu Hao held Xiao Jingyi's hand, he couldn't help but be stunned. This kind of feeling, seemed to be familiar to Xu Hao, but he couldn't remember exactly where he had felt it.

"Alright, alright, we're not outsiders. You can all sit down. It'll be the right time to eat later." After introducing the two, Wang Yumin smiled and said.

In front of Wang Yumin, Xiao Jingyi seemed to be very restrained. However, it was much more natural for Xu Hao.

Seeing Xiao Jingyi and Wang Yumin chatting with such a serious look, especially when he sat so upright, he didn't seem like Wang Yumin's nephew at all, but more like a subordinate! However, from what Grandma Wang said, that subordinate seemed to not be so afraid of Wang Yumin since he had already retired for a few years, right?

If he could not understand all these, Xu Hao would be too lazy to think. In any case, this was Wang Yumin's own business, and had nothing to do with him.

With Xiao Jingyi joining them, their conversation seemed very awkward. Fortunately, at this time, Grandma Wang had finished cooking and was calling the three of them to eat.

Hearing that the food was ready, Xiao Jingyi immediately said: "I'll go help." As he spoke, he headed for the kitchen …

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