But the girl shrinks her hand in fear, and then looks at Mengmeng, whom Huang Chen and Qin Tian know. Mengmeng sighed helplessly and walked to the cashier. He took the card from Huang Chen's hand and quickly finished the check-out. Huang Chencai, who took the card again and signed it, said, "is Mengmeng my illusion? I always feel that the people in the store are so afraid of me."

”... "Mengmeng looks at Huang Chen and doesn't answer. She takes the bill from his hand and tears one back to Huang Chen. Then he looked at Huang Chen and said, "thank you for your patronage. Welcome to come next time."

”This...... "Huang Chen was directly ignored by Mengmeng, so he had to turn around and leave with convulsions in the corners of his mouth. As soon as Huang Chen went out, there was a great noise in Xie's shop. Huang Chen looked back a little strangely and walked home without seeing anything.

Before he got out of the 100 meter yellow dust, he stood still, not because he ate, but because he found that he seemed to have gone the wrong way, and he had never seen the road around him. Huang Chen was a little depressed and said to himself, "am I lost? It can't be true? Don't be funny, this... Ah! Why can't reality make a map? How can I get lost with a map. Shit! Please, what if you don't have a cell phone? "

When Huang Chen was considering whether to knock on the door and ask for the way, he suddenly looked around vigilantly. Huang Chen slowly lowered his body and leaned against the wall on one side. Looking around, Huang Chen knew it was not his illusion. Although he didn't see a figure, he knew he was surrounded. Although he didn't know what the purpose was, he admitted that he couldn't do anything to attract people to fight. Huang Chen looked around. There were no useful props, so he had to do it empty handed.

Huang Chen, who was waiting for the other party to make the first move, stood against the wall and shouted in a direction of someone: "I'm really unlucky. Get out quickly. What's the matter with me?"

Suddenly there was a little noisy sound around, and it was quiet after a second or two. Suddenly, several people rushed out of many alleys. Huang Chen couldn't help laughing bitterly. He thought bitterly: you really think highly of me, a team of at least 20 people, and the clothes are unified. Did you offend any big people? But it's strange that they're unarmed. All barehanded, trying to catch me?

Huang Chen knew there were many people, but he didn't expect so many. The original plan was to stick to solving one by one, but now he just wants to find a way to break through. Huang Chen saw the time and suddenly burst into a direction, which surrounded the most vulnerable place. The person facing Huang Chen was startled. Huang Chen had punched the man's chest, and the man covered his chest, because he was stuffy and his face was ugly. But Huang Chen doesn't care so much, because the people around him already want to jump at Huang Chen and press him down. Huang Chen retreated again and again, dodged two people, and was caught by his left hand from behind.

Huang Chen dragged the man who caught him to rush forward again. The man who dragged Huang Chen didn't expect that Huang Chen's strength could drag him away. He couldn't stand steadily at all. He was dragged to the ground by Huang Chen after jumping a few steps, but he still didn't let go and kept dragging Huang Chen.

”What a talent. " Huang Chen dragged a man out of the gap and surrounded him. He pulled up the man's hand and threw it to one corner of the wall. The person dragging Huang Chen still didn't let go under the pain. Huang Chen had to drag the person forward all the time, because Huang Chen rushed in an alley that was only enough for two people. So even if there are many people behind, there is only one who can rush up. For dragging a person, even if he can solve a person with one hand, he decided to stay in this alley and solve the person. People follow one another and rush to Huang Chen to subdue him. Huang Chen doesn't care so much. Since he is here to catch himself, he has nothing to say. He blows with his fist. He aims at some fragile places, such as eyes, nose, behind ears, temples and so on.

Just because of this, one person will be put down in a few times. Five or six people have fallen in the alley. Beating Huang Chen suddenly felt very cold, because no one would cry after being beaten. The only sound was the collision between fist and body. The person dragging Huang Chen has been kicked unconscious by Huang Chen, but he just holds Huang Chen's hand tightly. The cold feeling didn't disappear. Suddenly Huang Chen looked back and found that several people rushed in from the other side of the alley. It turned out that their people went around a long way and entered the alley from the other side. They were attacked on both sides at the same time.

”Shit, it's a mistake! " Huang Chen whispered. He had been caught. It took eight people to hold Huang Chen down and take him to the car. The man who had been holding his left hand had been pulled off. Huang Chen didn't get hurt. At most, some muscles were strained and his wrist was pulled very painful. These are nothing to Huang Chen. After being held down, Huang Chen didn't resist, because he saw that these people didn't mean to hurt him. Huang Chen was the only one to fight in the whole process. They just rushed up to catch Huang Chen.

In the car, Huang Chen tried to find out who caught him, but no one responded. Each one sat like a stone and didn't move. Huang Chen had to keep his mouth shut and wait for the car to reach his destination. The car had been speeding on the road for almost 30 minutes. Slowly, the terrain began to rise slowly. Huang Chen looked around suspiciously. Suddenly, there was an open sea view in front of him. Huang Chen looked up along the road and immediately understood what this place was. In the most expensive residential area in the urban area - XX mid mountain sea view villa area, Huang Chen can't think of what rich people he offended and can live in such a place.

After a while, the car entered the villa area and soon stopped in front of a house that was not luxurious at all. It can be said that it was relatively simple nearby. When the door opened, those people motioned Huang Chen to go in. As soon as Huang Chen got off, the car started and disappeared in front of Huang Chen. Huang Chen looked up at the villa. The door suddenly opened automatically. Huang Chen thought for a moment and strode in.

After walking through the gate, there was no one left or right. He continued to walk through the courtyard to the door of the main house. The big wooden door also opens automatically. Huang Chen feels a little speechless. There is also a spectrum of playing tricks! After sighing, he walked slowly into the big house.

As soon as Huang Chen entered the door, the door closed. Huang Chen looked back and found that there were two girls opening the door at the door, and they were wearing maid clothes. Huang Chen suddenly heard some low voices, what really came, and a lot of meat, all kinds of voices about Huang Chen's body and appearance.

Looking around quickly, I soon found that there were six people in all corners, all of whom were girls and dressed in maid clothes. Huang Chen suddenly felt a cold sweat floating on his head. He heard the voices of these girls. I suddenly feel so familiar. I've definitely heard it somewhere. Just wondering if it was those people, a lazy voice came from the head: "uncle, it's very powerful. I dare to ignore Miss Ben."

Huang Chen patted his forehead and squatted down powerlessly. Two people came down from a revolving staircase on Huang Chen's left. One of them was dressed as a maid, and the other was like a girl who was barely a junior high school student and dressed in casual loose clothes. As soon as Huang Chen saw her, he could only sigh helplessly and couldn't say anything.

”Oh, ha ha! What's up? Does uncle regret it? " The eldest lady Wan Wan stood on the steps and looked down at the yellow dust below.

Huang Chen squatted and looked up at Wan Wan above. After a while, Huang Chen's originally depressed and numb face suddenly became wonderful. Just sit down and smile, Mimi looked at it and said, "Oh! It was the eldest lady. So many people 'invited' me. I thought I had offended some big people. "

Wan Wan looked at Huang Chen, who was not serious, and immediately became angry. She stretched out her hand and pointed to Huang Chen and said, "asshole, dare you say it! Ten of my people have fainted, three have to go to intensive care, and one may not be saved if he is not sent to the hospital in time. "

After gently wiping the blood on his hand, Huang Chen said a little numbly, "cut, I'm bored. If you don't check who I am, you dare to find someone to catch me without saying a word. Even if you die, you did it yourself. "

”What! " The eldest lady seems to be very angry with Huang Chen. She looks like she wants to fight Huang Chen. The maid on one side hurriedly pressed Wan Wan, while Huang Chen deliberately pretended to be afraid, but the meaning of ridicule in his eyes was revealed. Let Wan Wan hate to clench her teeth and say, "asshole, you can be proud. If I didn't ask people to just catch you, you would have been lying in the hospital."

Huang Chen didn't answer. He just kept his head up and nodded from time to time. He didn't know the meaning, but the smile on his face became more and more * *. Wan Wan looked at Huang Chen strangely. Although she thought his appearance was disgusting, she could only continue to say, "Uncle bastard, why didn't you see anyone when you said to play double with me? How dare you leave me alone and compete with monsters. "

”Huh?! " Huang Chen pondered when he heard Wan Wan's words, and then laughed and said, "monster? Ha ha, savage expensive has been upgraded and has become a monster. Ha ha ha! " Huang Chen has no doubt that she can know that she will go to dinner with long GUI, because she can find herself later. She may have been watching when she eats.

Several maids nearby and Wan Wan were startled by Huang Chen who suddenly laughed and didn't dare to make a sound. Huang Chen finished laughing and continued to say, "by the way, you're angry with me. I just ran to dinner. Moreover, I haven't eaten well for almost three days. You're angry with me at the right time, otherwise I'll really lie hungry in front of the computer."

”Hum! If you don't thank me quickly, I saved your life. " Wan Wan crossed his hands and said proudly on his hard to see undulating chest.

”This is a little difficult! " Huang Chen pinched his chin with his hand and said in embarrassment, "in fact, I generally won't change like this. It's because I'm with you crazy girl that makes me hungry like that. How can I thank you? "

Wan Wan shouted and rushed forward for two steps. She was held by the maid behind and shouted angrily, "smelly uncle! You say who is crazy! "

”Well! Whoever is most excited is the one. Crazy girl is like that. " Huang Chen said with a low smile. As soon as Huang Chen's words came out, there were several whispering and laughing voices. After hearing Huang Chen's words, Wan Wan resisted the anger, gently pulled her clothes, smoothed her hair, pretended that I was not angry, and again attracted all kinds of Snickers. Wan Wan immediately stared at everyone, and the laughter immediately disappeared.

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