”Where? Is there a new comer today? " The middle-aged man went to the window and looked at the place pointed by the woman, "it's really new. Look at the man's age of only 20 o'clock, but his breath fluctuation is not weak. It should be the level of God teacher or even higher! You and I are 60 or 70 years old and still struggling at the God level. People are so angry than people! "

”Anthracene! " The woman also nodded in agreement. "His future achievements must be very high. Eh! Brother Shuishui, do you feel that the girl behind him has no interest? "

”Anthracene, I feel it. Those two should be a pair of lovers. When the woman died, he still didn't give up. He should come to find a way to save her! Yes, this man is a man of temperament. Let's help him. " Then the man named Zhou Shuishui went downstairs,

”Wipe, do you really want to make a floor? " Qin Yang scolded secretly. At this time, his eyes fell on the middle-aged man not far away

The man is about thirty years old (on the surface). He has a white and quiet face, long hair on his head, a bun, green silk batches on both sides in front of his chest, a blue robe and a black belt at the waist. At the moment, he is looking at himself with a smile.

Zhou Shuishui said, "my little brother should be new! I don't know the rules here. There's no place to live. Why don't you go to the cold house and have a rest tonight? "

Qin Yang doubted whether his ears had heard wrong, but his smiling face was telling him that all this was true.

Qin Yang also said with a smile, "I'm really new here. I'm not familiar with here. If it's convenient, I'll have a night's rest at your house. I don't know your name. My younger brother's name is Qin Yang! "

”Of course, it's convenient. It gives people roses and leaves fragrance in their hands. We are also very helpful. My name is Zhou Shuishui. " Zhou Shuishui smiled.

”That little brother will call you brother Zhou all your life? " Qin Yang said with a smile! The attitude is very friendly. After all, others are nice to you! You should be nice to others, shouldn't you!!

”That week, I asked you to shout "brother Yang all your life." With that, Zhou Shuishui invited Qin Yang into the house

Qin Yang followed Zhou Shuishui into Zhou Shuishui's home. Sitting on a round table, Zhou Shuishui made a pot of tea and poured a cup for Qin Yang. Just then, Zhou Shuishui's wife came down from upstairs and sat down next to Zhou Shuishui. Yang Qinyang smiled at her as saying hello.

”Let me introduce you. This is my wife, Caixia. " Zhou Shuishui pointed to the woman next to him and said.

”Hello, my name is Yang Qinyang. It's inconvenient for you. Please be cool! " Yang Qinyang put Xiao Lin on the chair and shook hands with Caixia. Show your sincerity,

”Where did Qin Yang say that. Everyone in Wuyu city is very hospitable. If other families saw you had no place to live just now, they would invite you to stay at their house. Each of us had a time when we first came. It was OK during the day. If we came at night, if everyone had nothing to do and hung up high, we wouldn't really sleep on the street? " Caixia smiles like a flower,

Caixia is also a stunning woman. Her white skin always shows a layer of blush. She is flirtatious with every frown and smile. Her long blue dress outlines her figure vividly.

”Qin Yang, who is this? " Zhou Shuishui asked, pointing to Xiao Lin.

”This is my wife Xiao Lin. " Yang Qinyang's eyes unconsciously showed sadness, which soon covered up his emotions.

However, all this was caught by Caixia. He was indeed a man of temperament!

”Brother Qin Yang, with all due respect, your wife seems to have no vitality. " Zhou Shuishui asked.

”Hey! It's a long story. " Yang Qinyang took a sip of tea and tried to restrain his emotions. " I fought a duel with an expert at the peak of God. "

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Shuishui and Caixia were stunned, and then their faces were shocked. What's the concept of the peak of divine respect? One finger can easily kill two people. The young man in front of him is more than half a hundred years younger than the two. He dares to fight with the practitioners at the peak of divine respect. They don't think Yang Qinyang is talking big.

”The practitioner at the peak of the divine statue fought with me for a long time. Both of them ran out of internal power, so they fought with weapons. Finally, my sword pierced into his body, while his weapon pierced into lin'er's body. " Speaking of this, Yang Qinyang could no longer control his mood and his eyes were red.

”Brother Shui, you really are. Qin Yang, I'm sorry to mention your sadness. " Caixia gave Zhou Shuishui a white look and apologized to Yang Qinyang,

Qin Yang wiped his eyes and said, "it's all right. Later, I took lin'er to abstinence and asked the rosefinch holy beast to save her. The rosefinch holy beast said the four conditions for saving lin'er: first, the thousand foot ice soul peak in the world of no desire, second, soul returning grass, third, the thousand year emperor heart lotus, and fourth, my cultivation should reach the divine level." By the way, brother Zhou, do you know the location of Qianzhang Bingpeng peak? " This is Yang Qinyang's purpose. Although Zhou Shuishui and his wife are very good to themselves, it is not enough for him to say all these things. Zhu que said that Qianzhang Bingpeng peak is the holy mountain in the eyes of people in the world of no desire, so they will certainly know the location of Qianzhang Bingpeng peak. That's why he said these things.

”I've heard of Qianzhang Bingpeng peak. I heard that the weather in Fangyuan is very strange. Snowflakes will float there whether it's day or night, sunny or rainy. But if I really don't know the location there, let alone me, even if I ask all over the lustless City, few people will know. The temperature there is more than the people of lustless city can bear. " Zhou Shuishui said.

”So no one knows about lustless city? Is there any place in the world of lustlessness where people live? " Yang Qinyang asked.

”In the world of no desire, only this city of no desire can live. The city of no desire covers an area of tens of thousands of square meters, and hundreds of thousands of people can live here. But we don't know the location of Qianzhang Bingpeng peak. Maybe someone knows. " Zhou Shuishui said.

”Who? Who knows the location of Qianzhang Bingpeng peak? " Yang Qinyang asked.

”The Lord of the world without desire. "

”"The Lord of the world without desire?"

”Yes, the Lord of the lustless world. He is in charge of all kinds of power, population residence, public security and all kinds of things in the lustless City, so he will know. " Zhou Shuishui said and took a sip of tea. Caixia on one side filled the cups of Yang Qinyang and Zhou Shuishui with tea.

”Well, brother Zhou, now take me to the Lord of the lustless world! " Yang Qinyang stood up and pulled Zhou Shuishui out.

”Brother Qin Yang, I can't wait! " Zhou Shuishui gently removed Yang Qinyang's hand. Then he pushed Yang Qinyang back to his chair, "brother Qinyang, don't hurry to listen to me first. The Lord of the non desire world has a strange temper. If you disturb him at this time, you will be coquettish. The non desire world majored in the primary level of gods. He was above all people, so he was arrogant. If you want to see him, you can only see him at noon during the day. He doesn't see anyone at any other time. And the man's shape and whereabouts are uncertain. Maybe where is he now? " Zhou Shuishui said, and Caixia nodded.

”Where shall I see him tomorrow afternoon? " Yang Qinyang asked.

”Did you see that CaSO in the tower? " Zhou Shuishui asked.

”CaSO? You mean the watchdog! I haven't seen him, but he's very polite to me today. He'll open the gate and let me in. " Yang Qinyang thought of the soul shooting. It turned out that the man was CaSO.

”CaSO is a general appointed by the Lord of the lustless world. His responsibility is to maintain the public security of the lustless city and watch the city gate. The people of the lustless city are very easy to get along with, so there are few problems of public security. There are many strange animals around the lustless city. Because of the city wall, CaSO rarely makes trouble in the city. CaSO is responsible for checking whether the people entering the city are human beings and then opening the door. But he is also the representative of the Lord of the world of no desire in the city of no desire. If we want to see the so-called Lord of the world, we must pass through CaSO. " Zhou Shuishui said.

”Oh, I have to pass him. The main shelf of the non desire world is not small! " Yang Qinyang's enlightenment.

”I know boss Qin Yang is in a hurry to save your wife, but I can't be in a hurry for a while. In the evening, I'll take you to Casso tomorrow. " Zhou Shuishui suggested and looked at Qin Yang's face.

”Good, Lord of lustless city? I'll meet him tomorrow. By the way, sister-in-law Caixia doesn't know if you have some clean clothes. I want to change lin'er's clothes. " Yang Qinyang pointed to Xiao Lin's bloody clothes.

”Yes, yes, yes. If Qin Yang is at ease, he will give me his sister-in-law and I will help her clean up. " Caixia said.

”My sister-in-law said that. How can I be worried? In that case, there will be sister-in-law Lao. " Yang Qinyang picked up Xiao Lin and handed it to Caixia.

Caixia took Xiao Lin in her arms and walked into the inner hall

Qin Yang took another sip of tea and slowly tasted the fragrance in the tea. He couldn't tell the fragrance and sweetness from his mouth to his heart. " Good tea! Good tea! " Qin Yang couldn't help exclaiming.

The opposite Zhou Shuishui smiled and asked, "guess what kind of tea it is. You guessed right, there is a prize. "

”This tea is not as unique as Tieguanyin, nor as refreshing as Longjing. This tea is not only sweet, but also has some aftertaste. " Qin Yang closed his eyes and immersed himself in the fragrance of tea. However, he suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile: "three parts of Pu'er and seven parts of Dahongpao are soaked in the morning dew."

”Shit, you can guess that. Admire. " Zhou Shuishui scolded that the mixed tea was created by himself. No one guessed right in such a big lustless city. However, the young boy could guess right and knew that it was made with morning dew. How can he not admire it? " It seems that brother Qin Yang is also an expert in drinking tea! "

”Hehe, brother Zhou flatters me. My father has a unique love for tea. There are hundreds of kinds of tea at home. I mix some tea to form seventy-nine kinds of mixed tea, which makes those who often come to my house to drink tea gray headed and gray faced. I naturally drank this proportion of tea, but at first I knew where the sweetness came from. Then I thought of the morning dew. I didn't think I was really confused. " Qin Yang smiled cunningly.

”It seems that elder brother, I'm really a bit of a teacher to play with the tea art in front of brother Qinyang. Ha ha! " Zhou Shuishui's heart set off a storm. He played with tea for decades. He only knew more than ten kinds of mixed tea, but the one in front of him already knew forty-nine kinds. Mixed tea can't be mixed casually. First of all, we should ensure the original flavor between the two kinds of tea, and increase its flavor on this basis. At the same time, the tea should not be too strong and have fresh tea aroma. So this must be done in proportion. It can't be done without a certain foundation.

”Brother Zhou, what are your so-called rewards? " Qin Yang smiled.

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