But Huang Chen didn't mean to stop at all. Anxious Wan Wan twisted her body desperately to escape from this state, but she was pressed by Huang Chen and didn't move at all. Huang Chen looked at such a wan wan and said, "girl, you'd better not move, otherwise you'll draw better!"

”Woo! Uncle will only bully me. " Wan Wan found that she couldn't open her struggle, so she began to pretend to be poor. It was like being wronged. She looked at Huang Chen sadly. Huang Chen was suddenly looked at by this line of sight. He felt a little unbearable in his heart and was confused in his eyes. Can soon disappear, evil smiled and said: "Wan girl, you don't want to deceive me. You pretend to be very similar, but your hand is clenched with your fist and you can't beat me. It's not pathetic."

Wan Wan didn't answer. She closed her eyes as if she had accepted her fate. Suddenly the face felt a little wet, and slowly drew a shape on the face. Wan Wan's face became sad and wanted to cry. I couldn't bear it. Suddenly I shouted, "uncle, you bad guy." When he opened his eyes, he saw that Huang Chen was holding a pen and wanted to continue painting, so he stretched his neck and bit on Huang Chen's neck.

”WOW! Pain, dog, you! It hurts, crazy girl. Let go. " Huang Chen, who was bitten, didn't actually hurt very much, but he looked to cooperate when he saw Wan Wan's Jedi counterattack. In fact, he didn't draw anything on Wan Wan's face with a pen, but wan wan didn't know this and bit it desperately.

Huang Chen was not happy to be bitten for a long time, so he threatened Wan Wan and said, "OK, let go! Otherwise I will be angry! "

Wan Wan bit Huang Chen's neck and purred a few times. Huang Chen didn't recognize a word. She threw away her pen and stroked Wan Wan's waist with her hand. Although it is across the clothes, you can still feel the tenderness of Wan Wan's skin. While touching, he smiled and said, "if I don't let go, I'll touch other places!"

The body that has never been touched by a man is suddenly pressed under the body. It's exciting enough. Now it's touched by people's hands. Suddenly I felt very wronged. Suddenly I really cried, and the more I cried, the louder I cried. Wan Wan's mouth was loosened, but Huang Chen fell into a more tragic scene. Wan Wan burst into tears. Anyone who saw this state felt that he was bullying Wan Wan. Huang Chen let go of Wan Wan's hands and sat up, but wan wan didn't stop crying. The body is liberated and kicks around in bed like a child.

Huang Chen sat speechless and looked at Wan Wan for a while. Suddenly, like thinking of something, he got out of bed, walked to the door, and suddenly opened the door. Exposed several people eavesdropping outside, Huang Chen smiled and said, "hum! What are you doing? I knew you were outside the door early in the morning! Ah, yes. "

Huang Chen walked in front of a cabinet with strange eyes and gently knocked on the cabinet door. No response, Huang Chen had to sigh, opened the cabinet door and looked inside. Meimei, who sat inside with her body shrunk, smiled awkwardly. Wan Wan didn't know when she would stop crying. She stood by the bed with an angry look and watched her maids being exposed by Huang Chen.

Wan Wan sneered and said, "hum! You're good. You didn't come out to help me when you saw that I was bullied by uncle. You're still eavesdropping there. You want a reward, don't you? " Originally, it sounded very aggrieved and threatening, but with Wan Wan's appearance of just crying, it became like a child's angry words.

All the maids who were found didn't speak. Wan Wan, who pretended to be cool, suddenly flattened her mouth, threw her red eyes on the grass, cried and said, "grass, woo... Uncle insulted me! I can't get married! "

The grass patted Wan Wan's back and stared at Huang Chen. Of course Huang Chen didn't have such a good temper. He couldn't stand it and said, "crazy girl, don't make a mistake. You climbed onto me yourself."

”Xiao Cao, look at what he said. Boo... Uncle, you bastard, I don't recognize the indecency. " Wan Wan is very wronged and points to Huang Chen.

Of course, Huang Chen knows Xiaocao. They understand everything and don't do anything special. Of course, I have to defend my position, pretend to be a saint and say, "don't talk nonsense. I can't hook up my interest with your figure."

As soon as this words entered Wan Wan's ears, she was so angry that her eyes, which were already crying red, became even more red. She couldn't say anything. She shook the grass's arm in one hand and pointed to yellow dust in the other. Huang Chen took it as if he didn't see it. He walked slowly to the chair and sat down. He buttoned his ears leisurely.

Wan Wan finally calmed down under the comfort of Xiaocao and a group of maids, stared at Huang Chen and said, "hum! I don't know how good I am. Who can compare with me! "

Hearing this, Huang Chen immediately laughed and pointed to the whole audience and said, "Oh! So it is. Compare yourself. Which one here is worse than you? "

Wan Wan glanced at the crowd. She didn't know if she was affected by Huang Chen's words. All the maids seemed to hold up their breasts deliberately. Even Meimei, the worst of the seven, raised her chest and looked up at the sky as if she didn't care. Wan Wan gently raised her hand and touched herself. She was speechless again.

When he left the grass's arms, he pointed to them and said, "Oh, you all bully me with uncle!"

The grass representative smiled and said, "don't worry, miss. You're only 18 and you'll be old."

”That's it! " Huang Chen echoed behind Wan Wan: "although now, like tablet computers, there are still development opportunities, probably... It is estimated that they can become AA? You're so small. Are you really 18? WOW! Ah... "

Huang Chen's words immediately ignited Wan Wan's anger again, shouted, jumped at Huang Chen's hands and feet, wrapped Huang Chen with, and bit Huang Chen's neck. Huang Chen patted Wan Wan's small ass and wanted to open Wan Wan's feet. Huang Chen was attacked by others again, of course, and it was the same person and the same method every time. Huang Chen is generally willing to accept a woman's embrace, but the premise is that she must have a place that can attract him, such as body.

”Well, let me go. Although I don't hurt, I'm not grinding your crazy dog's teeth. Ah! You bit harder. " Huang Chen shouted to pull Wan Wan down, and hurt her too hard. He had to turn his eyes to a group of people standing on one side, but the scene made him want to jump out of the window from here. Xiaocao and their several people formed a semicircle around the yellow dust. Each of them took a mobile phone and aimed it at them.

Aware of Huang Chen's line of sight, the seven people received their mobile phone into their chest together like a standard action, put on their clothes, and looked at them with a smiling face I didn't take. Unfortunately, Meimei's bust was not enough to clamp the mobile phone. She fell from the bottom of her skirt under the gaze of yellow dust. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet on the ground and it didn't break. But Huang Chen was not happy at all. This group of people really liked to see Wan Wan teased more than themselves.

Huang Chen gave a look to Xiaocao, which means: if she doesn't come again, Wan Wan will tell her your secrets.

The grass walked to Wan Wan and said, "young lady, let it go. Otherwise everything will be touched by uncle, ass, ass. "

Hearing the words of Xiaocao, Wan Wan finally woke up from being dizzy with anger. She felt that her ass was wrapped by a big hand, which was still kneading and patting, constantly changing tricks. Wan Wan immediately jumped down from Huang Chen, hugged the grass and said, "look at the grass, look at him! He touched me... No, he was playing. Yes, uncle, he was playing with my ass. I... I can't get married. Oh! "

Wan Wan wanted to cry again, but Huang Chen stood up first, wiped the saliva on his neck and said, "well, it's so late. I seem to have slept for a long time. If you call someone to invite me next time, ask your people to speak. And I didn't draw your face. "

Wan Wan, who had not been able to cry, was stunned by Huang Chen's words. Then he raised his head and asked Huang Chen, "uncle, are you leaving?"

”Of course, I've had enough fun with you, or you'll keep me for dinner. Really! " As he spoke, he picked up his clothes and put them on his body, and went to the door.

Wan Wan hurriedly chased Huang Chen from behind and said, "uncle, do you want to go like this after you bully me?"

Huang Chen looked around in the corridor and soon saw the stairs. When he heard Wan Wan's words, he looked back at her, pulled her to a decorated mirror on the corridor and said, "look, how did I bully you? Do you see a picture on your face? "

Wan Wan Wen Yan looked around carefully and didn't find the mark of the pen. He looked at Huang Chen suspiciously, but Huang Chen didn't manage Wan Wan at all. He had gone down the stairs. Wan Wan hurried to catch up, and all the maids followed the asshole and ran behind.

”Wait, uncle, you bastard, wait for me! " Wan Wan screamed as she ran.

Huang Chen reluctantly stopped and looked back at Wan Wan. Wan Wan took Huang Chen's clothes and finally got angry and said, "uncle, you bastard, don't open the topic. I'm talking about you... Woo..." as he said, he remembered the memory that Huang Chen touched almost all over his body, and he was embarrassed to say it.

”Huh? " Huang Chen pretended to be very confused and tilted his head and asked, "what am I?"

”Eh, ah... That's the one who played with me... "

”What's yours? "

”That... That... "

”That? "

Wan Wan shouted with shame and anger, "ass!"

Huang Chen looked around immediately and now he has walked out of the gate. Fortunately, there is a long distance between the villas near here and the villas. He can't hear such a loud cry at all. Huang Chen immediately touched Wan Wan's head like a child and said, "Wan Wan, in fact, I have to. You suddenly rush up. Of course, I'm afraid you'll fall down, so I have to hold your ass. Do you understand? "

”Eh?! " Wan Wan looks at Huang Chen as if she has awakened. Then he looked a little embarrassed. Huang Chen felt that he had fooled half of the success, so he continued: "please call a car to take me back, or I'll go like this?"

Wan Wan wants to be a little unable to deal with Huang Chen's problem. This head thinks whether Huang Chen's words are right or wrong, and Huang Chen gives her a new problem. Had to oh oh oh should, turned back to give a wink to the grass. Xiaocao made a phone call knowingly. As soon as he hung up the phone, the car appeared in sight. Wan Wan is still sinking into the vortex of problems. Huang Chen said to Wan Wan, "Wan Wan, I will go online after I go back, and then go to play double with you, okay?"

As soon as Huang Chen mentioned the game, Wan Wan immediately abandoned all the other problems, nodded and said, "OK, uncle said well!"

”Well, "Huang Chen has stepped on the door, and then said in Wan Wan's ear," what's painted on your face is actually saliva! " Then he quickly got into the car and urged the driver to drive quickly.

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