While thinking about some things that are not, Qin Yang doesn't know when he will come to the usual road. Turn into your favorite back alley. On one side of this straight alley is a tall wall that runs through the whole lane, and on the other side is a conjoined wall with many houses without gaps. Overhead was a shade of trees protruding from the walls of large families. In the quiet alley, there is no noisy road. But you can vaguely hear the noise. In this way, there is a very special feeling, like being away from the mortal world and going to a different country.

When Qin Yang turned into the alley, he didn't pay attention at first. After approaching, he found something he didn't usually have, a big box. Because there are big families on one side of the alley, people usually clean the alley. But I was curious to see such a large object today.

However, Qin Yang is just curious and cares about what it is. The carton should be a large gift box. It feels like it can put a large teddy bear. On the surface of dazzling color stripes, a cardboard is pasted on the front. But Qin Yang was stunned when he saw the above content.

On the cardboard, I put together a sentence with patterned colored paper: loli, a gift from God.

Looking at this sentence, Qin Yang's breathing almost stopped. Because for a heavy Lori control like Qin Yang, such a gift is a Tianlei, which makes people anxious outside and crisp inside. It's really a dream!

His usual calmness came back soon, but Qin Yang's hands were on the cover of the box when he was just distracted. No matter how calm you are, you can't keep it. Hands, no, it should be said that the whole body is shaking with excitement. In the circulation of the brain, only the words "quick open" are playing back all the time.

Just as both hands were about to lift the lid of the box, suddenly the analyzer in my brain resumed its function.

Maybe it's a joke. There are terrible things in it. Someone nearby is watching his ugly appearance. As soon as this idea flashed in Qin Yang's brain, cold sweat burst out from all over his body. This is all because there are terrible bad friends around who can do such things! Qin Yang, who responded, immediately loosened his hand holding the box cover and was secretly lucky that he didn't open it.

But the Lori soul of Qin Yang is burning! This told him to turn around and leave without opening it. He couldn't do it at all!

After taking two steps back, Qin Yang began to look around. After careful observation, I didn't find anything strange or anyone. An alley as quiet as usual. The only thing that had a problem was a box, which brought his curiosity back.

But now Qin Yang has calmed down and began to analyze what this is? Who put it in the alley he used to walk, and used such words that attracted his attention.

Qin Yang muttered in his heart: if it's like a little Laurie written on the cardboard, it's easy to suffocate people with such a sealed box. It doesn't make sense to see it before it is opened, and you can't forgive yourself. But it may also be a terrible prank. When I thought of all kinds of terrible images I had received before, my scalp was numb.

But on second thought, if Laurie was really an abandoned child, she would be taken to the police station. And the bastard who made the most trouble with himself is in a depression. He may not have the heart to do it

Various thoughts flashed through Qin Yang's mind. Finally, he decided to open it first. However, the above ideas are Qin Yang's excuses. The truth is that the Lori soul in his body has been attracted by the words on the cardboard.

After Qin Yang implemented his idea, he began to do it. To keep calm, take two deep breaths and open the box cover with both hands at a super fast speed. The eye has scanned the box, but the heart has been beating faster and faster.

”No... no! Really... Really a little Lori, and super cute. "

Inside the box was a little girl between the ages of two and three, slightly bent and sleeping on her side. The round little face was full of attractive baby red, and the white jade hands and feet were tightly held in front of the chest like cat claws. He also sucks the thumb of his left hand with his ruddy mouth, and his small eyes are closed, but his small eyes move as if they want to wake up and don't want to. His whole body was covered with dark and bright soft long hair. Looking at such a little Lori, let Qin Yang's strange uncle attribute break through the critical point in an instant.

Is it so cute to live? Too much, the heart wants to be caught, and the nosebleed is almost on the verge of collapse. No, absolutely not! Otherwise it would endanger his life. Qin Yang's reason kept reminding him.

But the little cute in the box didn't know that Qin Yang was on the edge of life and death. Maybe the sun shone in after the box cover was opened. She scratched her eyes and nose with her right hand like a kitten, and then turned over and squeezed towards the box wall on the other side of the wall.

Just when Xiaoxiao turned over, Qin Yang had been watching her. Unknowingly, the nosebleed was running down like a waterfall. Because of the turning over action, the hair originally scattered on her body slid to both sides, allowing Qin Yang to see the secret under her hair. Xiaoxiao was naked and naked. This made Qin Yang such a severe Lori control, instantly like seeing a corner of the kingdom of heaven, and his whole body was so excited that he had an illusion due to excessive blood loss.

Qin Yang's legs had softened, knelt down, supported his body with the box wall in one hand, covered his nose with force in the other hand, and looked down at the ground. Qin Yang's rationality has long disappeared, and his thinking ability is close to mentally retarded.

Qin Yang thought to himself: what's going on now? No, my thinking has weakened. Let's recall today's events!

”After I woke up today, I washed and hung up the clothes I didn't wash last night, and then started writing. Suddenly, I was called out by Xiao Xiangxiang. Then I met Longgui and heard about the old man and Longgui. I wanted to cook until almost noon. I didn't have any good materials at home. I wanted to buy lunch. As a result, I saw xiaoxiangxiang's gentle side and smiled very cute! No, wait... Hoo ~! I almost missed it, but it was really cute. Then sister Qin teased me and slapped me. Wow ~! It really hurts. It's not a dream. " Qin Yang denied the premise of dreaming and continued to think.

But a mentally retarded person immediately ignored this fact. " Then go to the place you like to eat, go to the alley you usually go all the time, and see what you want to see in your dreams... Um... What you want to see in your dreams... Oh! By the way, yes, that's it. In fact, I'm not awake yet. I'm still dreaming, am I? By the way, that's it, hahaha ~ I understand. It was... "When Qin Yang was talking to himself, he thought he had figured things out.

A sweet voice asked him, "who are you?"? Did you open the box? " Qin Yang heard the problem and looked up at the sound source. I found that the little cute who had fallen asleep in the box didn't know when she woke up. She climbed the box wall higher than her with both hands and looked at herself. Qin Yang had no other reaction except in a daze.

Maybe seeing that Qin Yang didn't respond, he shook his small hand in front of him and repeated the question just now. Qin Yang, who has been a wood for a long time, finally reacted. It turned out that it was not a dream. Everything was true. With a gentle voice as calm as possible, he replied, "my name is Qin Yang. I opened the box. Little basin friend, how did you get in the box?"

When the little girl heard Qin Yang's answer, her obvious eyes began to shine. Of course, Qin Yang doesn't know why, but the little girl seems to ignore Qin Yang's problem. Continue to confirm one thing with him.

”Did you really open the box? "

”Huh? Really. "

”Really? Really?! "

”Of course, really! " Qin Yang wondered what was going on and why he had to confirm the problem so seriously. But he did not tire of answering.

For some reason, the little girl raised her hands and shouted long live. But she had already climbed the box wall higher than her, and now she fell down. Qin Yang was so frightened that he quickly stood up and stretched out his head to see it.

But in front of him was the little girl who rushed at Qin Yang. Her hands wrapped around his neck and shouted excitedly in his ears, "Dad! I'm Xiaotao ~! Dad, do you know how much peach wants to see you? " Then he burst into tears.

Xiaotao is the little girl in front of him. Qin Yang can't hear what she said clearly, but Qin Yang has clearly received the first word she said, but this word can be like a joke to him. Shocked, his face was sweating, his face was pale, and his heart missed a few beats.

Because Qin Yang has been a virgin for 25 years, he has never been a sad man with a woman's edge, and has never had anything to do with a woman except his mother, so today, right now, he suddenly came out with a daughter called his father. I can't help asking questions about my life of 25 years: what's going on?

Looking at the little peach in front of him laughing and shouting at his father, Qin Yang confirmed that it was definitely not a terrorist prank, but it was more terrible to be prank. Qin Yang, who was sweating heavily, stopped thinking for a time. Xiaotao didn't feel it at all. He was always excited and shouted so happy.

”What to do now... "Qin Yang was completely free of excitement and excitement. After a shock, she suddenly calmed down and began to analyze: the girl suddenly recognized herself as her father, which means she had never seen her father before. What about her mother? Maybe she was abandoned by her mother? Then you have to go to the police station. Let's find out first.

Qin Yang picked up Xiaotao with both hands. Xiaotao was also excited and looked at him skillfully. His watery eyes flashed a piercing light, which made Qin Yang hard to believe that someone could abandon such a lovely and clever child. But first understand and then judge. Qin Yang looked at Xiaotao and said, "is your name Xiaotao?"

”Well, yes! "Dad" Xiaotao replied with full vigour.

Qin Yang was a little shaken when he heard the word "father", but he was not so shocked for the first time. Then he asked, "Why are you in this box, peach? Where's your mother? "

”Xiaotao doesn't know. She's so happy to see her father when she wakes up! But Dad, you're strange! Of course mom is with Dad! " Xiaotao's small mouth looked at Qin Yang and answered.

What's strange is yourself? Qin Yang asked himself. There is no answer, but Xiaotao doesn't seem to lie, saying she hasn't even seen her mother? What the hell is going on?

Although there are more and more problems in Qin Yang's heart, one must be confirmed first. Qin Yang asked softly, "how do you confirm that I'm your father, Xiaotao?" This is the biggest problem in Qin Yang's heart at present.

Xiaotao seemed a little bored in the question. He played with his hair. When he heard Qin Yang's question, he answered seriously, "well, the person who opened the box is my father. Someone said that to me."

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