Qin Yang smiled, and then ended up with chopsticks. He picked up a chicken chop and put it in his mouth, allowing the delicious taste of the chicken chop to flow in his mouth. Ate a mouthful of full rice! Satisfaction surged into my heart again.

"It's delicious!" Qin Yang said with a smile.

"That's good..." Ling Ya said with a smile.

"What do you eat?" Qin Yang asked.

"Of course I have!" Ling Ya said and took out another box of lunch from her backpack in the back. The same is rice. Food. But the only difference from Qin Yang is. Lingya's lunch box is one less than Qinyang's. And the rice on Lingya's box is not half that of Qin Yang. And she has only two dishes, one is pig ears, and the other is green vegetables!

After such a comparison, Qin Yang found that he had a lot of rice and more dishes! Qin Yang asked, "why do you give me so much rice!"

"Don't you eat a lot? Qin Bajie!" this is when Qin Yang had lunch with Ling ya a few days ago. When Ling Ya was surprised by Qin Yang's amazing appetite, Qin Yang said such a nickname given to him by Chen Yilin. Ling ya just nodded slightly and said, "well, Xiao Ruoshui is really insightful! And this nickname is worthy of its name!"

"Then why don't you eat chicken chops!" Qin Yang asked

"It's because I want to lose weight!" Ling Ya asked. Girls are very concerned about their body, and so is Ling ya, but the main reason is not because of this, but because of the price of nearly 30 yuan per kilogram! One catty can only make five or six pieces, all of which are on Qin Yang! Because she knows Qin Yang's appetite very well!

"During the break, the little fat man gave me some bread, so my stomach was not very hungry. It's a pity that I can't eat so many by myself! Eat together. Don't worry about the weight loss of god horse! Even if you are fat, I want you!" Qin Yang said and put a few pieces in her lunch box! How keen Qin Yang is. How could he not know Ling Ya's mind!

In fact, sometimes happiness is so simple, between two people, consider each other for each other, and observe each other's habits through getting along! Then do it according to each other's habits. Such a kind of love is a kind of happiness, an overflowing heart, a choking happiness!

The party began at eight in the evening. The time when Emperor Zun's College leaves school is six o'clock. Some people still choose to go back in these two hours. Qin Yang followed a few friends and decided to go around a little! At this time, the phone in Qin Tian's pocket rang!

"By the way, I'll give you back the money we went to KTV last time!" Qin Tian suddenly took out a pile of money from his pocket and said.


"It's agreed that I'll be the host!"

It seems that you can see the depressed look of vomiting blood on the phone through the phone. It's actually a joke when talking about business. Is this still the usual Qin Tian?

”The sound of "toot ~ toot ~"

The other end of the phone hung up. Qin Tian gave the phone to Lu you behind him

Seeing that Qin Tiangang seemed a little angry and had a phone, Qin Yang retracted his hand and opened his mouth to:

”Well, since it's given by my brother, the younger brother will take it. "I said so, but I thought: it's very good that someone else is the boss and can be called a brother like me. How can I take money? Well, I'll give it back to him quietly when I find a chance

”Is that right? I have something to talk about now, so I'll go first. Ah, swim in! " Hearing Qin Yang's words, Qin Tian turned to the Lu Youdao behind him. After that, the two people walked slowly towards the hotel. It seemed that they didn't care about the hurried phone. They talked while walking and looked at Qin Tian's back. Qin Yang's psychology had only one warm word to express, especially when they saw that they didn't care, It seems to be associated with the expression of the person waiting above

In fact, for Qin Tian, who can be said to be the tip of the whole social pyramid, and Qin Yang, who is at the lower level of the social stratum, it is simply a heaven and a earth! However, it is such a world that does not touch each other, but two people with different identities can connect. For this question, Lu You, as Qin Tian's most trusted bodyguard and right-hand man, once asked this question.

However, Qin Tian's answer really makes people feel a little sad and laughing. He smiled at Lu You and said:

”I think this person is cool ~ and this teenager is not a simple character. I don't know how it is. It's just that I have an unnatural subconscious about him for many years! But one thing is certain, that is, from him, I seem to see some traces of me in the past, which are shown on him like screen after screen. In particular, he can maintain excellent results while reading and working. He is not a simple person. You know, he has a good knowledge in this society, To put it simply, if he is not in school but in society, his spirit has supported him to reach my class and even surpass me. Put together, it is enough to say that he is not a simple character. " After saying that, he also did some questioning actions. It seems that he is a little confused about his feeling

As the closest person to Qin Tian, he is the boss and brother who knows him best. After so many years of follow-up, few people talk so much about a character at one time, and rarely have such comments on a person. At least in the impression of Huang Leyou for so many years, it seems that there is only a young man less than 20. In fact, Huang Leyou also has some good feelings for Qin Yang, Every time he saw Qin Yang standing there quietly, he felt like a master

Minutes and seconds passed. People came and went, and people came and went in and out of the hotel. Qin Yang still stood there quietly. Whenever a car came, he would open the door at the first time, but he didn't see a smile on his face, and he couldn't see the attitude like Qin Tian before. It's reasonable to say that the doorman went to open the door, Those bosses who rely on their money will give tips to show their wealth, but when those bosses are making calculations, Qin Yang's expressionless face suddenly disappeared from his previous "wish" for consumption, and even climbed up some despised lines in his eyes, thinking that you are not just a broken doorman, Dare to ban a square face... Without looking at it, Qin Yang walked in

Qin Yang has long been used to these strange eyes. After all, he is not that kind of person and has his own pride in his bones. Why should I take money that doesn't belong to me when I have a job? All the rich people in society don't look the same. You bow to him and flatter hard, not for that money, And those bosses always look at such people with a joking look. Whether they give it or not depends on the mood of the boss

But Qin Yang smiled at those who came to ask for directions, showing the expression of a welcoming staff. A man should have a ruler in his heart, a ruler that can measure people; We should have a proud character and a backbone of Jianfeng

Darkness completely enveloped the earth, and the masculine breath of the sun could not be seen in, but the gentle breath of the moon

Qin Yang, standing at the door of the hotel, looked up. The shy stars blinked slightly. Suddenly, the three strange and bright stars in the sky appeared dark. They were especially bright and different under the dark sky.

The three stars are connected, and some nearby stars flicker faintly, forming a word "wood" with the three stars. Maybe this is just Qin Yang's view. In the eyes of many people, maybe it's just that ordinary stars are lit

This is only Qin Yang's star, named 'Heavenly Jupiter'. Whenever you see him at night, people around you always feel that a heart like solid ice melts at this moment, melting so fast, and then you can't imagine seeing a smile on Qin Yang's face. The smile deduced at that moment is dull ~

”"Pa" slapped a palm on Qin Yang's left shoulder and immediately pulled Qin Yang back. Then a burst of laughter came into Qin Yang's ear

”What are you looking at? So absorbed, I'll have a look. "Then I raised my head and looked to the left in the sky, looked again, and half squatted

”It's nothing. Just a few stars. There are some every day. How can you look so absorbed? "

Qin Yang was amused by Chen Xiaohai's appearance and said:

”Xiaohaige! Come and pull ~ I didn't see anything! But the stars in the sky are beautiful ~ "

”Indeed ~ today's stars are a little different, but they are very beautiful! Amu, arrive at 9:30. You go. I'll pull it here! "

Qin Yang raised his left hand and looked at the time. It's really 9:30. He has been standing unconsciously for 3 hours

”That's hard ~ "

”What are you talking about? It's hard for you as a child. You have to go to the kitchen to help later. You're tired when you climb up and down. "

”Hehe ~ Comrade Haige, I'm 19 years old. Legally, I'm an adult. You see, the country has recognized it. Why do you call me a child? This is contempt for the law ~ "

”Smelly boy ~ ~ "

”Then I'll change my clothes and here you are. "

”Go! What are you talking about? "

Qin Yang then stepped into the revolving door and entered the hotel, only running to the staff dormitory behind the hotel

Qin Yang went to his dormitory and opened the door. The room of 10 square meters was neatly placed with three double beds. Qin Yang went in

”After standing for several hours, my feet were a little numb. I punched and moved my muscles and bones. "

Qin Yang said to himself

Then Qin Yang opened his feet, raised his hands gently, sank and squatted, and the whole person was in a horse stance. "Hoo ~"

Qin Yang constantly adjusted his breathing

In fact, to practice this set of boxing, the requirement of breathing is very high. Before practicing martial arts, you must learn to breathe with your abdomen, because there is a Dantian near your abdomen. Dantian is a place to store real Qi, so what is Dantian.

”The brain is pith sea and upper Dantian; The heart is crimson fire, zhongdantian; Three inches below the umbilicus is the lower Dantian. Xiadantian, the house of Tibetan essence; Zhongdantian, the house of gas accumulation; Shangdantian, the house of Tibetan God ". The ancients called the essence and Qi God the three treasures and regarded the Dantian as the place where the essence and Qi God was stored. Therefore, they attached great importance to the significance of the Dantian and regarded it as "the foundation of life".

The Dantian we usually use is actually the value of the lower Dantian, which is composed of four important acupoints of the human body

Guanyuan, Yinjiao, Qihai and Shimen are composed. The four acupoints are located under the belly umbilicus. The place where real Qi is stored is called Dantian. There are three Dantian in the human body. Shangdantian is at Baihui Point on the top of the head and Yintang point between the eyebrows. Zhongdantian is at Tanzhong point on the chest, and Juxing point is the storage of Qi.

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