The strength of butcher's knife, the judo of flying fox, and the expertise of some other opponents. Qin Yang has received this abusive wheel training for two months. Today I met the last trainer. Next month, I will start with butcher's knife and carry out another round. The unexpected situation was that Qin Yang could not carry out such abusive training for one month due to injury, so the actual training time was only one month.

As the trainer of Qin Yang, the 30 people under can Feng are the elite of the elite, especially led by the second deputy head of butcher's knife, the team of these 30 people is extremely strong. Among the 30 people, those who are proficient in all kinds of fighting skills, including judo, karate and ancient martial arts??????

Today, Qin Yang meets a trainer who is proficient in Muay Thai.

In addition to haze, agula's face is still haze. It seems that Qin Yang opposite owes him a lot of money. There is a fierce light in his eyes. He rubbed the white powder in his hands, folded his hands, walked to the opposite direction of Qin Yang, bowed and showed the traditional pre war etiquette to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang naturally wants to return the gift. Lower your head and jaw head. You can start.

”Hum! " A lunge across, the front foot landing at the same time, the fists have also been put in a good posture.

Qin Yang responded calmly and did not rush forward.

”Hey, ha! " There was another roar, another lunge, and agula's body was very close, which made Qin Yang more refreshing.

This seems to be the prerequisite action of every Muay Thai fighter. Before the fight, he must hum, ha ha, step by step, and then move slowly. If you don't attack, he will slowly approach. If you attack, he will be as firm as a rock to attack against each other. In the profound meaning of Muay Thai, they rarely take a defensive posture and often use a strong relative attack. This is a kind of domineering fighting skill. In the Yan and Huang Kingdom, few martial arts can be compared with its domineering degree.

Agula made a provocative wave to Qin Yang with one hand. At this time, his whole step still maintained the form of bow step. His front feet stood on tiptoe, his back feet swung, and then his body leaned forward and forward. The footwall firmly rooted at the bottom was consistent with the posture of swinging his upper body back and forth, which seemed a little strange, But there is no doubt that this is the signature posture of Muay Thai.

If agula says "ComeOn" again at this time, it is estimated that Qin Yang will jump up. There is simply no need for the two to compete. Let's have a social dance directly.

Although Qin Yang had this thought, it only flashed by. His psychology showed no sign of relaxation, but became more and more vigilant. He also approached each other step by step, and their spirit and body were in a tight state.

When they were relatively close to the distance of two yards, agura began to start, like adding a pusher to the soles of his feet, with an amazing speed.

The cross arm block, Qin Yang's reaction is also quite rapid. As soon as he came into contact with agula's leg sweeping, he turned his wrist and wanted to fight back with skillful force.

Agula, who was tightly bandaged in his hand, left immediately without giving Qin Yang the slightest chance to fight back.

Step forward! Qin Yang closely followed the other party's retracted leg, then shook it with a roaring fist, and roared away at agula's facade. This fist was just stuck when agula closed his leg, and the second reached the extreme.

Unfortunately, agula is not a simple minion. He has his own pride in Muay Thai. Qin Yang's behavior is extremely ridiculous to him.

A chop of the bent arm and the prominent elbow turned in, which not only instantly resolved Qin Yang's fist, but also suddenly increased the strength of the counterattack.

For Qin Yang, this month's torture is not a white sacrifice. During this period, he learned many coping styles, learned a lot of fighting experience, and even had the ability to predict some movements in advance.

Once he fell into battle, Qin Yang's mind could not hold anything except the grasp and analysis of moves.

Among the 30 trainers, so far, Qin Yang has defeated five, and today's will be the sixth. He is not arrogant. He thinks this is an absolutely acceptable fact. If he can't cross these six, his hell training in recent months will be in vain.

Qin Yang knew from the beginning what moves he should take to deal with such a close fight.

On the strength of inch Tao, Yongchun is the crown, and inch strength is one of the most powerful means of close combat. Therefore, Qin Yang undoubtedly used the moves in Yongchun, which was understood under the guidance of butcher's knife.

The so-called inch, but in a moment, inch strength is to obtain the maximum strength output with the smallest action amplitude. When ordinary people exert their physical strength, they have a stage of accumulating strength, and Cunjin reduces the time of accumulating strength to almost nothing, and the large-scale movements caused by accumulating strength are also reduced to the minimum. This is an extremely harsh fighting skill.

Only by mastering the wave power of the arm can we achieve the display requirements of Cunjin. Therefore, wave power has become the prerequisite requirements of Cunjin. For Qin Yang, his grasp of Cunjin is not very familiar, while Han Tieyi can apply Cunjin to every fighting part of the body to achieve instant effect.

Qin Yang took a small step back and expanded agula's elbow strike. Virtually, the elbow strike force of agula's front impact was weakened by a few points.

Then a short body, Qin Yang's lower limbs burst in, and his long-standing fist was close to agula's abdomen. At that time, Qin Yang's eyes flashed a forest cold. Suddenly, the cells of his whole body were excited again at that moment, which made him obtain far more power than usual.

Cross arm block, agula even if his abdomen was hurt, but he didn't move a step at his feet, but felt the crisis in an instant. His arms bent and one thigh hit back, steadily blocking Qin Yang's upward attack. Rohan double arch!

”What's the reaction! " Agula was surprised. Looking at Qin Yang's eyes, she felt a palpitation at the bottom of her heart.

If you want to be strong against strong, I'll attack against strong. This is the most primitive desire to fight in Qin Yang's heart.

The closest part of their bodies is only an inch away, which almost presents a kind of struggle.

Muay Thai is famous for its hegemonism. The attack parts are often some joint parts, such as elbow, knee and so on. For this reason, Muay Thai also has a fatal disadvantage: that is the range of action. Because it focuses on the attack damage of joints, it needs more power, and strong power start requires a large range of action, so Cunjin is the bane of Muay Thai.

No one would have thought that the disadvantage of Muay Thai, known as melee attack, is in melee.

Qin Yang undoubtedly found the best way to attack, so agula's strength was greatly limited, and his strength was only 70%.

”Ha! " Agura held a fire in her heart, but there was no place to vent. She only roared to release her depression.

At the foot of the seven stars, Qin Yang reached such a level that it was not his extraordinary reaction ability, but the essence of boxing in his mind.

Finally, at that moment, Qin Yang broke through the bottleneck for a long time. All the previous moves were still on following the rules, but now he has the ability to disassemble and reassemble them. Virtually, Qin Yang has grown to a new height.

The cross section of that turn stuck on one leg of agura's footwall, just preventing agura from hitting another knee.

On the skill of exerting force alone, what else is faster than Cunjin? Qin Yang advances step by step like a cheetah, as fast as a storm.

Double chop, split agura's strength of both arms, fiercely cut on his shoulder, pushed his right knee forward and directly pressed against agura's abdomen. It felt very uncomfortable. Agura spat out with a clear mouth.

All this came too quickly. Agula deeply realized that Qin Yang was like a cheetah in an excited period. Both his actions and reactions reached a unimaginable level.

”Yes. " Qin Yang did not continue, but took a step back. It was his trainer, not his enemy. If it was his enemy, it would not be so simple.

Agula's eyes looking at Qin Yang were very complex. Half a month ago, he was very confident that he could rub Qin Yang. Even though Qin Yang defeated four mercenaries at that time, he didn't think Qin Yang could threaten him, but now it's quite different. Everyone saw the change of Qin Yang. Now he is fully qualified to serve as a mercenary.

Suddenly, an unusually abrupt applause resounded through the whole training room, and canfeng's strange laughter appeared in Qin Yang's ear again, three months from the last meeting.

The emergence of Fengming was unexpected to Qin Yang, because he felt that he did not have the strength to attract Fengming's attention. At least in his heart, only with the strength of butcher's knife could he be qualified to meet Fengming.

Over the past three months, Qin Yang concentrated on his own training. With the deepening of training intensity, he also had a deeper understanding of the mercenary regiment led by Feng Ming, and thus obtained the strength of Feng Ming through some indirect observations: This is a terrible man.

”It's good. I have achieved such results in three months. Personally, I have good talent. I think the next practical training can directly jump to the second stage. Right, butcher's knife? " Feng Ming's face is very cold with a smile. Especially one of his eyes is Bai Ren, which gives people a feeling of forest cold and poisonous. A large black robe covered almost his whole body and looked like an old man.

”I agree. " The silent butcher answered Fengming's question without expression. In his mind, Fengming is his absolute boss. If Feng Ming asks anything, he will answer anything.

”Agura, go back first. " Feng Ming said to agula, who was kneading the wound.

”Yes! " Agula, who was stared at by Feng Ming, got a pimple all over. It was a fear from the bottom of his heart. He soon left the training room and disappeared into the darkness, leaving only Qin Yang, Feng Ming and Tu Dao.

”Since Tu Dao thinks so, it's so decided. " The smiling appearance of Fengming made Qin Yang's eyebrows frown.

”This is the end of today's training. Starting tomorrow, it will be your last training. The duration will be until your master comes to pick you up. " Feng Ming looked at Qin Yang and said, then explained, "boy, from tomorrow on, I will be your trainer."

Feng Ming's words came like a bolt from the blue from above Qin Yang's head, "it's him!"

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