"What about my clothes????" Qin Tian stretched out his hand and asked Qin Yang.

"Well, this

"If it wasn't because Su Ling said I saw a dress in the toilet, would I still be in the dark?"

Because the toilet itself is shared by men and women, there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's just a dress. It's no big deal. I'll invite you to dinner next time..." Qin Yang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said.

"Asshole, that's the design of Anne Stephen, a famous British fashion designer! If it weren't for my father, it would be impossible to get it????

"Well, what kind of Finn is it? Is it famous? I haven't heard of it!!" Qin Yang asked, puzzled

"Annie Stephen is a world-famous fashion designer. It is said that the British royal family can only get ten sets of works designed by him every year! The clothes he personally designed can not be measured by price! I didn't expect Qin Tian's father to be so powerful that he could help you get his clothes!" Xiao Ruoshui said with a smile

"Er??? Well, last time my father went to England on business, by the way..." Qin Tian said.

"Are his clothes really so famous? Compared with Armani, gucci brands?" Qin Yang asked.

"It's not a grade at all. Every dress he designs will be nailed with a gold buckle specially signed by him in the corner. It can't be imitated by others!" Xiao Ruoshui turned white and Qin Yang said with one look. It was like looking at a hillbilly??? But she seemed to forget that the boy in front of her was wearing a T-shirt that didn't know how long he had been out of breath when he first entered his villa. How could he know the trend and fashion!

"Oh, isn't it just a dress? As for a woman like a woman? And didn't you lose it? It's just Zou????" Su Ling came out to make a round.

"It's just..."

"Qin Tian is fine. No one will know about such special clothes even if you spread them. Isn't that the same as ordinary clothes? Besides, you don't need that money!" Huang Chen said with a smile

Money, it's not just about money... Is it precious? But he didn't intend to tell Qin Yang how to drop. After all, it's such an iron relationship. What's more, he saved his father's life. Today he's just complaining about Qin Yang

"Well, it's all right. I'll get you one next time! How about I invite you to a big meal when I'm free! Tomorrow is new year's day. You should watch the program happily, shouldn't you????" Qin Yang said with a smile.

Girls usually like shopping. Those who keep up with the trend generally think that girls will pay more attention to clothes. If this happens to girls, it may not be solved peacefully! In fact, although men are not as crazy as women, they will pay more attention to taste. Pay attention to face! Clothes. Watches It's a manifestation of face! So it's human nature for Qin Tian to show this.

However, clothes are only external things after all. But the friendship between brothers is the most valuable. Although clothes are very precious, how can they be more precious than this! I think about it!

A group of people strolled around the huge playground. In such a sea of people, there were all kinds of performances on both sides. There was a sense of confusion and charming eyes. After walking for a while, you could see a large group of men and women nearby, but obviously there were a little more women! And in front of that group of people, there was a tall man Poster. It says in a few lines "the magic show of yofo, an internationally famous magic master!!"

A group of people strolled around the huge playground. In such a sea of people, there were all kinds of performances on both sides. There was a sense of confusion and charming eyes. After walking for a while, you could see a large group of men and women nearby, but obviously there were a little more women! And in front of that group of people, there was a tall man Poster. It says in a few lines "the magic show of yofo, an internationally famous magic master!!"

"Who is this yofo? How can so many people watch here!" Qin Yang asked several people around him.

Chen Yilin, Xiao Ruoshui and even Ling Ya look at Qin Yang with a strange look. How can we describe that look? It is said that in the zoo, the audience is looking at the animals in the cage, or it can be said that a group of fashionable people are looking at a person just released from prison!

"Why, do you know?" Qin Yang asked Ling Ya curiously.

"Hmm??? Well, his programs are often broadcast on TV!!" Ling Ya replied carefully.

"I said, Qin Yang, if we don't know you, we may really think you are a person who has been sentenced to decades of imprisonment and has just been released. Because only such a person will be so isolated from the world! You don't know such a famous magician!!" Yi xiaonuo said with a glance at Qin Yang.

"Well, I don't know these people very well???"

"This yofo is a famous French magician. He has completed the fast travel magic show all over the world in his early twenties! His fans are all over the world. And he is super handsome!" Su Ling showed a look of flower mania.

However, it immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of some characters!

The little fat man smiled and said, "it's better for our Xiaowen. You shouldn't know Xiaowen!"

"Er????" silence is the best answer!

"Ha ha, it seems that we are all beautiful women. We think alike. Let's go. Let's go and see what magic he is performing today! I didn't expect that our school is so powerful that even he can invite him over! Would you like to come and see it together?" so Su Ling pulled a few people's eyes and watched him squeeze into the crowd before she finished her words.

"It's just magic. It's just a deceptive trick. I won't go to see it!" Qin tianbai said with white eyes!

"Yes, it's just that people are a little handsome. It's obviously an idol school. What talent can they have and return to the world-class famous magic master!" Huang Chen complained

"Although I'm not interested in this man, I'm still going to have a look. What I want to see is what tricks he wants to play! Go somewhere else first!" Qin Yang said and followed several people in! People are always interested in those unknown things. Qin Yang does have such a hobby to solve the mystery of magic, but the more important purpose is to protect their safety. The feeling of snooping just now still lingers in his mind... Maybe uncle Xiao's worry is right! On the last day of this year, it is doomed not to be so ordinary!

Qin Tian and Huang Chen were angry. "What does it mean to see what tricks can be played? Obviously, I'm worried about Ling Ya and them!"

"But that's good. With Qin Yang, no one will dare to move their thoughts." Qin Tian smiled and said.

"Let's also find a program to see! Otherwise, it will not be very boring!!" Huang Chen asked with a bitter smile.

"If they allow girls to see handsome men, can't we see selling women? Can only state officials set fire and people are not allowed to light lights? Let's find out where there are beautiful women!" Qin Tian said with an unkind smile.

"Good idea????" then the two wolves gradually disappeared into the crowd, looking for the beauty in their eyes!

Qin Yang slowly squeezed into the crowd and soon found that in the center of the crowd, a temporary stage was already crowded with people. The huge white spotlight hit the stage. A young man with fair hair was standing on the stage and made a bow. The people under the stage cheered and shook the sky. It seems that I have just finished a show!

"I'm glad that such a group of lovely people are enjoying my performance. The next performance will be" underwater escape "! I hope you can like it." while he was talking, his four beautiful assistants had pushed a huge glass sink three or four meters high from under the stage, which was filled with clean water. It seems that there should be no problem with the water!

After a while, the assistant had tied a rope to his push. An assistant also tied the rope. It's just that the assistant is tied to his waist! Through yofo's hands were handcuffed. After a while. The rope began to move and soon dropped the two people! At the top of the glass sink, the huge cover opened. Yofo was directly put into the sink! Through the clean water, you can see yofo smiling at everyone! Then it fell into the air and slowly closed the open lid. The cover is closed from both sides. Finally, there are two holes in the middle, which can better hang yofo's two feet. After locking the lid. The beautiful assistant was put down, and the lights between the stages suddenly darkened. The red cloth rises from all around the sink. The water tank was covered tightly. At the beginning, an assistant already had a huge clock in his hand. When all this is done. She adjusted the time to three minutes.

It seems that these three minutes should be the end of the performance! The audience who watched the performance began to hold their breath and seemed to be waiting for the end of the performance. At that moment, everyone's heartbeat seemed to follow the ticking beat!

"Is three minutes really OK? Can a normal person stay in the water for three minutes?" Xiao Ruoshui asked.

"Well trained divers can swim in the water for two to four minutes. So there should be no problem!" Qin Yang replied.

"Ah! But he's a magician. He's not going to do such training! Won't there be any problem!" Su Ling shouted!

"When performing this magic trick, magicians will take some medicine in advance to control the heart rate, so that oxygen can slow down the blood in the body!!" Qin Yang explained

"?????? Why do you know everything?" Chen Yilin asked

After a few people chatted for a while, the time finally came to the end, and the number on the clock was slowly decreasing. Until zero, everyone's heart stopped at this moment! And the curtain was slowly pulled up. Slowly pull up centimeter by centimeter. But half way through, I didn't see anyone in the sink until the curtain was completely pulled up. Only the empty glass sink can be seen. The audience made a noise in an instant.

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