”Whether you are looking for Xiao Ruoshui or apple, this is the girls' dormitory. Boys can't enter. Rules, you know? "Aunt Qin Yang took Qin Yang's arm and retreated to the door of the passage of the women's dormitory. She pointed to a sign at the door and said, 'boys are not allowed in'. Don't you know the words on the sign?

Qin Yang naturally knows these words, but the sign "girls are not allowed" is also hung at the door of the boys' dormitory. How can there be dressed women or act alone or in groups to visit every day? Are men better than women? It is safe for girls to enter the men's dormitory building. Is it dangerous for boys to be forked when they enter the women's dormitory building?

”Aunt, I have something urgent. "

”That's what every boy who wants to go upstairs says. "

Qin Yang is a little crazy. Is this aunt menopause? Why is it so difficult to talk? When I was thinking about whether to knock her unconscious and sneak in, two girls in shorts, jerseys and baseball caps came over with a smile. They still had tennis rackets in their hands, and there were traces of sweat soaked on their faces. It was obviously just the end of the exercise.

Seeing a boy blocked by the dormitory administrator at the door, they all looked at Qin Yang curiously.

The goose faced girl greeted her aunt with a smile and said, "sister Wang, what happened?"

Aunt immediately beamed, pointed to Qin Yang and said, "this boy wants to enter the girls' dormitory building. For your safety, I'm stopping him."

Seeing the goose faced girl's appearance that the eldest sister made her happy, Qin Yang knew that he had made a big mistake. No woman likes to be called 'aunt'. Generally smart women are always reluctant to disclose their age, especially older women! This aunt, of course!

”Giggle, sister Wang, it's hard for you. Let's go up first. " Goose egg face said and pulled his companion upstairs.

”Hey, classmate Qin Yang knows he can't get in, and Xiao Ruoshui's mobile phone has no electricity, and Chen Yilin doesn't have the habit of carrying a mobile phone. I can only place my hope on the two girls. I hope they can help 301 and call Chen Yilin.

”Why? " The two girls turned back together and looked at Qin Yang warily.

”Can you call Xiao Ruoshui from Room 301 downstairs for me? " Qin Yang said with a smile on his face.

”Are you looking for Xiao Ruoshui? " Another girl with short hair looked up and down at Qin Yang and asked, "who are you?"

”I'm her??????? Brother. " Qin Yang can't explain that he is Xiao Ruoshui's bodyguard. A girl comes out to school with a bodyguard, which always gives a bad impression.

”Boy, your move has long been out of date. Since the 3rd session, those boys don't use this excuse. " Aunt heard Qin Yang's answer and said coldly.

”???????” Why does this aunt have a grudge against men? Everything she said upset her. What do you say, it's also a school grass! Aunt may not have heard of it,

”Ah, are you Xiao Ruoshui's brother? Cluck, we've heard of you. If the water whispers in our ears all day, you??????? Are you in class one, senior three? " The goose egg face was suddenly enlightened and blinked at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang is a little confused. He doesn't seem to know them. The administrator's aunt was also confused by the goose egg face.

”Sister Wang, that's right. The Xiao Ruoshui he is looking for is from our bedroom. Xiao Ruoshui said that he has a brother who also studies in this school. " The goose egg face smiled and explained to the administrator's aunt. Xiao Ruoshui is the daughter of the president of the school, which is not very public, and few people know except some senior managers. Naturally, the aunt in the official dormitory won't know. When he turned and asked Qin Yang, "why didn't you call her? What can I do for her? "

”Her cell phone is off. She is ill. I'll come and have a look. " Qin Yang now understood what was going on. Unexpectedly, he met Xiao Ruoshui's roommate. Naturally, he knew how to cooperate.

”Ah, if the water is sick? " The two girls looked worried. It seems that they have a good relationship with Xiao Ruoshui. " Sister Wang, just let him in. OK or not? I promise nothing will happen. " Goose egg face took the administrator's aunt's arm and asked.

”All right. Since you say so, I'll make an exception. Not next time. " The administrator's aunt and oval face were very familiar with each other. She was coaxed by her 'sister' and let them go with a wave of her big hand.

”Thank you, sister Wang. " The goose egg face smiled sweetly.

Qin Yang also thanked the administrator's aunt and ran upstairs with the two girls.

Building seven. Room 301.

”Why hasn't this dead Qin Yang come yet? " Xiao Ruoshui said, lying in bed pale.

”Sister Ruoshui, don't worry. Don't worry, you won't get pregnant. " Chen Yilin sat by the bed and comforted.

Xiao Rushui grabbed a bag bear at her head, threw it at Chen Yilin and scolded, "you dead girl, you're pregnant. My mother is still * * is not good. How can I get pregnant? "

Xiao Ruoshui was weak, and the bag bear was about to fall after a long flight. Chen Yilin hugged the bag bear and said with a worried face: "but Baidu said you were pregnant."

Xiao Ruoshui rolled his eyes and his dead heart.

Dizun university is the industry of Jinshi. As president Qianjin, even if he doesn't live in a dormitory, he still has a room. Xiao Ruoshui and Chen Yilin were naturally arranged in a room. When they were just going to discuss what to eat this afternoon, Xiao Ruoshui suddenly felt dizzy, nausea, weakness and vomiting.

Chen Yilin was worried. She immediately called Qin Yang with Xiao Ruoshui's mobile phone. But before Qin Yang came, she didn't know medical skills and turned around in a hurry.

Suddenly remembered a joke, foreign affairs asked Google, internal affairs asked Baidu, sexual affairs asked Tianya, so he turned on the computer and input Xiao Ruoshui's symptoms in Baidu. As soon as the result came out, both of them were stunned. Unexpectedly, they were pregnant.

If Chen Yilin hadn't stopped desperately, Xiao Ruoshui would have dropped the computer from the window.

”What if sister Shui and Qin Yang don't come? Your cell phone is dead, and you can't call him. " Chen Yilin grabbed the plane in her bedroom and said. Students' dormitories are equipped with telephones, but they need a telephone card to dial.

”Hum, I can't spare this animal until it comes. " Xiao Ruoshui was lying in bed, humming coldly, but his eyes were a little blurred. After a while, his face began to turn black, and the situation seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Chen Yilin and Xiao Ruoshui are used to fighting when they are level. At first, they thought Xiao Ruoshui was just some small problems. Now they are worried when they see her getting worse and worse. Who still had the mind to joke with her, ran over and held Xiao Ruoshui's hand and said, "sister Ruoshui, how are you? What's wrong with you? Why hasn't this dead Qin Yang come yet? I'll find him. "

Chen Yilin said and ran out with her shoes. As soon as she opened the bedroom door, she threw herself into a soft embrace.

Bai Yan touched the chest hurt by Chen Yilin's head and said angrily, "Yilin, what are you doing in a hurry? You killed me. What about the water? "

Chen Yilin looked up and saw that it was Bai Yan, the eldest sister in her bedroom, and Gui Fang, the second sister. Like catching a life-saving straw, she took Bai Yan's hand and said, "elder sister, if sister Shui is ill, it's so serious. I can't hold her alone. We're taking her to the hospital. Qin Yang's beast won't come -- "

”The beast has come. " Qin Yang came to the front from behind Guifang and asked, "what's the matter with Xiao Ruoshui?"

Qin Yang was really worried when he received Chen Yilin's call. Although he was Xiao Ruoshui's bodyguard, he didn't follow him for 24 hours. Moreover, he thought the school was safe enough. Most people didn't dare to go to the school to tie people up. And after all, the school is guarded by security guards. If suspicious people enter the campus, they will notify themselves at the first time. But what if those people break through the outer line of defense?

When Chen Yilin said they were still in the bedroom, Qin Yang was no longer worried. With his understanding of Chen Yilin and Xiao Ruoshui, maybe the two young ladies are bored and want to make fun of themselves. But as Xiao Ruoshui's bodyguard, he had to go and have a look. But now Qin Yang's state of mind has been much calmer, and he is no longer as impatient as at the beginning. Even at the door of the girls' building was blocked by an aunt who had no strength to bind chickens. If he really thought Xiao Ruoshui was dangerous, he would have knocked the aunt out. Would he allow her to delay herself for so long?

Qin Yang had seen Xiao Ruoshui lying in bed, with a blanket on his stomach and bright, white and greasy feet exposed outside. His eyes were blurred and his face was black and purple. It looked very dangerous. Qin Yang was shocked. How could he be so ill?

”You're here at last. " Hearing someone talking, Xiao Ruoshui reluctantly opened his eyes and said to Qin Yang.

”Um. " Qin Yang sat by Xiao Ruoshui's bed, took her arm and buckled her pulse. The pulse is slow, superficial, thin and weak.

”Am I dying? " Xiao Ruoshui asked.

”I can't die. " Qin Yang turned and asked Chen Yilin, "what did you eat at noon?"

”Stewed chicken legs -- vegetables -- and cucumbers -- "Chen Yilin replied. She and Xiao Ruoshui are inseparable, and most of the things she eats are the same.

”Eat in the school canteen? You two went together? "

”Um. "

”What else have you eaten? "

”Stinky tofu. " Chen Yilin replied with a guilty heart.

”What? " Qin Yang asked. Do you sell stinky tofu in the school canteen?

”I heard from the people in the bedroom next door that the stinky tofu sold at the back door of the school was delicious, so I asked someone to buy one back. When I came out of the bathroom, I was afraid that if sister Shui ate it all by herself, I didn't eat it all together - "Chen Yilin said, which was a little depressed.

Qin Yang already knew about the reason and said to Xiao Ruoshui, "you are food poisoning." Get me a toothbrush. "

Chen Yilin hurried to the washroom and handed her toothbrush with a bear pattern to Qin Yang.

”Trash can. " Qin Yang shouted.

Bai Yan hurried to pick up the trash can at the door of the dormitory, and then stood beside Qin Yang with great interest. Does this guy study medicine?

”Open your mouth. " Qin Yang said.

”Ah - "standing beside Qin Yang, Chen Yilin, with a worried face, obediently opened her mouth.

”I'm talking about Xiao Ruoshui. "

”Er -- "Chen Yilin's pink face turned red. She wanted to jump up and bite off a few pieces of the animal's meat. Can't you make it clear? What's cool?

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