Qin Yang, who has been stained with fishiness, now needs to find the man. He did it without their strength, but the training still needs to continue. However, according to the rules of the underground world, he may have to change his location. After all, now he has become half a wanted person in the world, and his name is on the list of executors.

It is also a dark corridor with a visual range of only about two meters. Qin Yang walked a long way. When he was getting closer and closer to returning to the underground world, an extremely dangerous feeling flashed in his mind.

”Bang! " There was a gunshot, and there was no time to avoid the bullet. Qin Yang's right chest didn't know when to pass through a bullet, and he didn't even have time to stay in his body.

There was a gray and puzzled in his eyes. The man who shot him didn't see it, so he lay on the ground with a strong doubt. The dark blood flowed slowly and stained the soil on the ground.

”Am I going to die? " This was the only thought before Qin Yang fell, and then in that vague consciousness, he saw a pair of feet wearing black leather shoes.

A slightly regretful voice sounded, "Damn it, I have chosen the best part. How can I leave so much blood???" Then everything became an unknown dream for him.

There was a smell of rust in the air. The floor was stained with drops of blood. It was not dry yet. It was just caused.

This is a closed house. It is very empty. A suspended person seems to have passed out. Beside the suspended man, a man in a suit looked around him with great interest, and his eyes seemed to stay there until now.

This is a man about 20 years old. He has medium hair and a short horsetail. He often rubs his nails. Then he paced and looked at the man who was tied with suspended hands.

The man in suit was like a gentleman who loved beauty very much. He stretched out Bai Jie's palm and touched the unconscious man's cheek. " You won't die. I won't let you die so easily. " Edward smiled as if he were a little nervous.

After a while, the suspended man opened his eyes and looked very reluctantly, as if he had just been seriously ill, and his spirit had disappeared.

Qin Yang opened his eyes because he felt the cold touch on his face, a very cold touch.

At first, he could only see the faint Figure shaking in front of him. When he fully opened his eyes, he found a Western man looking at himself deeply in front of him.

Qin Yang's hands were suspended and it was difficult to make any action. He could only look at the people in front of him.

”Your name is Qin, I know. " Edward's delicate face is really a little evil. If you don't identify it carefully, you might regard it as a woman, and Qin Yang thought it was a woman at first, but when you see the other party's Adam's apple in front of you, you suddenly realize the gender of the person in front of you.

Knowing all this, Qin Yang's eyes looked cold. He looked at Edward without saying a word and let the other party's palm touch his cheek, as if this face did not belong to him.

”I've never seen a man as handsome as you? " Edward said faintly, but the movement on his hand didn't stop for a moment. He touched Qin Yang's nose and lips, and then touched his eyes. His Yanhuang language is very standard. I'm afraid some local people in Yanhuang country can't compare with it.

Qin Yang, with his upper body hanging, couldn't move. He could only stare at Edward, whose sexual orientation was a little abnormal.

”Why look at me so fiercely? If you talk to me well, I can put you down now. " A good-looking smile hung around Edward's mouth, which set off the beautiful melon seed face, forming a unique neutral wind.

Stay quietly. I don't know when Edward's fingers touched Qin Yang's chest. There was a penetrating wound on his right chest, but it had been scarred. When Qin Yang was caught back, Edward advocated that he should be cured. He wanted a living Qin Yang.

I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect to see the dark world when I got up. Qin Yang was also filled with emotion for a time.

”Does it hurt? " Edward carefully touched the scar formed with special potion, a small hole. " I seldom practice shooting recently. I wouldn't have let you leave so much blood. I'm really sorry. "

Edward is not interested in women. It's not a secret of the whole underground world. It's not a secret because the executors of the whole underground world know that their immediate superiors don't like women, but it's a secret because no one knows Edward's strange hobby except the executors.

Although Edward doesn't like women, he doesn't like men, which is the cognition of the executive team. The truth is: Edward likes men, a man who can make his heart beat. It's just that he didn't like Qin Yang before he met him.

Qin Yang has the most representative eyes and nose of oriental men, especially two eyebrows like horizontal sword, which makes Edward, a westerner, deeply infatuated. He hated his race and his face mixed with Western blood and Oriental blood. He hates his mixed race, but prefers the face of Oriental people. The world is too boring. All he wants to pursue is what he wants. What interests, what hatred, what does all this have to do with him.

Although he is the chief executive of the underground world, he will not obey anyone. As long as he wants to do something, he just needs to do it according to his wishes. Even the old man entrusted with the heavy responsibility has no control over him. Who can check and balance him in this world?

Edward never thought of himself as a running dog. But in the eyes of outsiders, he always acts as a running dog. But he doesn't care what the world thinks. For him, to live in this world, just be happy.

Until he hit the prey and saw Qin Yang, he thought the man was very tasty.

No one knows what kind of person Edward is: he sometimes looks like a madman and has a unique hobby for blood; Sometimes it's like a conspirator who controls everything that seems chaotic with superior wisdom; Sometimes, he can pretend to be a woman and talk to others with another gender.

Some people say: maybe this madman is not a normal person. No one knows what the young man experienced in his childhood. The only one who knows him seems to be the old man who entrusted the underground world to him.

Some people have seen Edward when he was ten. What did Edward look like at that time? He has a delicate face and always smiles. Even if his eyes are crying, he will still smile. He can cut an adult with his hand and watch Blood gush from the man's neck without blinking. When the blood stained his face, he would laugh and say, "Oh, it's dirty. What can I do?" Then someone will come up and wipe the dirty blood off his face.

He is not a noble childe. Anyone who knows his identity knows a fact: he is a disobedient "dog" raised by the old man. This "dog" is always dangerous for ordinary people. Ordinary owners can't tame it. Even the old man seems to be gradually powerless.

Originally, Edward should have been with the old man, but he was assigned to the world as the chief executive. Few people know why Edward was "released", and what they know will not be spread.

Then after a few years, the world has always been in Edward's hands. He doesn't like dictatorship, but he doesn't like democracy. He likes to do things in his own way. The above group of old people think that if they get a part of the equity, they can make him obedient, but the actual situation is that he has not been obedient in recent years.

The elders of the Senate were very upset about this, but they were more afraid of Edward's moodiness and his means of killing without blinking an eye. The old man who let the dog go never expressed his intention to take Edward back. It seemed that he wouldn't care what he was outside.

However, not long ago, the old man finally opened his mouth to Edward: in any case, the girl should be recaptured and put under house arrest until the goal is completed.

So Edward, who had not killed anyone for a long time, went out. He didn't ask for anyone's help and went to catch two little mice alone. Everything seemed to be the same as he thought. It was easy to catch two mice. Oh, no, it should be one, but the other accidentally ran away. As for the headache, let the old man solve it.

Qin Yang ignored Edward's concern and kept looking at Edward coldly, which made him uncomfortable. He was looked at by a favorite man with such hostile eyes. No one would feel better if he changed.

”The girl ran away. You're captured by me now. What are you going to do? Will the disabled man come to save you? " Edward went to the only small table in the whole room, picked up two glasses of red wine, shook the liquor inside and walked towards Qin Yang.

The height is not as tall and powerful as Westerners have always been. Edward's body is not tall or short. It should be about the same as Qin Yang's 1.77 meters. It is such a mixed race westerner, but everyone in the whole underground world talks about the existence of a tiger. No one knows that Edward will have such a tender side now.

”What do you want to say? " Edward moved his glass to Qin Yang's lips and looked at his hungry wolf like eyes, but his smile became more and more brilliant.

”Ah, "Qin Yang glanced at Edward, but laughed it off. Don't overdo it." I advise you to start early so as not to have a long dream. " Without paying any attention, Edward handed the glass in front of him, which contained a Wang of bright red wine.

”You're so smart. I brought you here because I'm not afraid of long nights and dreams, so that he can find you early. "Edward looked at the only door in the whole room and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

”It's all my business from beginning to end. It has nothing to do with him. I'm afraid it's going to disappoint you. " Qin Yang looked at Edward sarcastically and added, "if you think he will do it for me, then you are very wrong."

Edward didn't speak any more. When he felt he was right, he wouldn't listen to anyone, even if Qin Yang was right to his appetite.

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