However, xiadantian is the most important and a hub for the deepening of true Qi. It is known as "the ancestor of life, the source of vitality, the foundation of the five zang organs, the root of the twelve meridians, the meeting of yin and Yang, the door of breathing, and the hometown of water and fire"

In fact, Qin Yang's concept of Dantian is also very vague. When listening to his father, his father's words are unclear. He only knows that before boxing, he must first adjust his breathing, then close his eyes, stare at his body, imagine that he is a blood vessel flowing in the body, and finally reach below the navel, and then use his abdomen to breathe, One breath and one breath cooperate with one's own boxing, and the action is not moved by the body, but from inside to outside. Consciousness runs through the whole action

Qin Yang closed his eyes and let his body fluctuate up and down with the cooperation of breathing. Suddenly, his squatting body stood up, followed by a right foot standing upright with one foot, his originally stationary left foot slightly cocked up, and his hands hooked, just like a Golden Chicken independent posture. In an instant, he turned around and split the whole person. The spine column was the central axis, rotated 180 degrees, and began to stretch from relief to thunder. On the dormitory floor of less than 2 flat fans, Qin Yang's hands kept drawing arcs from the beginning to fist, palm, palm and finger. Each hand was like a tiger down the mountain

The excessive speed in the middle is so fast that it is difficult for outsiders to see the action clearly. If someone sees it, they may think that the back door of which psychiatric hospital ran out without closing it

As the old saying goes, "the layman watches the excitement, the expert watches the doorway."

Under Qin Yang's sway, his hands burst into the air

With his breathing, it seems that the whole space fluctuates with his breathing, and thin cyclones that people can hardly see diverge around Qinyang

At the same time, the foot also changed the initial one foot top stand. Qin Yang stepped on the virtual step, alternating the real step with the virtual and real step, and changing the orientation from section to section

Bursts of breaking sound came from the air

”The sound of "砉 ~ 砉 ~" kept ringing


In this way, the whole set of strange boxing is like flowing clouds and water under the interpretation of Qin Yang. The moves are coherent without any breakpoints

Qin Yang's legs swept on the low for a week

Then the whole man put his strength on the floor like a sharp sword, only inserted into the floor tightly

The originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and the eyes with black pupils and white background emitted two amazing thin lights, just like the sharp arrows launched by two curved bows. Although they were thin, they slipped through the space like an entity


~~Vaguely, it can be seen that Qin Yang's hands seem to form a pattern of Yin-Yang fish, but the yin-yang fish looks a little strange, with a vague word flashing in the middle of the yin-yang fish__ Wood, you can't see it without looking carefully`


”This is the reason why "wood lives, wood lives in heaven and earth"

Behind Qin Yang, there is a huge hazy and unclear pattern suspended behind him. At the same time, the changing direction under his feet is not random. Under the formation of "sweeping thousands of troops" at the last moment, a gossip pattern is gradually formed.

”"Hoo ~ ~" the whole set of fist moves are connected under the soft penetration of Qin Yang, and the whole body bones sound continuously

”With the sound of "Thunderclap", sweat poured out along the hair seam

”Comfortable ~ comfortable ~ "after a set of boxing, Qin Yang suddenly looked energetic, but Qin Yang had to burst out a rough language when he saw the pattern between his hands:

”Shit ~ dead thing, I greet your beauty~

Is this Taijiquan ~! Every time I practice, I feel like I'm playing an alternative thing. It seems that it's Tai Chi and it doesn't seem to be. It makes people really speechless. It really makes people want to be rough. Although they don't look like it, the two yin-yang fish have something to do with the Taiji. How to look at it is how to know the Taiji pattern~

Shit! This should not be the ancestor of Taiji ~ ~ "Qin Yang boldly made many guesses

Originally, Qin yangjue himself was playing the Taiji, and he was a Taiji with a high level, because we can play the pattern of Yin-Yang fish (just blow ~, it's still high level). However, since Qin Yang was boxing a few years ago, he inadvertently found that there was a hole in the yin-yang fish, and then a hazy pattern gradually appeared. Since then, it has been out of control. From the initial almost invisible to now, it can barely be identified as a word "wood". Qin Yang began to realize that it was a 'freak'. Although it's strange, after the emergence of this' wood ', Qin Yang gradually had an extra emotion for this alternative thing, but when he saw his own picture, his mind naturally compared with the normal pattern of Taiji, When I think of Taiji boxing, I always think this is a living "freak". Therefore, Qin Yang once talked to his natural and unrestrained old man, but the result made Qin Yang quite speechless.

Whenever Qin Yang asked where the fist came from, his old man always hung up as if it was none of his business. It's really easy for people to have unlimited reverie like this. Sometimes Qin Yang even wondered if the old man learned it secretly by watching others; Or where it was tricked. That's why it's so crippled. It's a set of Kung Fu. It has complete moves without mental skills, or even a little formula

For the relationship between strange boxing and Tai Chi and the eight trigrams at his feet, Qin Yang can only turn to today's means - computer. Relying on the old man will never have results.

Although Qinyang's family was a little poor, because of the old man's fashionable character and his love for new things, he finally made a firm heart and bought a computer. So Qin Yang naturally learned how to run the computer, and the technology was good.

With the help of the computer, Qin Yang made up the following gossip and some knowledge about Taiji. It is found that there is an obvious internal relationship between Taiji and Bagua.

Tai Chi is actually a process of clarifying the universe from infinity to Tai Chi, and even the transformation of all things. Wuji is the Tao, which is more primitive and ultimate than Tai Chi. Liangyi is the Yin and Yang of Tai Chi

Limitless and Tai Chi. Tai chi moves to generate Yang, moves to the extreme and calms, calms to generate Yin, and calms to the extreme. A movement and a silence are the roots of each other; Yin and yang are divided, and the two instruments stand Yan. Yang changes into yin and generates water, fire, wood, gold and soil. The five elements follow the cloth, and the four seasons follow Yan. Five elements and Yin and Yang, yin and Yang and Tai Chi, Tai Chi is limitless Two Qi sympathize and transform all things. Everything is born and changeable.

Seeing here, Qin Yang always nodded unconsciously, which is really reasonable. It seems that heaven and earth are really around these two. Qin Yang then looked down

The mysterious pattern of Taiji map

Taiji map is due to the movement and transformation of the directions of yin and Yang, and there are different images. Congenital Bagua and acquired Bagua

The innate eight trigrams are divided into three trigrams: Kun shakes Li Dui to the left, Kun is the mother, Li Suo to get a female, and three trigrams to get a female. All three trigrams are Yin, and only one cable shakes a male to get Yang. Therefore, the left side of the Tai Chi diagram is black to indicate Yin, and the white dot in black indicates that there is Yang in Yin. Qian Xun Kan Gen lives on the right, Qian is the father, Kan Zai to get a male, Gen three cables to get a male, three trigrams are more yang, and only one cable to get a female to be Yin, Therefore, the right side of the Tai Chi diagram shows that it belongs to Yang in white, and the black dot in white indicates that there is Yin in Yang.

However, the Tai Chi chart drawn from the acquired eight trigrams chart is in the opposite direction to the Tai Chi chart of the innate eight trigrams chart,

The circle of Taiji diagram represents the one, the universe and the infinity. Taiji is a finite day and infinity is an infinite day; Tai Chi is there, and limitless is nothing; Tai Chi is three and limitless is one. The black and white images represent Yin and Yang respectively, and heaven and earth are divided into two parts; The boundary between black and white is the human part that divides the yin-yang boundary of heaven and earth. The black dot in white indicates that there is Yin in Yang, and the white dot in black indicates that there is Yang in Yin. Tao generates one, which is that limitless generates Tai Chi; Tai Chi gives birth to Liangyi in one's life; Two born three is the sympathetic combination of yin and Yang; All things are born in three aspects, that is, Tai Chi contains three as one. Because all things are born from Yin and Yang, it is called Tai Chi for all things. That is to say, Tai Chi not only includes two aspects of yin and Yang, but also includes the boundary and standard for dividing Yin and Yang

”Hoo ~ "after seeing so many things in one breath, Qin Yang felt that his head was a little covered. He seemed to catch the slightest trace, and there seemed to be nothing. Then he looked down

The book of changes says, "Yi has Tai Chi, and Liangyi comes into being. Liangyi produces four elephants, and four elephants produce eight trigrams. "

The meaning of the Taiji is indeed broad and profound. For the Taiji at present, it is just a family saying. Qin Yang is not completely sure whether the Taiji is as the opinion of the data. This kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, but it is worth affirming that this set of theories about Yin and Yang and the birth of heaven and earth

Qin Yang continued to look down, and the word eight trigrams appeared in front of him

Eight diagrams, a set of obscure and mysterious designs in ancient China, can be inherited from Fu Xi's legacy by the ancient legend who can really understand the truth. "One" stands for Yang and "-" for Yin. Three such symbols form eight forms, which are called Bagua. Each hexagram represents a certain thing. Qian represents heaven, Kun represents earth, Kan represents water, Li represents fire, earthquake represents thunder, Gen (g è n) represents mountain, Xun (x ù n) represents wind and Dui represents Ze. The eight trigrams are matched with each other to get 64 trigrams. There is also the theory of yin and Yang in the eight trigrams

Seeing the first paragraph, Qin Yang thought it was very consistent with Tai Ji

Bagua is a highly crystallized wisdom left by our ancient ancestors. It represents the ancestors' understanding of heaven, earth and sun, moon and stars thousands of years ago or even earlier. It is not only a simple pattern, but also hides the changes of all things in the universe. The way of change is to live without rest, but now how many people understand the real meaning. Is the Western belief really so strong? No ~ at least Qin Yang believes that as long as he really understands the precious wealth left by his ancestors, a qualitative transformation can take place

The same Bagua has two kinds: congenital Bagua (created by Emperor Fuxi) and acquired Bagua (created by King Wen of Zhou).

Congenital eight trigrams formula:

”Qian Sanlian, Kun LiuDuan, shaking the cup, Gen covering the bowl, leaving the empty, the ridge is full, matching the lack, Xun xiaduan. Qianhua 1, Duhua 2, Lihua 3, Zhenhua 4, Xunhua 5, Kanhua 6, Gen Hua 7 and Kun Hua 8. "

The short two sentences implied the division of directions and the change of days.

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