”I'm looking forward to your performance in the coming days. " Feng Ming, who left this remark, covered his face under the black robe, then turned and left, leaving Qin Yang standing in place, surprised and inexplicable.

Qin Yang doesn't know whether to be happy or worried about this news. If people like Fengming want to be a personal trainer, the people trained must be monster level, but the arduous process is not tolerable by ordinary people anyway. Qin Yang doesn't know where his limit is. He is quite afraid of Fengming's strength. He not only has the desire to see the truth, but also has a sense of fear. After all, he is a figure who can be compared with his master Han Tieyi.

Qin Yang's mind constantly emerged the dialogue between Han Tieyi and Fengming when Han Tieyi just sent him to this place: Han Tieyi and Fengming will have a war on the day when he completes his one-year period.

When lying in bed, Qin Yang's mind was still a piece of paste. He was thinking about the strength of Fengming. It was difficult to fall asleep. Finally, he unknowingly fell into deep sleep at two o'clock in the morning.

The next morning, before the light on the window came in, someone came to Qin Yang's dark room to wake him up, and the person who woke him up was Fengming.

”Follow me. " Feng Ming, who left this message, walked out of the house after saying it, regardless of whether Qin Yang had followed up or not.

Qin Yang, who quickly put on his clothes, followed Fengming's steps, quickly passed through black rooms like prison cages, and then appeared in an unusually open place, where a private airliner stood impressively in front of him.

Qin Yang was greatly surprised by this scene, but he restrained his curiosity and didn't ask any superfluous words. Since he came to this place, he rarely spoke and didn't ask why. He just needed to do everything arranged for him by Fengming. This trust was based on what Han Tieyi entrusted him to Fengming, so he had no doubt, How to arrange and do.

Without saying a word, Qin Yang got on the plane, found a casual seat and sat down, quietly looking at the interior of the whole plane.

Fengming sat on a sofa like a nobody, then picked up the microphone beside her and said, "let's go."

A roar of air resounded outside the plane. Qin Yang was the first time to make such a private plane, but there was no fuss. He was just curious about Feng Ming's move.

Feng Ming pulled down the brim of the black cloak slightly and said to Qin Yang, "you can continue to sleep now. I'll call you when it's time, and your training will begin. I wish you a good dream. " A cold smile appeared on Feng Ming's slightly bleak face, and then a gate appeared to isolate Qin Yang from him, as if he had imprisoned him.

Qin Yang, who didn't know the exact time, began to wonder what Fengming wanted, but the long-term darkness relieved him. Finally, he slept on the sofa. He didn't sleep well yesterday. Wait until Fengming woke him up.

In the world of sleep, the time is often very short. It has been unknown how many hours since Qin Yang was awakened again. When he got off the plane, he still saw the dark underground, but the surrounding atmosphere obviously made Qin Yang feel different. The underground is already another place, At least not the underground city where he had been.

When Feng Ming appeared beside Qin Yang, he was completely covered by a black robe, with only one eye that could see things, and everything else was covered and covered. Qin Yang doesn't know why Fengming did this.

”Go, "Feng Ming poked Qin Yang in the back and motioned him to go forward. Qin Yang did as he did.

With the continuous progress, Qin Yang vaguely saw the outline of a road. When he approached again, there was an unknown roadway leading to where. It was dark. He had to concentrate his eyesight to notice it.

Qin Yang, who was walking in front of him, found that Feng Ming had been following him for five minutes. The distance was only one foot and remained unchanged.

Slowly, the light began to appear in front of him. Even if the light was not strong, it was a little dazzling for Qin Yang, who had been in the dark for a long time.

”Roar!! COME! BOY!” Qin Yang, who was walking at the border of darkness and light, seemed to hear the sound and vaguely understood the pronunciation of those English words. Although it was very weak, it became clearer and clearer for Qin Yang, who was very quiet all around.

”Ignore it and keep going. " Feng Ming noticed Qin Yang's slow steps and gave a voice to remind him. His voice was hoarse, like the God of death quietly appearing in the dark.

After a ten minute journey, Qin Yang finally saw a third person besides him and Fengming.

He is a character similar to the gatekeeper, with a face different from that of the Chinese people. He is a black man, and a dim light that will go out at any time hangs over his head.

Feng Ming came forward, handed over a sign in his hand and said in very authentic English, "I'm here to compete."

The black man as tall as a grizzly bear took the sign, looked carefully for a few eyes, then leaned over and motioned that Fengming and Qinyang could go in.

Qin Yang didn't know why. He followed Fengming's footsteps and crossed the threshold. He noticed that the black man looked at him with an ambiguous look and gave birth to a cold for no reason.

The iron door behind the black man was only a little light before it was opened, but when the door was opened, Qin Yang could hardly open his eyes. He seemed to have come to another world, but the world was not heaven, but a degenerate hell, a world full of madness and sin.

Qin Yang once thought that in the past three months, he was used to darkness and longed for light. After all, ugly things exist in darkness, and good things always exist in bright places.

Across the layers of darkness, when there was light in front of him, he thought he had returned to the ground again. Until everything in front of him showed a clear outline and its due face, Qin Yang knew that he was still on the ground, but it was an underground city full of light.

The flashing lights spread wantonly, and there were countless people in front of us, like a black ocean.

That hysterical crazy roar, and that almost crazy crazy cry, everything makes people's ears ache.

Where did Fengming take him? Qin Yang wondered. At this time, Fengming finally turned around. He was waiting for Qin Yang to see everything in front of him, and then gave him the answer, "welcome to the underground arena. Your next training is to live here." When the smile appeared again in Fengming's eyebrows, it was particularly cruel. Although he covered the whole face and set aside only one eye, Qin Yang could still imagine how cruel the smile Fengming showed at this time.

The host on the stage made a timely announcement: either life or death. This is an underground arena. Welcome everyone. I am happy because of your arrival, and my blood is boiling because of your enthusiasm. Roar!! Like a madman, the host laughs recklessly, which is the most primitive indulgence, without the bondage of anything, and looks particularly crazy.

Everything seemed so strange in Qin Yang's eyes. This was a world he never dared to think about before. Just this scene, he suddenly knew what kind of place he came to.

Fengming continued to move forward, and Qin Yang unconsciously followed him.

The "stage" cover in front completely covered them. No audience would notice Qin Yang and Fengming behind the stage. All the audience would only pay attention to the next bloody fight on the stage, rather than other things. This is not only a thrilling gamble, but also a visual feast that can't be missed. Here, you can be free to be bloody. Here, you can earn money you can't earn for several years.

For the audience, they are for money; For the players who participate in this underground fight, they will achieve their fame and make a lot of money.

Feng Ming didn't notice the battle that started on the stage at this time, but led Qin Yang Dynasty to a place, which is a space similar to a house, which is only a place for contestants to sign up. This is also the last thing Fengming will do for Qin Yang, that is, sign up for Qin Yang, and then he will sit down and enjoy Qin Yang's performances. As for life and death, who knows?

Qin Yang seemed to know his next fate, but he was more and more shocked. He warned himself in his heart: now he needs to improve his strength, whether it is a knife mountain or a sea of fire in front of him, he must pass.

Jing waited for all the formalities before the battle. Qin Yang found a corner to wait and waited for Feng Ming's arrangement.

It turned out that Feng Ming meant "I will be your trainer in the next days". Qin Yang now understood it, but he had no fear or resentment in his heart, just because all this was his own choice. No wonder others died.

”Are you ready? " When Feng Ming's body appeared in front of Qin Yang again, he was holding a mask in front of Qin Yang. "We are from the state of Yan Huang, so we don't need the mask. We'd better keep our tradition and take a scarf. It is said that ancient Xiake would wear night clothes when robbing the rich and helping the poor in the dark and windy night. Why don't I help you get another set?" Feng Ming's voice is very low. Now he is more interested in joking, but it is still difficult to change his ugly voice.

In Qin Yang's eyes, Fengming at this time is like a ruffian uncle teasing children. Not only does he look ugly, but his voice is still so ugly.

The silent Qin Yang stood up, took the scarf in Feng Ming's hand, stuck it on his face without hesitation and covered his face. This is the rule here. No contestant will be allowed to see the real face.

Suddenly, Feng Ming felt a spirit from Qin Yang. When he thought of something, his eyebrows bent again. "It seems that the butcher's knife leaked something in advance."

When Qin Yang, who had crossed Fengming's body, was about to step on the "stage", Fengming behind gave him advice.

”Here, the strong survive. Don't have the benevolence of women, and don't expect the other party to spare you. " Then he walked towards the auditorium and didn't stay here to press Qin Yang.

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