”Ah - "Xiao Ruoshui wanted to laugh, but he felt his stomach getting worse and worse, and his pain was like tumbling rivers and seas. Just after listening to Qin Yang's words, he opened his mouth and stuffed a hard object into his mouth. Such a scene suddenly reminded Xiao Ruoshui of the plot in the small film he and bao'er secretly watched with sister Mo Nong on their back. The bastard dared to do this to himself. Xiao Ruoshui's universe broke out and shouted, "asshole, what are you doing?"

Qin Yang ignored her and stimulated Xiao Ruoshui's tongue root with the handle of his toothbrush. This action made Xiao Rushui crazy. When he was about to yell, a strong sense of nausea came, and the food in his stomach rushed to his throat like boiling water.

Qin Yang quickly moved Xiao Ruoshui's head to the bedside, and then Xiao Ruoshui sobbed and vomited in the garbage can.

Qin Yang also constantly stroked her back with acupoint recognition, stimulating the acupoints on her back, which can accelerate her vomiting and empty her intestines and stomach.

Several minutes later, Xiao Ruoshui slowly spit out the food in his stomach. At this time, she was weak and seemed to be dying. Her whole body leaned softly against Qin Yang's arms. Qin Yang asked Chen Yilin to take a wet towel to wipe her mouth, and asked Bai Yan to prepare warm boiled water and slowly feed Xiao Ruoshui to drink.

”How are you feeling? " Qin Yang asked.

”General weakness. " Xiao Ruoshui's head lay in Qin Yang's arms and said with his eyes closed. The voice was as small as a mosquito, but he thought to himself, unexpectedly, the beast looked thin, and his arms were still very comfortable. However, if we can take advantage of this period of time to ease the relationship between the two people is also good!

”You have nothing to do anyway. " Qin Yang said. " Just have a rest. "

”If the water is all right? " Bai Yan looked at Qin Yang in surprise and asked.

Qin Yang knew from Chen Yilin's address that the name of the oval face was Bai Yan, nodded to her, "it's all right. Feed her some porridge in three hours. "

”Wow, you're great. Are you a doctor? " The girl with short hair looked at Qin Yang admiringly.

”No. "

”Are you really a student of our school? "


”What is your relationship with Ruoshui? " The two girls were conquered by Qin Yang's magical medical skills and were very interested in him. The questions were one after another, quite breaking the posture of asking the truth in a casserole.

”I'm -- "Qin Yang is a little embarrassed. He is Xiao Ruoshui's bodyguard, but it's hard to expose his identity. But if it's Xiao Rushui's brother, it's impossible for Xiao Rushui to jump out of bed and work hard with him.

”He is sister Ruoshui's boyfriend. " Chen Yilin answered for Qin Yang. Looking at Qin Yang complaining, he said, "brother-in-law, why are you so late? Sister Ruoshui has been waiting for you for most of the day. "

With Chen Yilin's explanation, Bai Yan and Gui Fang really didn't mean to ask Qin Yang some personal questions.

Qin Yang looked at Chen Yilin gratefully and thought that the girl always seemed to have lost her roots in talking and doing things. At this time, she was very smart. However, Xiao Ruoshui, who was lying in bed, had a mind to get up and work hard with Chen Yilin. He struggled twice and couldn't move his body, so he had to keep this account in mind.

Bai Yan Ran to the next bedroom and borrowed an electric rice cooker. She didn't know where to find the rice and mung beans. She directly boiled mung bean porridge in the bedroom. After Xiao Ruoshui had a sleepy sleep and drank half a bowl of porridge, his spirit gradually got better and his face began to turn ruddy.

”Shall we go back? " Qin Yang went over to ask Xiao Ruoshui's opinion. It was dark outside and the lights were on in the bedroom. Some girls with classes are also coming back. The corridor is bustling with women's laughter and noise from time to time. It's not suitable for Qin Yang to stay here any longer. Bai Yan and Gui Fang always take off their clothes and go to bed at night. But when he went back alone, Qin Yang was worried about Xiao Ruoshui. Her body was still so fragile. If there were any more problems, he really couldn't explain to Xiao Jing and the old man.

”Um. " Xiao Ruoshui nodded. " Xiao Lin, come and put on my shoes. "

Chen Yilin didn't know that Xiao Ruoshui was deliberately taking revenge on her. She just said that Qin Yang was her boyfriend. Knowing that Xiao Ruoshui might not have the strength to tie his shoes, she squatted down to help. The trembling ball of pink meat in front of her chest was spectacular. The plump ball was pushed up by her knees and squeezed into a deformed S-shaped ditch -- Qin Yang looked at it and looked at it again, After several eyes, I moved my eyes reluctantly.

The most important thing for a coyote is not to let others know that you are a coyote. Everyone is guarding against you, and the coyote will have no chance to be coyote. Qin Yang has been very cautious.

Bai Yan helped Xiao Ruoshui put on his coat and said to Qin Yang, "come to the bedroom more often when you have time. If the water hadn't been ill today, we wouldn't have known that you existed. "

”Yeah. The beautiful woman who soaked away our bedroom hasn't invited us to dinner yet. Your medical skills are so good that we need your help in the future. " Guifang joked nearby and thought Qin Yang and Xiao Ruoshui were a good match.

Although Xiao Ruoshui is a little charming, he is kind-hearted and aboveboard. He doesn't have the airs of a young lady. He gets along well with them. A beautiful man and a good family are really a rare good woman. I don't know about Qin Yang's family. Gui Fang is worried about Qin Yang. They listened to Chen Yilin and really thought Qin Yang was Xiao Ruoshui's boyfriend.

”Elder sister, second sister, what are you talking about? He's not my boyfriend. " Xiao Rushui quickly explained.

”Yes, yes. We know. " Bai Yan said with a laugh. " We won't say

”You dead swallow, are you trying to hit someone else's boyfriend? "

Qin Yang thought, no wonder the aunt didn't agree to come in just now. Women are more dangerous than men. Men's color is to take advantage of some eyes and words. Women's color is real.

Xiao Ruoshui's body is still very weak. Qin Yang and Chen Yilin held her left and right, but it was inconvenient to wait until she came down the stairs. Qin Yang didn't ask her for advice, so he directly picked her up.

”Ah. Xiao Ruoshui's body suddenly lost balance and exclaimed, "Qin Yang, what are you doing?"

”Don't you think it's faster? " Qin Yang held Xiao Ruoshui's body and pedaled downstairs. The speed was indeed much faster, but it really attracted countless girls' onlookers and comments along the way.

”Wow, that girl is so happy. Walking around the campus with a boyfriend

”That's coquettish, okay? If I had such a girlfriend, I would have to kick her

”You see how romantic people are, you have to hold me

”I'd like to hold you, but you have to lose weight first

Everyone can't help looking at this strange scene. Many people fall in love on campus, hold hands in public, and even kiss in public. But it's the first time that boys hold girls in their arms and walk across the long campus.

Qin Yang can ignore these people's eyes and comments, but Xiao Ruoshui can't bear it. She has a sharp mouth. Who has ever experienced the taste of being held across the campus by a man? After a while, she was unable to lift her head, put her head on Qin Yang's shoulder, and Chen Yilin kept making faces at her back.

Qin Yang is a two skin face. He doesn't care what those people think of him. When he walked out of the school with Xiao Ruoshui in his arms, he didn't notice that he was staring at the other side of the playground. That is a pretty girl. Her eyes looked at Qin Yang blankly. In an instant, she felt like a bolt from the blue!

I remember my mother told her when I was in middle school. She is not allowed to fall in love early. At that time, I clearly remembered my mother's words. Because she always thinks what her parents say is right. But when she met Qin Yang, an uninvited guest who broke into her life, first the ambiguity in the girls' toilet, and then something happened in the bakery, the boy stepped forward and a series of things followed. Is such a tall side, that broad and generous Wei'an has the cheek that doesn't stick to a smile! The sharp eyes have been deeply imprinted in Ling Ya's mind.

She doesn't know what love is, but she always thinks of such a boy in a daze and dreams of him at night! Once two people are alone together, their heartbeat and pulse will unconsciously speed up. But fortunately, she is a shy girl. So even so, no one will notice!

When she just returned to school, she knew that there was such a class student, but what she didn't expect was that such a boy was closely involved with his own life. It's like a Chinese knot. Today's scene also made her feel heartache!

There was a light rain in the lead gray sky. Ling Ya stood in the open space and looked up at the sky. The heart is quieter by the cold rain! Yeah. Although Qin Yang told himself that he had no family and was an orphan, an 18-year-old student had a huge sum of money. How could he be an ordinary student? Maybe only a girl like Xiao Ruoshui who pays equal attention to family wealth and beauty can match him! An ugly duckling like me is just a passer-by at most! Thinking about it, her mood was inexplicably better! She got up, turned and left! No one noticed such a lonely Beiying.

The sky pulled down the black curtain. The campus at night was more lively and noisy than during the day. Some students held thick books, some went to the water room to open water with a thermos, and several people walked together to talk and laugh. They looked forward to life and were in high spirits.

The dim yellow light pulled people's shadow long. Xiao Ruoshui lay on Qin Yang's shoulder and watched the overlapping figure of himself and Qin Yang on the ground. Looking at it, I felt that my heart was full of little sweetness, as if this feeling had only been experienced when my father held himself when I was a child. Dizzy, he fell asleep in Qin Yang's arms, with a sweet smile on his lips. At this moment, Xiao Ruoshui is as weak as a child.

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