At this time, in the audience of the classroom, the head teacher of class 9, grade 2, began to choke with the head teacher of class 7.

"Oh, not bad! The students in your class are very positive! Since they can still perform after being responsible for the overall planning of the party!" the head teacher of class 9 sneered.

"Hehe, this is all strongly demanded by the students!" the head teacher of class 7 said with a smile.

"I also heard that there is another program in your class, right?"

"Well, it seems so!"

"It's all the last. Naturally, Qin Yang's repertoire can't compare with the original author. But he can handle it properly in such changes. Let's make it more! The beautiful sound didn't stop until the last note flowed out of his fingertips. At this moment, the square suddenly quieted down. It lasted nearly half a century For more than minutes, everyone seemed to be immersed in the wonderful music!

Qin Yang stood up from his chair, then walked to the front of the stage, bent down very gentlemanly and said, "this song just brought to you is from the famous musician Beethoven after his curtain call. The theater burst into the warmest applause in an instant. If the applause is compared to waves, it is that one wave is higher than another??????

Qin Yang stood up from his chair, then walked to the front of the stage, bent down very gentlemanly and said, "this song just brought to you is from the famous musician Beethoven after his curtain call. The theater burst into the warmest applause in an instant. If the applause is compared to waves, it is one wave after another!

At this time, I don't know a girl under the stage took the lead and shouted, "piano prince!"

Then a girl followed and shouted "piano prince!"

So there were more and more shouting voices. Finally, even some boys inexplicably shouted with them. White feelings are matched with a stable black tuxedo. Coupled with a handsome appearance. Maybe only the title of Prince of the piano is worthy of it!

It's amazing that except for the wonderful melody that lingers for three days, maybe this is the way to appear! Before the lights are turned off, the stage is empty! And the time to turn off the lights is only about five seconds. In the third second, the first melody floats out! That is to say, it takes only three seconds to complete this series of arrangements Although the piano was transported from the piano room to the backstage of the stage before the party began, I'm afraid no one except Qin Yang knows the secret since such a large piano was transported to the stage without any manpower!

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