Standing on the side of the road, looking at the distant car, Wan Wan came back and shouted, "uncle, you bastard!"

The seven maids have been standing behind and eavesdropping on the dialogue between Huang Chen and Wan Wan. Everyone knows that Wan Wan Wan is perfect and has been fooled by uncle. I want to laugh but I can't laugh. I hold it very hard. Looking at the angry young lady walking back to the house, everyone went in with her.

When he got up the next day, Qin Yang soon came to the established training ground. Compared with yesterday, this training room has a little change, that is, there is no equipment. The whole training room is empty. There are only two people in this space, including Qin Yang.

The man opposite is still the man with strong muscles. He is also the trainer of Qin Yang for more than two months.

What will today's training program be? Qin Yang is quite curious about this, but he has learned a lot here. One of them is: never let outsiders know that you are thinking about problems, so his eyes are fixed on the man, and no one can see what kind of state Qin Yang is now, like a puppet, with no expression, It seems that superfluous emotions are a burden to him.

Similarly, the muscle man opposite is also a sad look, which is better than Qin Yang. These two people are already a unique scenery when they stand. Unfortunately, no outsiders can come into this place to enjoy this wonderful scene.

The man's eyes were thoughtful, looked at Qin Yang for a while, and then said, "today we play a little fresh, not so boring."

Qin Yang was silent and just stared at each other, which means you can continue to talk. I listened.

”You know, if a person wants to practice excellent force, what is the first thing to learn? " The man took off his little jacket and showed it to Qin Yang.

At that moment, Qin Yang didn't look away and stared at the man's body. His eyes were full of shock.

What kind of body is that? What will it take to bear so many scars, crisscross like the rivers in the wild period. It was a brilliant record, and the concave convex muscle gaps were all with small scars.

It's hard to imagine that such a person could survive. Qin Yang seemed to see the fierce battles in front of the men passing by the God of death.

Suddenly, Qin Yang had a faint fear of the man in front of him. The feeling was unspeakable, and a chill came into his heart.

His muscles can be called Devil, especially the countless red scars add a bit of ferocity to it. Even if he didn't do anything, he stood there as a terrible existence, like being able to break free from the cage alive. The power contained in his body must be very terrible.

”I don't know. " Subconsciously, Qin Yang answered each other's questions.

The man moved and gradually approached Qin Yang. "If you don't know, I'll teach you today."

”Your opponent today is me. In the next two months, you have to accept the 'advice' of all mercenaries in our whole mercenary regiment. I'm the first. " The man's expressionless face finally loosened. He didn't look good at all, but showed a few threads of horror.

His body is not particularly tall, more than one meter eight tall, but it gives people a strong sense of oppression. The green tendons on his arm are exposed, and he is only in a state of no force.

”If you want to grow up, you must first learn to be beaten. " The man's lips wriggled and explained this truth to Qin Yang.

”By the way, you don't know my name yet, "the man suddenly asked, but the movement of his hands didn't stop, kneading and clacking, moving all joints of his body.

Qin Yang took a defensive posture after stepping over.

”You are Han Tieyi's disciple, so I have nothing to teach you in moves, but since Han Tieyi handed you over to us, we must teach you something else. My name is butcher's knife. " At the moment of the name, the man's body also moved.

In Qin Yang's cognition, the man called butcher's knife seems to be a character similar to starting, because every time he sees the one eyed man can Feng, the man will appear next to can Feng without saying a word, just like starting for can Feng.

But he didn't know that the second strength of the mercenary regiment headed by canfeng was butcher's knife. When there is no battle, the butcher's knife is the most low-key person in the whole mercenary regiment, but once he falls into battle, he is a real fighting machine.

As soon as a doubt appeared in Qin Yang's mind, Tu Dao's body had crossed a distance of three meters. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Qin Yang. The whole leg and stride showed an excellent 90 degree sweep and directly hit Qin Yang's palm, which he did on purpose!

The huge force on the palm of his hand was instantly transmitted and spread to his chest through his arm. Even if Qin Yang used a little ingenuity between his palms to resolve the huge force, he still couldn't stop the huge trend of "butcher's knife".

Qin Yang's body showed signs of being thrown away. Sheng Sheng dragged the ground back for a meter before he could resist.

The butcher's knife's use of physical strength reached an amazing level. When it retreated and swept out, Qin Yang's five step retreat was caused, followed by a rotating body, and the other leg was swept out with a circle of rotating force. The position was still Qin Yang's palms protecting his body in front of his chest. This leg was immediately when Qin Yang's front force was exhausted and his rear force was not continued, The result is undoubtedly much better than the previous effect.

”Bang! " The force of the impact was very dull, with a faint sound of bone displacement. Qin Yang couldn't stand another blow. He threw his body out and rolled directly to the ground five meters away.

Tu Dao stood still, looked at Qin Yang who fell to the ground with a cold look, and said plainly, "get up, from today on, your training content is to last half the day on every trainer who fights with you. Of course, if you can beat your opponent, it's even better. "

Qin Yang stood up stiffly, "come again!"

Tu Dao didn't sprint this time, but walked slowly towards Qin Yang and paced slowly.

”You can try to hit me. No matter what means you use, as long as you can do it, today's training will be over. " Said the butcher's knife seductively.

Qin Yang's face is still calm, but only he knows what kind of state his body is in. His whole arms are still paralyzed. The paralysis caused by pain even feels deep into the bone marrow.

Even so, he insisted on taking a defensive posture.

Butcher Dao responded with a regretful expression and attacked Qin Yang again. All this, in Qin Yang's eyes, made him clench his teeth. His muscles tightened to the extreme state in an instant, ready to deal with the other party's thunder blow at any time.

”Still coming? " As like as two peas as like as two peas, the Qin Dynasty was amazed at the way the butcher knives used the same style of action. Even so, Qin Yang is still a little difficult to keep up with each other's speed.

It was a powerful drive, and the speed of impact provided huge power for this sweeping kick.

Butcher Dao's body exudes a smell of Madness at this time. Qin Yang must have a hard time resisting it.

”What shall we do? " The gap between his hands in front of him reflected Qin Yang's eyes. His mind was blank. Suddenly, he asked himself, and then the lightning flashed and saw the other party's leg rushing to thunder.

It was almost an instinctive body control. Qin Yang just wanted to try his best to avoid each other's attack, and then his body responded. This was the best interpretation of his physical talent. He began to understand the meaning of butcher's knife for him to carry out this kind of training: understanding in being beaten, avoiding in understanding, and counterattack in avoiding.

His mind clearly reflected the other party's actions, and an unprecedented insight flashed into Qin Yang's mind. He was a simple short body, twisted his body forward, and almost slipped in a falling posture. He couldn't even cope with the butcher's knife that had considered all Qin Yang's counterattack actions.

What Qin Yang needs is to give the other party a sense of surprise, and this is only the second. The most important thing is that he should give the most powerful counterattack, the most unexpected angle.

Although the beautiful rotating ballet is a semi suspended style, its beauty can not be ignored. At the moment when Qin Yang's body was about to fall to the ground, his hands hugged the calf rubbed against his cheek, buffering the gravity. He took his feet as the fulcrum and twisted them up, trying to separate one foot of the butcher's knife.

The shining butcher's knife in his eyes gave Qin Yang a perfect reply: he was no longer obsessed with whether one leg was upright, but jumped slightly into the air. His huge body rose to the top of Qin Yang and covered it with Mount Tai. He's trying to crush Qin Yang alive?!

”Bang! " There is no suspense. Although Qin Yang's cracking method is unique and effective, the experience of butcher's knife is enough to make up for this sudden change. Qin Yang was pressed under his body in an almost deceptive way.

Qin Yang's chest hit the ground as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. His chest was so stuffy that he wanted to vomit blood. Such damage seems to be nothing, but it still hurts the heart.

Butcher Dao quickly stood up, his face expressionless, coughed, and then said, "Er, your performance is good today. Let's stop the training and continue tomorrow." Then he left with a big stride without looking at Qin Yang in the rear.

Qin Yang was the only one left in the training room, lying on the ground to relieve the injury. It took him some time to get up.

It's a dark day again. Of course, this situation is relative to Qin Yang. For ordinary people living on the ground, if there is a little warm sunshine shining into your window and reflected on your cheek in the morning, it will have a special flavor. The haze is driven away in your heart, leaving a piece of peace and quiet.

In this place where the disabled Phoenix mercenary regiment is located, it seems that it is difficult to distinguish between day and night. If it is not for the biological clock of his body, maybe Qin Yang will live a life in which black and white are reversed.

Although such days are repeated and boring, Qin Yang never wanted to escape from this place. He chose to unconditionally accept everything arranged by the people here, and this was his choice from the beginning.

Qin Yang, bandaged in his hand, paced in front of the trainer. Compared with several mercenaries he had contacted before, the man in front of him seemed to specialize in Muay Thai.

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