”I know. " Qin Yang seemed to be talking to Feng Ming. Unfortunately, the one eye has gone far.

”Let's give applause to the winner. He deserves it. " The host roared at the top of the stage, and his actions were extremely exaggerated, which won everyone's crazy cry.

”Victor curry? Hans!!! "

”Woo woo!! YEAH!!”

”Oh, oh! "

The audience took a variety of yells to express their excitement.

The white host stroked and pressed, and soon suppressed the extremely hot atmosphere. He has worked in this place for many years, and he still has such ability.

”Originally, this is the end of today's feast. Hans has won today's final victory and will have the opportunity to challenge several of the above challengers. But just now, an applicant told me that a new person has joined, so next, we have a better game. "

”Whoa! " Some people at the bottom coaxed and heated the atmosphere.

Richard slightly stabilized the earphone in his ear with his finger, but suddenly suffocated, and then said, "the contestant who came today is a little special. He is not a European or a black, but a boy from the magical oriental country and a hot yellow country."

With the host's announcement, the whole arena was immediately bombed.

”Cao, what Oriental boy, ha ha! This is not where their little people can come. Go home and eat! That's ridiculous. "

”Yes, "some people agreed. The whole scene was a little out of control.

Although Richard agreed with everyone in his heart, he would not show it on his face. This underground arena is also famous in the world. Few Eastern contestants can win the title of champion, become the top fighters and accept the challenges of contestants from all over the world.

Today, there was an oriental boy who didn't know how to live or die. Not only did the audience feel ridiculous, but even the host knew that he didn't have to see the result.

Although there are some easterners in the crowd, the number of helpless people is too small. Compared with these negative voices, their cries seem pale and powerless. In the eyes of foreigners, this underground arena has not been able to be set foot in by Oriental people since ancient times.

Qin Yang didn't learn too much English language, so he didn't feel much about the curse of the audience. Instead, he calmly stepped onto the stage and appeared in front of the crowd.

Compared with the host next to him, Qin Yang is one head shorter, and compared with the player who just won, Qin Yang is more than one head shorter.

The people in the audience couldn't help laughing and laughing at Qin Yang's little man.

Qin Yang, who was covered with a scarf, only showed a pair of eyes. The eyes flashed with light and were very quiet. He wore a tight black fighting suit on his upper body and traditional Samurai pants on his lower body, which was impressively dressed as a warrior in the period of the Republic of China.

The words that Tu Dao and Feng Ming both said resounded through Qin Yang's ears again, "the strong survive and never die." This is also the rule of the underground arena. The one lying down is either half dead or dead. In addition, there is no other way out.

”Oh, everyone is optimistic. This is the challenger, a boy from the East, "the host looked at Qin Yang up and down with a look of interest.

Qin Yang tried to catch every word that the other party said, but unfortunately, his learning was limited and he only understood a few words. As for such a coherent sentence of English, it was undoubtedly very difficult for him who abandoned learning halfway. He simply stood there silent.

The audience around them were shouting every minute and every second, shouting recklessly, and would say "Oh, which dog came here, what a funny boy, ha ha ha."

”So, you two, are you ready now? " The host drew Qin Yang closer to the big foreigner and asked with sharp eyes.

”IAMOK。” Qin Yang understood the host's meaning and expressed his attitude in a simple sentence of English.

”Hum. "As for the foreigner opposite, he is relatively relaxed. He is a player who has won three games in a row today. Naturally, he has a sense of superiority. Besides, Qin Yang's stature is really weak in his eyes. Maybe the little man can't cause him any actual harm at all. He had a playful attitude to fight Qin Yang, but it might be too much.

”Then let's start! " When the host waved down, the foreigner who always kept rushing in stood still, a provocative wave, calling for the arrival of Qin Yang, "ComeOn, baby."

This is the only sentence Qin Yang understood. It seems to mean "come on, baby?" Qin Yang is not sure that in this world where almost all communication is in English, he feels pressure to understand others' words, so he is not sure whether he understands correctly.

Although he was a little confused about why the other party called him "baby", Qin Yang understood the waving posture of the other party. This is what he meant to hit him.

”If that day comes, I hope you don't have any reservations, otherwise you will only hurt yourself in the end. " This sentence suddenly flashed into Qin Yang's mind. This is a piece of advice given to him by Tu Dao during a training.

The bright light shone down, which made Qin Yang a little intoxicated. The noisy voice constantly invaded his ears and stimulated the blood in his body to boil.

He doesn't have any extra movements. This is not the usual training. The opponent won't give you a chance to breathe, nor are they the trainers who train him. He will never be merciful. Qin Yang, who knows this truth, also knows what kind of attitude he should use to meet each player.

When people in the audience saw Qin Yang's body shape, they were only surprised. They opened their mouth and stared at Qin Yang's figure sprinting on the stage.

”God, how did he do it? " A bearded man couldn't help reading.

Qin Yang's body suddenly bent over and rushed out of the distance of three meters in the blink of an eye, instantly shortening the distance between the two. At this moment, he finally no longer bound himself. All the strength of Qin Yang was revealed at this moment. When seeing this scene, canfeng at the bottom couldn't help smiling. In fact, long ago, he knew that Qin Yang had been suppressing himself and hiding part of his strength. As for the exact amount of hidden strength, he didn't know until today.

Qin Yang will always remember what Han Tieyi once warned him, "when you are not facing the desperate situation of life and death, try to hide your strength to prevent accidents. One day, your hidden strength can save you from crisis. "

This is Han Tieyi's sentence. Therefore, Qin Yang has been deliberately hiding his strength. Even if canfeng's actual combat training is abnormal, he has never felt the coming of the crisis. So I've been hiding all my strength.

Now, there is no need for this. Qin Yang knows that if he hides and tucks in again, he may lie on this platform and never go on. This is a fight of death or injury. Everything is the rules of the underground arena. All he can do is try his best to protect himself. As for others, it is an obstacle for him to live well. Shoot to kill.

Sometimes Qin Yang had to thank Li Lingzhi for his betrayal, because he made Qin Yang really realize the world, and canfeng taught him to give up the poor benevolence of women.

So the audience did not expect that the Oriental boy in front of them would have such a huge explosive force, which was no less than the Mercedes Benz of a heavy motorcycle, and the instantaneous speed reached a terrible 100 kilometers per hour in the blink of an eye.

When he saw Qin Yang's body pounding out, the foreigners showed panic. He never thought that a small man would have such terrible explosive power. Soon, he felt a terrible pressure.

Qin Yang's eyes were like eagle eyes. When people noticed, the cold in his eyes was like the most poisonous snake. It seemed to erase all the "human nature" eyes, leaving only the desire to fight. In addition, he had no other feelings.

With a simple and direct punch, he hit the puma foreigner's abdomen directly. He couldn't even make a defensive posture. When Qin Yang rushed to him, he always held a mood of playing with monkeys. How could he expect that the imaginary monkey suddenly changed and became a cheetah.

The feeling of fist hitting the meat did not bring the effect expected by Qin Yang. It is undeniable that the foreigner's abdominal muscles are very strong, and his weight also increases the difficulty of repelling.

However, after a short second in Qin Yang's mind, all this was occupied by a stronger sense of war.

Only the people concerned knew the strength of the punch. Hans only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and then retreated four steps to resist the power of Qin Yang's punch, which was incredible in himself.

As soon as he touched it, Qin Yang didn't linger at all. Almost at the moment of boxing, Qin Yang closed his fist and returned. His step followed Hans' retreat and crossed the body. With the blessing of speed, he swept out with one leg and swept away at Hans' unusually prominent temple.

”Ah, "Hans can't keep me in such a fast-paced battle. He has always relied on great strength to conquer players, but he didn't expect that the Oriental boy met today completely suppressed him from the beginning. At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he should not be so arrogant.

When his toes entered the cave, Qin Yang's jumping body had a very short imbalance. He was about to take back his kick, but he heard Hans's shrill scream, and then a huge palm firmly clasped Qin Yang's ankle. Blood flowed from the corners of his eyes and covered his face in an instant.

”Ah ah!!! " As if from the roar of wild animals, Hans could not accept the pain of losing his eyesight. He grasped Qin Yang's ankle entirely by virtue of a fighting instinct and his desire to destroy everything.

”Whew ~ ~ "Qin Yang's body was thrown out by Hans and hit the fence directly. It was like a wet cloth falling to the ground. His heart was like tumbling over rivers and seas. He was so uncomfortable that he vomited a mouthful of blood. This was the first time Qin Yang was so hurt that he was a little stunned when he looked at the pool of blood he vomited on the ground.

”You have to pay the price of death, ah!! " Hans could still see something vaguely in his left eye and ran towards Qin Yang with a roar.

The scene was so crazy and crazy because of Hans's, and there were constant shouts. Didn't they want to see this bloody battle of trapped animals?

As expected, the participants in the underground arena could not infer from common sense. They were pointed to the temple by their toes and still maintained such strong combat power. Qin Yang couldn't help but have another understanding in his heart.

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