As the chief stage designer, Qin Tian also felt inexplicable. But now he and Jia are happy to see this scene. Because through this performance just now, he is also convinced of Qin Yang's concealment. Even a person who has practiced for four or five years has no such attainments! And the success of the party, he is also very happy! At least he has finished the character assigned by the teacher! So he came out of the backstage with a smile. He patted Qin Yang on the shoulder. Then he whispered to everyone in Qin Yang's ear, "this is the dress I just got home yesterday! Boy, remember!"

"Hehe, good-looking clothes should always be worn on good-looking people." Qin Yang also replied symbolically!

All this quarrelling dialogue was carried out under the laughing faces of two people. And that's the charm of the problem! Qin Tian smiled and said, "here is the last Beethoven Sonata No. 9 played by Qin Yang After the prelude of the music, today our annual New Year's Day party has come to an end! Thank you very much for coming to watch our party! At the same time, there will still be new year's Day party in the next two days. At that time, you juce can enjoy the wonderful performances from students from all schools! The time is always so short“

So after Qin Tian's short but lasting speech, the new year's party finally came to an end! With the people of all schools leaving the audience one after another! Qin Tian and his coordinating group naturally want to stay and tidy up their work! And Qin Yang wants to leave through the back door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his door opened, he saw a large group of girls swarming like the tide. Roughly counting, there are dozens without a hundred!

"Are you Qin Yang?"

"You look so handsome! Can you take a picture with me???"

"Can I give you a hug

"Can I kiss you

So all kinds of words came out. And they crossed more and more... Even some people said. Can I have a baby for you? This frightened Qin Yang. He just closed the back door. He fled like a mouse across the street??????

How could those girls who were obsessed with them give up? They poured into the backstage one after another. Qin Yang was blocked there for half an hour. Finally, he hid in the toilet, put on clothes and dressed up as a cleaning aunt, and then fled the theater!

Qin Yang looked at his watch. "I'll go. It's already 11:30! I don't know if Xiaoya has left!"

Because he knew that the party would be going on for a long time, he told Xiaoya that he would take her home in the past three days! So he wanted to go out early as soon as the party was over. But he didn't expect such a thing! After a few trots, he walked to the playground! Sure enough, on the empty playground, a petite figure in a down jacket was sitting there and looking right, so Qin Yang left Go over and pat her on the shoulder!

Lingya subconsciously turned around and saw a man in strange clothes standing behind her. She was startled, so she took a symbolic step back. In order to keep a safe distance, she said, "you, you. Who are you?"

Qin Yang's forehead was in a cold sweat. He remembered that in order to avoid those girls, he not only wore sunglasses, but also had a big circle of beard. Now he looks like when he first came to the city from the mountains. The only difference may be that his hair at that time was much longer than now

Qin Yang said, "it's me! Xiaoya!" he took off his beard as he said.

"You??????? How did you look like this!" Ling Ya smiled when she saw Qin Yang's appearance

"Don't mention it. Let's talk on the road???" Qin Yang said, holding Ling Ya's shoulder and walking to the parking lot!

Qin Yang left the theater in such a bleak way. But it was hard for Qin Yang's friends Qin Tian and them! Those girls blocked the door of the toilet for a long time and didn't see Qin Yang come out. So one or two brave girls pushed open the door of the toilet. After seeing the empty but strange toilet, they knew that they wanted to wait for the rabbit, but unexpectedly they fell in jinchantuo Shell's plan! Qin Tian and others have been saying good things there. Only then did these women's army leave the theater!

Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He scolded Qin Yang in his heart. After he was cool, he wanted to wipe his ass!! well, it's a way out. It should be said that he took care of the aftermath! But he was very happy about the success of today's party! Hehe, who made us brothers! Qin Tian smiled. I don't know if he knew he spent hundreds of thousands of wait The clothes that have been customized for more than two months have been thrown into the dustbin by Qin Yang. What would he think? After looking at it, it's early morning. Fortunately, there is no class tomorrow! Otherwise, going to bed so late will be a big deal!

Su Ling and Yi xiaonuo were very curious about Qin Yang's last performance! Especially the white piano, when they planned to let Qin Tian go up to replace Qin Yang. The piano was still placed less than two meters in front of them. But it was put on the stage in five seconds. There was also the five second light off time, and the lights had not been turned off all night. That's all Is everything really arranged? If so, why don't the members of the coordination group know? If not, why do the lights and all this come so smoothly!

So they asked the lighting teacher. He also felt very wonderful. Because he didn't cause the light to go out. The specific reason is not clear!! This also made several people feel as if they were Zhang Er's closing! one

Because the time is really so late. So Xiao Ruoshui left school very early!

"Sister Ruoshui. Curious and strange!" Chen Yilin said sitting in the co pilot's seat.

"What's strange?" Xiao Ruoshui asked.

"A lot. It's said in the program that brother Darth's program is the third! But it's ranked last! It's obviously for the finale! And brother Darth looks like a careless boy and fights fiercely! I didn't expect to play the piano so artistic! The most important thing is that he plays the piano very well! Why does it seem to be getting worse and worse The more I can't see through him! "

"What's so strange! Can't you play the piano if you can fight?" Xiao Ruoshui said, but it's really strange to think so! Piano this is a very artistic job. Those who play the piano give people the feeling that they are very romantic, very temperament and very self-restraint! If you fight, you will lose your temperament! And since such two things that should not be together are very wonderful, they are integrated in him! What kind of person is he! After getting along for several months, Xiao Ruoshui thinks he already knows this boy! But he can always bring something different to people!

His skill is very good, just like a Wulin expert, although I haven't seen him fly over the eaves and walls! But maybe think about it! Can play basketball and drive. And cook. Now I find that since he can play the piano! Since so many things are integrated into an 18-year-old boy. Maybe cooking doesn't take long to learn. But it is absolutely impossible to accumulate piano skills like him without a certain amount of time!

Shakespeare said: be happy with a woman. You should love her more and don't want to know her more! To be happy with a man, you should know him more than love her!

Perhaps it is because of this that you always want to know more, and then when you really know a man completely, you will find that you have been deeply trapped and can't extricate yourself! Maybe this is what curiosity brings! But it is precisely because of this that there is such a thing as love. There are many things, many fetters, many concerns, many reluctance and many emotions between people???????

Perhaps it is because of this that you always want to know more, and then when you really know a man completely, you will find that you have been deeply trapped and can't extricate yourself! Maybe this is what curiosity brings! But it is precisely because of this that there is such a thing as love. There are many things, many fetters, many concerns, many reluctance and many emotions between people???????

Although the party performed by students of dizun university has ended, as mentioned earlier, the new year's Party of dizun University lasts for three days. It is not so much the new year's Party of dizun University as the fellowship of colleges and universities in minhai city! In an upper class school. Such a tradition is not uncommon!

Dizun university is the host, so the first night is the performance of dizun university students, and the second night is the performance of teachers and students of other friendship universities. There are three to five programs in each school! In the evenings of the new year's Day party, dizun university is on holiday. In addition to the hard work of the coordinating group and some teachers. Other students don't have to go to school, just show up at night!

Of course, Qin Yang should take advantage of this opportunity to communicate more with his little girlfriend! Xiao Ruoshui and Chen Yilin also slept at home and woke up naturally as usual on holidays. Then bored at home watching TV! But they don't know that a huge conspiracy is approaching them! What kind of fear can suffocate people!

The next day's party started earlier! It started at six o'clock in the evening! At more than five o'clock, the students naturally returned to school! After the winter solstice, it soon became dark. But the bright lights of the emperor's theater didn't make people feel like night was coming!

This theater, which can accommodate thousands of people, has long been full of people! Qin Yang and some of them had just entered the theater when they saw several people he knew very well in the crowd in front of the auditorium! In addition to the principal he met several times, then Xiao Jing and uncle Guo!

In fact, Qin Yang didn't feel surprised at all! After all, Xiao Jing, as the chairman of Jinshi Group and the boss of dizun University, it is natural that such a huge party will be here! Qin Yang saw him, so did Xiao Jing and uncle Guo! So he nodded with a smile! Didn't show too much enthusiasm! This is a school. Xiao Jing, as a boss, should have his own style!

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