”What?! " Qin Yang was surprised: "is this true? The old man who said he would not care about you anymore, this time he was so determined to give orders directly? This is really a big problem. What do you think? " Qin Yang walked to the computer while waiting for a reply. Open YY and send a message out.

”I don't know. How can he know about the black competition I participated in? How can I do it now? Let's go one step at a time! If he comes to the door, I'll probably kill him. " Qin Tian lost his usual arrogance, just like being completely extinguished by a match splashed with water.

Until now, Qin Yang still remembers that the old man was Qin Tian's adoptive father that day. When he came here, he heard that he was looking for Qin Tian. He looked at his round figure and smiled kindly. Another foot should have been hurt. It doesn't matter if you walk around. Take him to qintian gate, pat qintian gate and wake him up. The old man has been waiting behind him with a smile.

After a while, Qin Tian came out to open the door and saw that he was still ferocious and said that he was making him sleep. But when he looked behind him, he was sweating. He wanted to close the door as soon as he shook his hand, but he was held by a big round hand. Then he heard a strong murderous spirit rising behind him and said slowly, "the little guy is nice. Make way for the old man. I'll clean up this man." The tone slowly cooled down. Qin Tian was so frightened by the sound that he just wanted to close the door quickly, but the door didn't move in the grasp of the round hand.

He stepped back slowly and exposed the old man behind him. He found that he had erupted into a small universe, such as Shura's upper body. He scared himself on the spot.

He didn't know what happened next. Anyway, after the old man went in and closed the door, he only heard Qin Tian's scream and the sound of close contact between his fist and his body. Until the next day, the old man went out of Qin Tian's room and said, "I don't care about you anymore." Disappeared before his eyes.

Until three days later, Qin Tiancai appeared in front of him with his face covered. He said that he had been wandering on the edge of life and death for the past three days and could get out of bed today. And blame him for not seeing himself.

The above is Qin Yang's memory of the old man. It's so terrible that he always wants to forget. Now I'm shocked to hear the three words "old man" again. The old man's attitude is so firm that it will never end easily. Qin Yang couldn't help looking pitifully at Qin Tian. There was no way. The man who could fight against Wu Yuan was also beaten so miserably. It was really terrible.

The computer suddenly has a prompt tone. This is YY's message. Qin Yang has no language after reading it. The reply is: "tell savage GUI to go back quickly. Otherwise, it would be funny to be knocked out of bed last time. Hahaha ~ PS: I recently played a new game. Don't come to me if you have something to do, and don't come to me if you have nothing to do. " Sure enough, Wu Yuan is the most heartless and heartless. He is only interested in games. He is really immortal yuan.

”Qin Tian, let's have lunch with me at noon. Today I'll help you find a way! " Looking at the depressed Qin Tian, Qin Yang suggested.

Qin Tian felt a little drunk and said to me, "no, it's better for me to say it. I'll talk to you again. Thank you for listening to me!"

Qin Yang looked at Qin Tian walking out of the door and thought to his back: I can only give you advice. I really can't face the old man. Pray for yourself! Ah, door! God bless you! Nanwu Oh, Lida Buddha!

After Qin Tian left, the room was deserted. Qin Yang quietly helped Qin Tian think about the way to deal with the old man, but he couldn't think of a clear idea. Time passed at once. Qin Yang scratched his head and sighed. He really didn't have any good moves for the old man's power.

Qin Yang looked up at the time of the computer and found that it was almost noon. He opened the small refrigerator and checked the inventory inside. " Well, there's nothing good to expect. " Qin Yang confirmed it and said to himself, "I wanted to leave Qin Tian for dinner before. Forget it. I'm not in the mood to cook. Go out and eat."

Qin Yang couldn't help sighing that it's really sad for a single man to live alone. If there is no good source of income, even going out to eat is a luxury! I can only hone my cooking skills, or I'll wait to eat Xiang

Thinking about what to eat, suddenly there was a delicious smell of fried vegetables from outside the window. Well, it was fried beef with parsley! It tastes delicious. Xiao Ruoshui's rice is still good. I had the honor to eat it several times at the invitation of sister Qin in the past six months. However, during the meal, the eldest lady still kept a cold face, but she softened her expression when she heard the praise for the meal.

Qin Yang walked out of the door while thinking about some things he didn't have. Walking through Wu Yuan's house, I still photographed his door and said to the closed door, "have lunch at noon. Don't be immortal." Without hearing the response, Qin Yang ignored it and walked down the next stairs.

The design of this apartment is very simple. It is directly a rectangular house with only two floors. Sister Qin and her daughter Xiao Ruoshui live below, and it is divided into three single rooms for rent. There is a fence outside to enclose here. There are two long front yards and backyards. The backyard is wider, and one corner is the entrance and exit. As soon as you come in, there is a parking garage, next to the outdoor corridor close to the wall, and then a suspended corridor connecting the three rooms on the second floor.

After Qin Yang walked down the stairs, he couldn't help stopping. Looking at the silhouette of watering flowers in the front yard, Xiao Ruoshui has this tall figure and exquisite face, just like watering flowers in a lovely apron now, there is a gentle and virtuous atmosphere, like a gentle young woman waiting for her husband to have dinner at home.

Suddenly Qin Yang found something he would never see at ordinary times. Xiao Ruoshui was actually smiling. Although it was a very light smile, it was indeed smiling. Qin Yang seemed to be attracted by the smile. He turned and walked into the front yard and slowly approached her.

Xiao Rushui didn't notice anyone approaching and concentrated on watering the flowers. After feeling almost the same, he put down his kettle and looked at the flowers in full bloom. He was in a very good mood and his face was also in full bloom. Smelling the fragrance of various flowers, I couldn't help closing my eyes and enjoying the quiet and peaceful moment. The warm feeling of spring sunshine on the body makes the whole body warm. The smile on his face is more bright and brilliant because of this kind of reason.

Qin Yang has unconsciously walked to Xiao Ruoshui and wants to wake her up, but he doesn't have the heart to destroy the picture. Raise your hands in the air.

”"Poop poop" suddenly a laughter sounded from behind the door. Then a joke came to their ears: "Hey, great Xia Qin, what do you want? Do you want to fight my eldest lady? And my eldest lady, are you trying to seduce great Xia Qin? "

The two people who were awakened by the joke looked at the source of the sound at the same time. Sister Qin didn't know when she came back. She parked her car between the door and the entrance of the garage, lay on the window, looked back and forth with ambiguous eyes, and then looked at them.

After Xiao Ruoshui reacted, he turned his head and looked at Qin Yang who maintained the "sneak attack posture". Then his face turned red immediately. He didn't know whether he was ashamed or angry. Anyway, Qin Yang was caught trying to "sneak attack". He gave him a slap.

Sister Qin is smiling over there at her daughter's violence. Also feel that the good play is not enough, add a sentence: "Miss, is this shy? It's a sign of your charm that you were attacked by great Xia Qin. "

Xiao Ruoshui looked at Qin Yang with the same eyes as seeing annoying insects, then ran into Qin Yang as if he couldn't see him at all, walked towards sister Qin and angrily said to her, "Mom, don't make fun of me with such people, will you? It will damage your daughter's life. What's great Xia Qin? "

Sister Qin didn't expect her daughter's reaction to be so big, but when she saw her daughter's reaction, she still felt very cute. She tilted her head strangely and asked, "Oh ~! Is that so? Why, I saw someone watching great Xia Qin's on the computer yesterday... "

”Ah ~! " Before sister Qin finished her words, Xiao Ruoshui shouted and ran straight to block her mouth. Then Xiao Ruoshui looked at her mother with a smile and said, "Mom, stop the car quickly and let's have lunch together. That's it! " I don't know how to say it, it becomes threatening, and the smiling face becomes a little scary.

Sister Qin knew that her good daughter was angry and didn't say anything. She drove the car into the parking garage. Xiao Ruoshui stood and looked at his mother, watching her as eagerly as he couldn't wait for his mother to have dinner together. In sister Qin's opinion, it's almost like surveillance. It's like she doesn't want to finish what she just said.

Qin Yang was suddenly slapped. She was surprised enough. Suddenly, sister Qin seemed to burst out some terrible information, which made him completely unresponsive like a wooden man. But I couldn't hear the second half, so I was silenced directly. When she reacts, sister Qin has parked her car and is pulled into the house by Xiao Ruoshui.

Qin Yang approached to explain the situation just now, but sister Qin spoke first: "Xiao Luoluo, you are my candidate son-in-law! Come on! Next time I will look at you silently. Poof poof! "

Qin Yang immediately replied, "well... I didn't think about that just now... Don't get me wrong, but I want to try it when I have a chance. Yes! "

”Well, you big head! " Xiao Ruoshui turned back and scolded Qin Yang while playing sister Qin: "who wants you to answer? Get out and eat quickly, mom. What do you say?"

”Eh, xiaoxiangxiang, I think of your happiness! Luo Da is a good writer. It's suitable for you. Maybe... "Sister Qin introduced Xiao Ruoshui with a smile. But I don't know why she became a little unsure.

”Mom, stop talking and come in! " While talking, she pulled sister Qin in the door and finally yelled at the people in the topic. Just slammed the door shut.

Qin Yang, who was shut outside the door, listened to the laughter inside the door and smiled, but after touching his face. I can't laugh. It's a burning pain! It's supposed to swell up. But I still have to eat. I go out slowly with my pants pocket in my hands and walk to the street.

”It's really lively today. I've been involved in everything. I haven't stopped all morning. " Qin Yang walked in the street. There were residential areas nearby. Few people walked around. When he was cold, he couldn't help lamenting what happened this morning.

Qin Yang thought about what to eat as he walked. But I don't know why I think of that sentence just made by sister Qin. Naturally, I think of Xiao Ruoshui's appearance. It's still very cute to laugh! If it's really good to be a wife, when I think about it, I'm suddenly scared into a cold sweat by this idea. If I want to be true, won't it definitely become henpecked? Ha ha, but she won't like her third rate writer... Ah, ha ha

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