After a long time, until Edward and Qin Yang heard a scream from outside, they looked at each other. Qin Yang's eyes were surprised and incomprehensible, while Edward's eyes were filled with excitement and a bloodthirsty light.

The door was gently opened, and a man covered in a black cloak came into their eyes.

His body was half bowed and looked a little old. The cloak seemed a little big for him and almost completely covered his body. Even his face was quietly hidden under the brim of his hat. The only one exposed is a right palm. A sharp blade about three feet long is held in the hand. It is like a knife but not a knife, like a sword but not a sword. It has a knife edge and a sword edge at the same time.

Some people have seen his weapon like this, and he also claims that it is a knife, so it's even better.

On this knife, there is a touch of blood flowing. It should have been stained not long ago, and then it slowly drops to the ground along the blade. He doesn't like his knife stained with too much human blood, so he will wipe it carefully after each battle, but now it seems that he has no spare time to wipe it, because the battle is not over yet. I'm afraid he needs to wipe his knife after the battle is over.

Qin Yang looked at the man who stepped into the door in disbelief. This figure was too familiar to him.

”I came to take him away. " Huofeng seems to be saying a very common thing. The person facing is Edward who has leisurely sat on the stool. He hasn't seen Qin Yang since he stepped into the room.

”Just now he said you wouldn't come. I was thinking of making a bet with him. I didn't expect you to come so soon. Oh, if only I could settle the bet. Maybe he would be my man later. " Edward chuckled.

Huofeng paced forward and came to Qin Yang. The knife was still hidden in the palm of his hand and mixed in his sleeve.

At this time, the fire phoenix was only about a foot away from Edward, and Edward was still tasting the red wine carefully for what the fire phoenix did.

Edward's brow frowned and looked unhappy when he took a sip of wine. He said with a little chagrin, "I said it would take 1986. Why do you always give me 1992." After saying this, he threw the liquor out at random, impressively facing the position of Huofeng.

As if she had been prepared, Huofeng stepped back a little and flashed safely past the wine spilled by Edward. The liquor spilled on the ground was scarlet, and a large area of the ground seemed to have been stained with blood.

Qin Yang also got out of trouble at this time. He was untied by a knife of Huofeng, which was so fast that ordinary people couldn't find it.

”I'm so sorry, "Edward apologized to Huofeng, then stood up, raised his glass glass, held the foot of the glass, and looked at Huofeng through the glass." Let's fight. " It seems to be a casual exchange of words.

I don't know how strong Edward used. When the wine glass was thrown out, it broke into many pieces, scattered in the air like pieces of cherry blossoms, but the falling speed of the "petals" was a little scary.

Qin Yang turned over to avoid the deadly glass fragments, but the fire phoenix in front did not shrink back. His left hand raised and rose with a cloak to resist the glass debris.

”Bang! " With a touch of impact, Edward's toes had kicked on the body, and no matter what was hidden inside, this continuous action began from the diffusion of glass residue.

”Hiss ~ "the blade cut off the robe, divided the sleeve part of the cloak into two, and stabbed the toe against the fire phoenix's arm fiercely.

All this came too quickly. Even Qin Yang didn't think that the two people's fight would be so rapid that their eyeballs couldn't keep up with the speed of both sides.

Edward, who withdrew his leg for about half a second, got out of the arc of the blade. It was as if they had agreed. Such close combat seemed very strange.

Huofeng, who broke half of her sleeve, finally showed her face. Bai Ren's eye had no focus, but the only eye with a visible field of vision stared at Edward motionless.

”Don't you use weapons? You'll die earlier. " It's still that ugly chicken voice, but with Huofeng's unusually cold face, it looks particularly murderous.

”Whether it's Tai Chi or other martial arts, the key to pursuing the highest level is just the word "fast". It's just that Taiji has taken another 'fast' road. " This is what Han Tieyi once said to Qin Yang.

The so-called "martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly". Qin Yang understood this sentence a long time ago, but he has never seen those strong people who give full play to the word fast. At this time, Huofeng showed him the ultimate performance of "fast".

The fire phoenix's body was already approaching Edward. Although the distance between them is about two meters, the embodiment of this speed completely ignores this short distance, as if they were standing in the same space at the beginning.

The sword in the sleeve is like a flash of lightning in the cold winter. The light is reflected and cuts through the void.

Inch by inch, it was a static in motion. Both of them ran fast, but Edward always fell behind, so he showed the approaching of the blade.

Seeing that the tip of the knife was about to reach his eyes, Edward's body seemed to be suddenly soft and came in time. It seemed that God had let him escape. It's a pity that Huofeng thought of the attack route from the time he took the knife. He didn't have any defensive potential. When he chose to attack, he didn't think of giving the other party a chance to breathe. Maybe he won't stop until they decide whether to win or lose.

The lightning wrist of Huofeng turned over. It was the blade of holding the palm, but then it was held back. In a sharp turn, it was inserted upside down and wanted to be inserted into Edward's forehead.

”The slight sound of "Yi" sharp blade entering the flesh was not Edward's forehead, but his palm. He dared to block the knife inserted under Huofeng with his bare hands. He just reversed his disadvantage, fixed Huofeng's blade with his palm and spread it to one side. Both of them were wide open.

Qin Yang could not help feeling cold about Edward's self abusive fighting style. Even though he had been used to the blood for a while, he would still be cold.

”Boom! Bang ~ "the two impacts were in different order. One was the knee impact of Huofeng, which pushed Edward's chest hard under him, while the next one was Edward's return and kicked directly on Huofeng's stomach. You can't imagine that a person who is completely defeated will have such a reaction speed to fight back. It seems that Huofeng is better, but don't forget that Huofeng had the upper hand to suppress Edward at the beginning. Even at such a disadvantage, Edward can still do this. It's a terrible fighting machine.

The Fire Phoenix who twisted her body quickly turned her side over, and Edward's other foot followed. Unfortunately, it was avoided by the fire phoenix because the fierce wind and fear exposed Edward's later moves.

Edward carp stood up and smiled at the Fire Phoenix who took off his cloak not far away. But I don't care about the blood oozing from my hands. " Come again. " Without waiting for the fire phoenix to respond, Edward's body flashed out like a ghost. This time, he attacked first!!

Qin Yang retreated to one side and looked at the confrontation between Huofeng and Edward.

Huofeng holds a three foot short knife in her palm. Her eyes are cold, and her wasted eyeballs look more and more dark because of the "white benevolence".

Edward always sipped a faint smile in the corner of his mouth. Even if the blood in his hand had not stopped flowing, he still maintained a calm. He was like a beast who ignored pain. The only thing left in his eyes was the light of interest in blood.

Edward was still laughing the moment before, and the next second he had run out quickly. The fire phoenix moved almost at the same time. The distance between the two people narrowed in the blink of an eye, reaching a delicate balance. Both sides found the most suitable position and took the most vigorous action.

The Phoenix with a knife in his hand undoubtedly has the upper hand. If the two shake head-on, I'm afraid Edward will end up with a hole in his chest. After all, the strength of the two people has shown a high and low level after the short fight just now. At present, the strength of the two of them seems to be at least between Bozhong and Edward. Edward suffered a loss in his hands. However, this is not the factor of Huofeng's mercy. He wants to see what kind of means the young man has.

A knife cuts through the air and rips the wind speed. The simplest attack is also the most lethal line. At the beginning, Huofeng didn't want to avoid the other party's attack. He took the other party's life and suffered a little damage. For their confrontation to this extent, killing the other party is already the greatest victory. It's undoubtedly a bit crazy to win without injury.

Edward, as always, was ready when he turned sideways and punched, as if he were ready to die at the beginning. He didn't hide. He didn't want to flash the fire phoenix's knife and take it straight. Is he fighting for his life? If so, I'm afraid the person lying on the ground will not be Huofeng.

But it was not Edward who died. Until the moment when the short knife entered the meat, the fire phoenix's chest was again printed with Edward's full fist, domineering and fierce, as if the wind was blowing.

”"Poop" blood floated and stained Edward's beautiful face. He avoided the key point and shifted his upper body 0.01 seconds before the knife entered the meat. It was enough if he didn't hit the key point. As long as it wasn't the fatal position, it was enough for him.

Huofeng's knife was so indomitable that it was too fast to produce any movement on such a straight track. He lost his understanding of Edward in this confrontation. In this world, few people can figure out Edward's combat thinking. When you think it is inevitable, he will surprise you. When you think it is accidental, he will bring you death.

Edward never knew what defense was. That's why he didn't choose to retreat or dodge in this confrontation. Instead, he minimized the fatal blow and paid the price of a shoulder. But with Edward's late arrival, you will find that he didn't even pay the price of a shoulder, because his shoulder was pierced with a knife, but he can still move freely. Outsiders will never know whether his move involved the greatest pain of flesh and blood. When you see his safe expression, you will think: he has nothing at all.

The high and unfathomable Huofeng in Qin Yang's mind flew out with only one punch, but the short knife was still held in his hand by Huofeng: after penetrating Edward's shoulder, it was forcibly pulled back because of the strong impact of boxing.

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