”In fact, I've long wondered why you boast about yourself. I wonder that I've played with you these two days. Do you really don't have to go to school? If you didn't go to class, dare you teach me a lesson? "

”Uncle is very happy, isn't he? Who wants you to say that? Quickly report whether the task has been found! " Wan Wan used a way to hide her shame with anger.

In fact, Huang Chen has already contacted that person and has been talking about conditions. Few people can use magic crystal. So it's not particularly valuable information, but if you can get the real information, you still have to pay a price. Finally, I decided to exchange one of the main medicinal materials for the news. Now Huang Chen has been called to wait near the task. From time to time, the person who sent the message appeared. He learned after a simple chat in the game. The man had accidentally discovered this task, but he found that he had to kill a strong boss in a local cave to complete it, and he had to complete it independently. This is a task that challenges people's ultimate combat power.

Huang Chen readily traded materials, and then got the information about receiving the task NPC. This was definitely done by himself. After quickly checking the boss's data, he immediately felt that the task was too deceptive. The boss was not only a meat shield Rock Monster, but also a special one with strong point killing skills. If he was hit, he only had second kill, Even if you form a team, you must have a team of at least 20 people to cooperate for more than once in order to win. Even if Wuxuan is no longer a God, he can't be 20!

After knowing the general situation, Wan Wan said that she didn't lose her temper. She understood that this was a fatal task and could not be completed. A little puzzled said, "uncle, don't go. The boss can't be killed alone. Hey! I thought if you could give me this, I'd take a positive one for you. "

Huang Chen immediately pricked up his ears and said, "positive?"

”Well, it's positive. "

”OK, that's settled. Wait for my good news. " After that, he simply put YY down and carefully studied the boss's data.

Originally full of sleep, all flew to nowhere. The rest was to kill the boss's heart alone. I was in a high mood. I kept looking up the boss's information and soon got the most accurate information.

The map where the boss is located is a cave map called sandstone crypt. There are some quicksand guards distributed there. The whole body is a sand giant composed of quicksand. It has strong attack power and thick blood. The disadvantage is that the movement is relatively slow. The only weakness of the whole body is the core crystallization in the middle of the head. Use the ability of penetrating system to cause damage to weaknesses, and have super high immunity to blunt weapons.

The boss sandstone king is simply an upgraded version of quicksand guard. His whole body is wrapped in hard sandstone. He has higher attack, thick blood defense and low ability. He can't break the defense at all. His action is also slow. However, the sandstone King's body is larger than quicksand guard and his attack coverage is large, so it doesn't matter how slow it becomes. The only difference is that the sandstone king will use medium range sandstone blasting. This is a super point killing skill that can kill people whose physique cultivation is lower than 50 points. Unless the equipment defense is high enough, there are not so many blood resistance skills at all.

Huang Chen took a deep breath after inquiring these questions. He couldn't help but sigh that this task is indeed a fatal task! If the boss dies when he is killed, the task will fail. In this way, all the time and advanced materials invested in the previous tasks are wasted. It's not easy!

Huang Chen thought in his heart, how do you want to try it? Wan Wan, the girl hasn't seen her face yet! I am not afraid to waste time and materials. He has left behind a lot of advanced materials. His ability potions are limited. If he exceeds the upper limit of potion efficacy, he can't drink any more. Only then can he be divided into high, middle and low third-class potions.

After making up his mind, he took several task materials to complete the task continuously, which was completed soon. At the last step, he killed the sandstone king. The mission directly indicated the location of the cave, saved Huang Chen's time to find the cave, opened the map, quickly confirmed the location of the cave, repaired the equipment, prepared supplies and set out.

It's still mainly on the way. The cave is relatively close. After leaving the fortress of Dasha country, it will take at least half an hour to get there——

Half an hour——

Huang Chen stood at the edge of a big sand cave and adjusted his angle of view to look down. He couldn't see it at all. Yellow dust opened the sensing range and only saw a deep hole. With a wry smile, I guess this is the sandstone cave I'm looking for. But he never thought that the entrance of the cave was straight down, that is to say, he didn't know if there was any strange thing below before jumping down.

”Ah, speechless! Jump! " Huang Chen said to himself reluctantly. Then he took a step forward and fell directly. In less than 10 seconds, the yellow dust fell in the sand and was surrounded by darkness. Immediately open the sensing range and found no red spots. He was relieved and looked at it. He lost one tenth of his blood gas because he fell down. After drinking a small potion to recover his blood gas slowly, he looked at the sensing range and groped forward in the dark. In fact, yellow dust also brought a magic lamp for lighting in the cave, but the magic lamp can not only let you see the road and surrounding environment, but also attract the attention of monsters and be beaten. With the time limited props of the magic lamp, the use time is limited, and Huang Chen's physical cultivation is not high. He can only carry very few things. The original backpack has no limit, and the number of items is small. You can carry them if you can, provided that you have enough physical strength to carry them. If your physique is not high enough and you bring too many things, your physical exertion will be fast, or even slow down your movement speed and movement flexibility.

At this time, high perception makes up for the determination of lack of physical strength, reduces supplies, and uses perception to survey the map, so as to better do exploration activities.

Huang Chen walks slowly in the dark. This cave map has a congenital site effect. It will slow down due to the impression of sand on the ground. Huang Chen wants to save energy, so he doesn't run and moves forward slowly. Soon Huang Chen found that the terrain here was very simple. First, there was a circular cave centered on an entrance, and some columnar sandstone against it was scattered around. There are several quicksand guards around. Huang Chen didn't care about these monsters. He staggered away from the hostile range, walked along the edge and turned around. Huang Chen opened the map and found no other way.

”Why is it so strange? Did you go to the wrong place, but the map shows that it is a sandstone cave. Strange! " Huang Chen leaned back and talked to himself.

Huang Chen thought about the reason. He might have to kill other monsters before he could appear. He turned on the magic lamp. The light range of the magic lamp was 50 yards, which was just the maximum output range of Huang Chen. He shot an arrow at a red spot in the dark. Soon a battle was raised, saying that yellow dust caused 100 damage to quicksand guards. Then he saw the red dot slowly approaching him. Huang Chen released several skills at random. Finally, the huge quicksand guard appeared in the field of vision. The quicksand guard was a big sand man. The sand fell continuously all over his body. Huang Chen directly used a penetrating arrow to aim at the head of the sand man. Suddenly generated ten times the damage. Huang Chen walked carefully, kept a certain distance from the quicksand guard, and would not enter the alert range of other quicksand guards.

Because quicksand guards have high defense, although arrow attacks are born with a little penetration effect. However, without the strong effect of penetrating arrows, yellow dust simply outputs only penetrating arrows, which can save the consumption of arrows, physical strength and magic power. And the output effect is also considerable, but the skill cooling time limits the output speed.

Huang Chen is not in a hurry, because if he knows the attack method of quicksand guard, he can basically guess the battle scene of sandstone king. Quicksand guard will only attack forward in the shape of whip with his left and right hands. The attack range is about 20 yards, which is a killing effect. The attack range is really good. Unfortunately, the action is too slow and the attack interval is long. It completely runs out of the attack range with the ability of yellow dust. There was no danger at all. He finally killed a quicksand guard while walking.

”It's not difficult to kill this monster, but it's too high. The output effect is much worse. If the boss doesn't know if he can break the defense! The eldest lady has really had a big problem this time. " While waiting for his physical strength to recover, Huang Chen said to himself, "fortunately, the monsters on this map are widely distributed. More than two can chase a person alive without being killed."

Open the backpack and have a look at the crystal fragments of quicksand dropped by quicksand guard. This is the main material of advanced physical medicine material. It's very popular now. It's hard to kill quicksand guards, which makes the crystal fragments of quicksand more expensive. Suddenly he felt more motivated to kill monsters, so he continued to carefully kill several quicksand guards on the map.

Sure enough, after the last quicksand guard fell, there was a different state. It roared and echoed in the dark cave. When it was quiet, yellow dust quickly turned off the magic lamp and plunged into darkness. Only a light came down from the far entrance of the cave. Yellow dust picks up the falling objects on the ground and immediately opens the sensing range.

Suddenly, he was scared into a cold sweat, because several quicksand guards were refreshed around him, which vaguely surrounded him in the middle. If he just continued to turn on the magic light, he might attract all these quicksand guards. At that time, his fists will be difficult to defeat four hands. The refreshed guard also made Huang Chen understand that this is indeed a sandstone cave, but the way of brushing monsters here is strange. You can only kill all the monsters in front, then refresh the next wave of monsters, and finally refresh the boss.

Huang Chen immediately opened the website in the game to query. Sure enough, he saw the way to brush monsters on the sandstone map. He had always been concerned about the monster's data before, but he didn't expect such a thing. Find some teams who have killed the sandstone king and introduce them. They will only brush the boss sandstone king if they want to kill the three waves of monsters. Moreover, the number of brush monsters is not certain. It is refreshed according to the number of players in the cave. If too many people come in, they may brush a map monster. At that time, only the group will destroy it. Of course, brush monsters also have an upper limit, and the stock of maps is limited if there are too many people. The entrance will be closed and no one will enter. Although no one has tried to use so many people to try, this is the official information.

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