Huang Chen immediately felt that Wan Wan's feelings were too real to hide himself. He could see what she was thinking at a glance. A little teasing would give you a good response. Huang Chen found that he seemed to have a good toy, but no matter how good the toy was, it couldn't compare with the meat confusion in front of him. Huang Chen waved his hand to Wan Wan and said, "go, move aside and block my sight."

”Huh? " Wan Wan retreated to one side in doubt, and then along the extension line of Huang Chen's line of sight, she saw the bottom of the grass standing behind her. Wan Wan could no longer suppress her anger. She jumped down the stairs and shouted to die! Kick the yellow dust.

He was concentrating on peeping at the yellow dust at the bottom of his skirt. He was startled by the cry. As soon as his sight turned to Wan Wan, the attack came to his face. He was kicked to the ground with a scream. Two long nosebleed spilled in the air and then fell to the ground. The scene was quiet. Huang Chen, who was twitching like a trampled cockroach, was lying on the ground. Wan Wan, who was sitting on his body, twitched at the corners of his mouth, turned his head rigidly, and asked the grass in a trembling voice, "uncle, won't you die?" All the maids were helpless to hold their foreheads.

In the quiet room, Huang Chen is lying on the bed with two groups of paper towels stuffed in his nose and a red footprint on his face. Beside the bed sat a beautiful maid dressed as a girl, sorting out some blood stains on her yellow dust clothes. Suddenly the door opened a crack, and a head stretched across the room, revealing only two eyes, peeking at the yellow dust on the bed. Wan Wan asked, "Xiaocao, is uncle still awake?"

Xiaocao was startled by Wan Wan's voice. She turned her head and felt very funny at the sight of her appearance. She smiled and said, "madam, uncle hasn't woken up yet. You don't have to stand there. Just come here."

”HMM...... "Wan Wan replied powerlessly, but still didn't move and continued to hide behind the door. His curly hair swayed gently, and his two small hands pressed against the door, as if he was ready to run away if he found yellow dust waking up. The grass can only look at it silently, put down his clothes and look back at the strong man on the bed. Looking at this, I have an impulse to pinch those bulging muscles. Sometimes people are so strange and move faster than they think. Xiaocao gently pinches the muscles on Huang Chen's arm with his hand. It feels a little hard, flexible and contradictory. The grass is like an addiction. Pinch it here and there.

”Xiaocao ~ what are you doing? "

”Eh! " The grass withdrew his hand like an electric shock and looked back at the crack of the door in a bit of panic. A little nervous said, "ha ha, miss, didn't you go? No, I didn't do anything! "

There was no answer, but the eldest lady's eyes were full of doubt. Xiaocao looked at him in this line of sight and only supported him for about 30 seconds. He blushed and said, "it's really nothing. I just think uncle's muscles are so powerful that I want to pinch and play. Don't misunderstand others, miss! "

”Oh ~ ~! Well, is that fun? " Wan Wan asked with exaggerated delay.

Xiaocao's face was more ashamed. If he wanted to smoke on his head, he bowed his head like a mosquito and replied, "I feel... I feel very comfortable. It feels very comfortable."

Wan Wan said vaguely, "Hey, well, do you like it?"

”Ah ~! Miss, really. " The grass stood up like what was said, opened the door like the wind and rushed out. Wan Wan looked at the grass disappearing into the corner of the corridor and said to herself in a strange way, "just ask, do you react so much?"

Looked around and found no figure. He secretly glanced into the room and saw that Huang Chen hadn't woken up. He quietly entered the room and closed the door. After a while, Wan Wan suddenly opened the door again, stretched out her head and looked around quickly. She didn't find anything unusual. Wan Wan hummed softly and closed the door again. After about two or three minutes, after the corridor, stairs and large vases, six people slowly appeared under the table, and the grass was among them. The maids' eyes met in the air, all quietly approached the door, leaned their ears against the door and listened to the sound inside. Xiaocao suddenly asked others in sign language, "why is Meimei gone? The eldest lady and a man live in the same room for the first time. Can't such a big event be gone?"

One of the oldest and most mature cow maids also replied in sign language, "she's already in there. Bless her not to be found. "

The grass was surprised and said in sign language, "really? Little Joe, Meimei, this girl is brave enough! "

Little Joe didn't reply to the grass, made a static gesture and pointed to the door. Xiaocao understood because there was a sound in the room. In this way, Wan Wan in the room didn't know that someone was eavesdropping inside and outside the room——

In the room——

As soon as the door was closed, Wan Wan went to the bedside and looked around. She didn't find what she wanted to find, so she was relieved. But she didn't notice a crack in the door of a cabinet behind her. Rest assured Wan Wan, quietly walked to the chair where the grass just sat, sat on it very quietly, and looked at Huang Chen's sleeping face.

But before long, I began to feel bored. I picked up the yellow dust clothes on one side, looked around and sent them down again. It's very boring to have nothing to do and no one to talk. It's a kind of torture for fun wanwan. Looking at Huang Chen again, he suddenly said to the sleeping Huang Chen, "uncle, are you awake?"

Wan Wan stood up and leaned over, stared at Huang Chen's face from above, without any change, and sighed gently. He sat down again and said a little depressed, "uncle, it's strange that more than twenty people can put down more than ten when they catch him. I actually put them down with one foot.

Wan Wan's big eyes turned and suddenly shouted excitedly, "Hmm ~! By the way, am I great? " He shouted and waved his little fist. No one answered, and slowly his interest faded. Looking at Huang Chen quietly again, but the expression on his face is getting worse and worse, and his eyes slowly become empty. The small head is like fishing bit by bit. People are a little unstable. Their body suddenly seems unable to support. One eye slides to one side. Wan Wan woke up, looked around in confusion, rubbed her eyes with both hands, and sat down again.

Sitting for less than a minute, he narrowed his eyes as if he were going to sleep. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at yellow dust. Wan Wan said to herself with a little doubt, "huh? Strange! Is it an illusion to see Uncle move? "

Wan Wan couldn't sit still. She leaned against Huang Chen's face again and said, "uncle, you're awake. Don't pretend to sleep, I know! "

Huang Chen still had no movement under Wan Wan's direct stare. After a while, Wan Wan gave up first, sat back in the chair and played with her curly hair, pulling and closing it with her fingers. My hair was tired of playing, so I sighed and looked at the yellow dust on the bed. Suddenly, I felt that I wanted to pinch the muscles on Huang Chen. When I was about to pinch them, I retracted my hand again.

”Don't I pinch it like grass? Um ~! But no one's here. It doesn't matter. Just pinch it. "

He stretched out his hand again and pinched it on Huang Chen's arm. He felt his hand pinched in, but his muscles wanted to spring away. It felt hard. Wan Wan said as if she found something: "it's really like what Xiaocao said. It's a little hard, but it's very flexible."

It was said to pinch, but after pinching, the hand did not leave Huang Chen's body at all. It began to pinch here and there. Originally, one hand became two hands together, and the large muscle blocks seen in the arms, thighs, chest, waist and abdomen were gently pinched again. Suddenly, he withdrew his hand like an electric shock, stood up and looked at Huang Chen suspiciously. Just felt Huang Chen's Wan Wan move again, stared at her seriously, and then carefully asked, "uncle, are you awake?"

Without an answer, the expression on Huang Chen's face still hasn't changed. It's really like not waking up, but wan wan still doesn't believe that Huang Chen didn't wake up. Continue to say: "uncle, don't pretend. I know you're awake." Wan Wan kept staring. After nearly three minutes, she began to believe that Huang Chen didn't wake up, and her heart became bold again. Because she felt that Huang Chen didn't wake up, Wan Wan thought it was OK to play other games. Slowly climbed into bed, holding a fountain pen from the desk.

Sitting on Huang Chen's body, Wan Wan said with a smile, "since you're not awake, uncle, I'll help you add some hair to your bald head. Hee hee, ah, by the way, I'll ask your opinion first. Look how wise I am. I asked, uncle, can I draw your hair?"

Still did not answer, Wan Wan continued, "very good. If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default.". Hee hee, start! " With a bang, he opened the pen cover of the fountain pen, leaned down, supported Huang Chen's head with one hand and the fountain pen with the other hand to complete the masterpiece on Huang Chen's head. Unfortunately, without the first stroke, Wan Wan's action has stopped. Because the lower head saw a pair of eyes staring at him, the corners of the mouth of the owner of those eyes also gently tilted up.

”Eh? WOW! " Wan Wan can't move because of the yellow dust that suddenly wakes up. Then she feels that her small ass is wrapped by a big hand and kneads it, so she screams loudly. Want to stand up and leave the abominable big hand range, but the body just has an action. Unfortunately, Huang Chen's action is faster than her. He holds Wan Wan's hand holding the pen, moves the other hand from Wan Wan's hip to her waist, and then turns over to press Wan Wan under her body.

The big bed is very soft. Under the weight of yellow dust, Wan Wan is completely trapped in the bed and can't move. Can only shout: "asshole, let go of me, smelly uncle, ah! No, let me go. "

Unfortunately, Huang Chen completely ignored Wan Wan's cry and said to Wan Wan, who was pressed by himself, "hum! Crazy girl, I caught you. You dare kick me out. Tell you, I've been waiting for a long time. I guessed that you girl would definitely play this. "

Huang Chen held Wan Wan's hands above her head with one hand, grabbed the pen in her hand, covered Wan Wan's pretty face with a pen, and said with a bad smile, "hee hee, I like playing this very much, don't worry, I'll help you play a piece of stool on your face, and you'll like it better. I'll help you draw makeup for free."

”Ah ~! Smelly uncle, let me go, asshole, ah! No... no! " Wan Wan shouted at first, but found that Huang Chen's smile was stronger, and the pen hung in front of his nose and began to turn into a low cry.

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