”What a special map, and a wave! Keep going! " After Huang Chen closed the web page, he controlled the character to come out of the siege and slowly encroached on all the monsters nearby one by one. After finally killing the last quicksand guard, he continued to roar. This time, Huang Chen estimated that he led the last one to the edge of the map before killing it. Sure enough, the brush monster still appeared around yellow dust, but because one side was the edge of the map, other monsters went to other places at random. This can perfectly reduce the difficulty of Huang Chen's sudden breakthrough.

”It's really more and more, three times that of the first wave. It's actually a multiple brush monster. This map is terrible. If a team without certain strength will be killed here at any time, it's best to use the elite strategy. Anyway, it's better to finish painting quickly and see the strength of the sandstone king. " Huang Chen whispered.

This time, almost 30 quicksand guards were painted on the whole map. Huang Chen carefully seduced and killed one by one. It took almost half an hour to leave the last one.

”Wow, this task is terrible! " In order to win the boss war, Huang Chen has been controlling the consumption of physical strength and touched all the surrounding terrain. Huang Chen is now sitting 80 yards away from the last quicksand guard. The sensing range is just detectable, so I wait for the natural recovery of my physical strength.

Huang Chen opens the map crystal and seriously studies how to move to put down the boss, but he won't be put down. What bothers Huang Chen most is that there is no place on the map to play a role for Huang Chen's long rope, so his strength is greatly weakened. As a result, I still didn't find any good way. Looking around, there were only some towering thick sandstone columns. There is no other barrier, and there is a piece of sand on the ground, which affects the player's moving speed.

Physical strength recovered in the passage of time, and all kinds of degrees recovered. Huang Chen still didn't think of a way, so he had to harden his head. Stand up and turn on the magic lamp effect, and the surroundings will be bright immediately. Then he put his arrow in the dark, and the flying arrow accurately hit the target in the dark. The killing steps have been repeated N times in a row and continue to be performed. Although Huang Chen is confident, his criterion is that he is careful and there is nothing wrong. If he is careless, he will die. Therefore, even if he is a little strange, Huang Chen still seriously confronts him and doesn't give himself a chance to relax.

The quicksand guard chased Huang Chen to the edge of the cave, waved a sand whip and threw it at Huang Chen. Huang Chen quickly rolled and hid behind a sandstone column. The quicksand guard's sand whip hit the sandstone column and sputtered out in another direction.

In fact, Huang Chen has long known that some nearby sandstone columns can resist the monster's attack. Unfortunately, this is not completely blocked. If there is a problem with the dodging position, he will be hit by the sputtered sand and will still be injured. Although this injury is acceptable, it has no meaning to fight the boss. Because some large bosses have the ability to destroy the terrain, they are not used much.

While dealing with the quicksand guard, he kept thinking about how to hit the boss. As time passed, the last quicksand guard fell to the ground and screamed. The whole cave constantly has sand and dust falling from the top of the head. Yellow dust carefully watches everything around. After waiting for nearly 10 seconds, there was still nothing. Huang Chen felt a little strange. I had to swim along the cave wall. Slowly towards the entrance to the center of the cave. When seeing the sunlight in the distance again, the quicksand near Huang Chen quickly gathered in the center, and even some scattered huge sandstones were attracted and quickly gathered into a huge figure. Huang Chen looked at the huge dark shadow and suddenly felt his head numb. The sandstone king was indeed a large boss monster, with a height of more than 40 yards, In contrast, yellow dust is like a small toy.

Huang Chen immediately felt that he was too arrogant because he could complete the impossible task with high ability. He was just kidding. In the absence of a certain team, it is basically an act of death to get to a large monster. Huang Chen's previous solo flight was mainly to collect materials and complete special field tasks, and rarely faced such large monsters directly.

Sandstone King obviously found yellow dust, so he immediately raised his huge arm and threw it out in the direction of yellow dust. Yellow dust was stunned directly. He subconsciously rolled back with a loud noise. The position where yellow dust had just stood has been beaten into a big sand pit. Huang Chen quickly ran back. He had just run out of about 20 yards. Unexpectedly, the second attack had come. A huge arm waved at him and turned into a thick stone whip behind Huang Chen. Huang Chen immediately jumped behind the sandstone column on one side. The sandstone column blocked the boss's attack, but it still had an attack effect by splashing a lot of broken stones. Although it was not very painful, there was no way to go on like this.

”Shit, what boss! Because he is tall, the attack distance is more than 40 yards, and the one-step distance is 15 yards. If he hadn't been slow, he would have died! " Huang Chen helplessly analyzes the status of the boss. Huang Chen suddenly admires the team that can kill him. Huang Chen dodges left and right between sandstone columns. The interval between some sandstone columns is relatively narrow, which gives Huang Chen some time to turn back and attack. Soon the sandstone king was stuck between two sandstone columns.

Huang Chen sends a penetrating arrow to the head of the sandstone King stuck between the two sandstone columns. After hitting, Huang Chen immediately pays attention to the battle information: the penetrating arrow causes 500 damage to the sandstone. Huang Chen smiled bitterly. Fortunately, he could break the defense. The effect of penetrating the arrow was still there. He was weaker than the quicksand guard, which was like being bitten by a mosquito compared with the sandstone king who had more blood and gas than the quicksand guard.

After the sandstone king was attacked, he attacked indiscriminately, hitting the two sandstone columns that stuck him, and there were stones falling from them. Huang Chen also took the opportunity to speed up the output, regardless of others, just wanted to keep the output. The sandstone king was beaten by yellow dust and kept yelling. One of the two sandstone columns was finally interrupted. The sandstone King strode towards yellow dust. At this time, yellow dust had run away first. Just that time, the desperate output of yellow dust weakened the sandstone King's blood by about 5%, but his physical consumption was also very large, After running away, I quickly ate the food that added physical strength. The cooling time of physical food was quite long, for three minutes. If my physical strength was exhausted during this period, it would be a sign of the end.

However, it can weaken the boss's blood so much, or let Huang Chen see the light of hope and immediately understand how to kill the boss. Quickly open the map to find, and finally let him see several points that can block the boss. If he doesn't want to, he will turn back and attack, and run to the next point.

Huang Chen finally weakened the blood gas of the sandstone king to less than half in such a continuous mobile war. Suddenly, the sandstone King stopped. Huang Chen thought that the climax was coming. He saw the sandstone King holding his hands on his head, and then suddenly hit down to the ground with a loud noise. Then he saw a sand flow hidden underground, Huang Chen hurriedly jumped behind the sandstone column on one side. Unexpectedly, the sand flow deviated, hit the sandstone column and directly penetrated the sandstone column. Huang Chen was thrown up, and his blood gas fell to the danger line. He quickly poured a mouthful of potion and pulled back his life value.

Huang Chen shouted as he ran, "shit! Shit! Shit! This skill is so domineering, but it's still a penetrating skill. No wonder it's a super point killing skill. It's totally irresistible. " The muscles on Huang Chen's face were a little tight because of tension, and a drop of sweat slowly flowed down from his forehead. He felt that he might die this time and kept thinking about how to reverse the outcome.

When I looked back, I found that the sandstone king was still in place. All kinds of questions were immediately filled with yellow dust's head, but since the sandstone king didn't move, he hit him hard. Yellow dust is a little far away, so the output is also weakened. It only kills less than 1% of the blood of the sandstone king. After checking the battle records of the meeting, Huang Chen understood why the sandstone king didn't move. It turned out that the sandstone king used the power of crystallization in his head to use the sandstone explosion, so it would produce a state of silence. The time is about 20 seconds. Suddenly, Huang Chen raised his hope again. As long as the sandstone king can't kill him, he still has a chance to win.

Therefore, Huang Chen doesn't save potions to keep his blood gas in a full state, so he can better maintain an immortal state. Finally, after several times of life and death, Huang Chen completely grasped the rhythm, achieved greater output during the pause of the sandstone king, and finally hit the blood gas of the sandstone king below 20%.

There are not many potions left on Huang Chen. After rough calculation, Huang Chen is a little helpless to find that he may not be enough potions to kill the last. However, we have reached such a step. We can only fight, otherwise we can't fight at all.

All available points on the map have been destroyed, and there is only 20 seconds left after long GUI withstood the sandstone explosion. Finally, Huang Chen has the last potion left, and the sandstone king has the last 5% blood gas. A thick whip shadow swept the sand next to the sandstone column and hit a large area of sand and stone. Such an ordinary attack will no longer cause damage to Huang Chen. Huang Chen has been waiting for the arrival of that skill.

”The sound of "Sha Sha Sha" kept coming to him. As soon as Huang Chen fell to the ground, no matter how much blood gas remained, he ran out of the perforated sandstone column and raised his hand to attack those within 40 yards. Under the undesired output, the yellow dust beat the blood gas of the sandstone king to less than 1% in 20 seconds.

Huang Chen immediately poured down the last potion. Instead of retreating, he rushed towards the sandstone king and swam around the sandstone King's feet at the limit range of 10 yards. Huang Chen has no other choice. He has no potion. His blood gas just blocks the next sandstone explosion. He can only take a chance to see if he can dodge at such a close distance and kill the boss.

Huang Chen really survived at the foot of the sandstone king by virtue of this limit. Huang Chen really wanted to see the moment he killed the sandstone king. The sandstone king raised his hands and immediately made Huang Chen super angry. It was almost that bad. It was not his style to wait for death. Huang Chen tried his best to output the limit before the boss hand fell, Seeing the sandstone King's big hand smash down from his head, Huang Chen shot the last penetrating arrow, which pierced the sandstone King's hands and hit the sandstone King's head.

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