For example, the fire phoenix flying at high speed in the air did not know where to borrow the strength, and its body turned 90 degrees, from facing up to the ground. Edward's body had jumped over him when he could see the lightning flash across the ground.

In the ancient East, there was a strange way of impact. All this was undoubtedly displayed in front of Qin Yang just now. It was a mixed race Westerner who performed this unique skill.

Qin Yang's mind desperately searched for the twelve shapes in his memory, but the key to none of them coincided with this movement. The tiger shape was the outline of strength, and the dragon shape was the body of kingcraft. It was more difficult for other shapes to find the trace of this technique performed by Edward at this time.

If you have to describe it in one shape, then this technique should be called leopard shape!!

The blood on the shoulder was still left, and there was the palm of the right hand that had not stopped bleeding. These two big wounds seemed to overflow out of control like a flood. But for Edward, all this can be ignored. He is more interested in the life of Huofeng.

When the fire phoenix broke away from the ground, Edward rushed out. Then the bone heads of his shoulders bulged like a white without reason, and the palms of his hands were tightly clasped on the ground, like a dormant cheetah. This preparation was very fast, almost completed in an instant, and his body jumped out quickly, followed closely, and glided at almost the same speed.

Qin Yang saw such a scene with his own eyes, and from the perspective of Huofeng, it was after he turned to the ground.

An overwhelming figure was completely above the fire phoenix. A pair of sharp claws appeared, and a set of sharp claws up to 10 cm long. This was Edward's rare weapon.

The ghostly speed was a beast in human skin. Qin Yang didn't see how Edward put on that set of claws. It was incredible and shocking. Until this time, he understood the huge gap between the two. For him now, such a battle is not something he can get involved in at all.

”The crazy friction between the "Keng ~ ~" sharp blades blew out a burst of violent fireworks and sparks. The fire phoenix was able to resist the sharp claws. Edward seemed to release some kind of imprisonment in his heart and roared, "Aha!"

Even though his claws were blocked by a knife, Edward took off and crossed out again.

The fire phoenix slashed wildly, and countless sparks flashed in front of her eyes. She took each other's throat directly. In such a close battle, both of them fought a bit. With Huofeng's sleeve off, Edward withdrew another grasp, and then climbed a foot away.

He is like a motor that will never run out of energy. When his feet reach the ground, it is another jet like impact, shooting at the fire phoenix that has just stabilized his body.

Qin Yang was so shocked that he didn't even have time to keep up with the speed of both sides. He could only peep into a general attack track. As for others, the battle between the two people didn't even have enough time to think. If you change him, I'm afraid you can't sustain ten moves in case of either of the two sides, and once these ten moves hit, they will be fatal.

Like the serial killing, everything has been planned from the beginning to the end, and all this is actually just a temporary reaction and move by the two people. Qin Yang still lacks a lot, including experience and in-depth excavation of the mysteries of his body. At least his body is not tempered enough. Their speed has exceeded the scope of ordinary people's thinking, which is based on the extreme of human body.

Huofeng's "Bai Ren" eyes rolled around. In just half a second, she had locked the figure sprayed by Edward. He seems to have no way back, because the previous moment has just stabilized. At this time, he has missed the best opportunity to avoid. If he stubbornly chooses to avoid, he will only end up dead. Neither of them can kill anyone unless one of them shows a flaw.

While Huofeng waited with a horizontal knife, with one foot on the back, and the violent shock of his muscles suddenly provided him with an extremely powerful impulse. The two are again in a blink of an eye.

Compared with Edward's two claws, Huofeng's knife is obviously not enough. Therefore, in terms of attack speed, Huofeng needs to pay twice as much speed to resolve Edward's inevitable attack. It seems that the two claws stab directly, but in fact it has a subtle combination from front to back.

”Click! "

When Edward contacted the weapons of both sides, he pushed hard on his arms, "ah!! Ah!! "

The tearing scratch seemed to cut through all vanity, and the blood spilled out. The body of the fire phoenix knife showed three scratches, and then the whole body hit the wall with a bang. Qin Yang looked at the fire phoenix that hit the wall hard. At that moment, he spewed out a mouthful of blood and looked a lot pale.

The black cloak was torn into pieces and scattered in the air, stained with the blood shed. It was a little charming for a time, but Edward walked away with a smile. All this indicates that the fire phoenix has failed. He is not Edward's opponent. Qin Yang denies this fact, but everything in front of him is so true.

”"Hey, hey," the chicken voice appeared again in the empty room. The three deep scratches are still bright. The "memorial" left by Edward on Huofeng's arm is really deep. Even if he goes one inch deeper, I'm afraid Huofeng's arm will be explained here.

The Fire Phoenix who got up retreated the rags that had become shapeless. She was still a good cloak before. Unexpectedly, she became so unbearable after a fight, which made him very uncomfortable. This black cloak has been with him for more than five years. I didn't expect to say goodbye to it today.

Yes, old things always have to be changed. Huofeng thought so and laughed even louder. Although his voice was hard to hear, Qin Yang seemed to see Huofeng for the first time: wasn't he like this at that time? There was always a strange smile. Even in the face of Han Tieyi, who had defeated his master, he still had a strong sense of war.

At this moment, Qin Yang suddenly found that the dim eyes of Huofeng began to glow with the same eyes as Edward. It was a kind of greed for blood, which was even better than Edward who was crazy.

”Here, "Tu Dao threw a bag to Qin Yang without expression, and then retreated to one side in silence. When Huofeng came to Qin Yang, she was still covered with a cloak and dressed up to see the light die.

The location of the three is a train station, which is also the place agreed by Han Tieyi.

About two months from that year, Qin Yang's special training time has not ended, but Huofeng has finished this time ahead of time. As for the reason, Huofeng is here when she says it. There is no need for any reason. So Han Tieyi made an appointment with him. He came to pick up Qin Yang. The one-year period was completed.

The train roared past, roaring into our ears.

When the t960 train entered the station, the passengers belonging to the train got up one after another, picked up their parcels and lined up.

Qin Yang, Huofeng and Tu Dao stood in a corner and waited silently. Occasionally, some people turned their eyes to this side, because Huofeng's strange dress, although they would whisper, would soon divert their attention and do other things to pass the boring waiting time.

When the figure who had been parting for ten months appeared in front of Qin Yang again, he recognized it all at once. It was the only person he regarded as relatives in the world, his uncle and his master.

Soon, Han Tieyi in a coat saw Qin Yang's position. He came here and had a moment of communication with Huofeng's eyes.

When meeting Han Tieyi again, Qin Yang felt the atmosphere of wind and frost. The welcome of Han Tieyi brought a cold wind, which was particularly cold in the winter weather.

”Thanks for taking care of "Han Tieyi came up and stretched out his palm to Huofeng, trying to shake hands with him, but Huofeng didn't mean to spare his hand. Han Tieyi thanked Huofeng for Qin Yang's business, but in Huofeng's opinion, it's just paying off the debt. There's nothing to thank.

For Huofeng's impolite performance, Han Tieyi smiled, only embarrassed, and then turned his eyes to Qin Yang.

Now Qin Yang has undoubtedly grown up a lot. No matter his height or experience, he has made obvious progress in following Huofeng. Compared with the previous youth, Qin Yang is now more like a man who has become a year, which makes Han Tieyi very satisfied. It seems that it was a correct decision to give Qin Yang to Huofeng at the beginning.

Han Tieyi, who knows Huofeng well, can also imagine how much hardship Qin Yang has suffered in this period of time, but all this is worth it in Han Tieyi's view. He always believes that only those who have really experienced all kinds of hardships can be created.

”Master "Qin Yang unconsciously felt warm when he saw Han Tieyi. He seemed to have found sustenance in this world.

”Come to me. " Han Tieyi smiled kindly. His face was covered with some stubble. He was only 45 years old, but he showed the vicissitudes of life in his fifties.

Huofeng has been looking at all this coldly, and Tu Dao is silent.

”I've paid off what I owe you. Let's go. " Huofeng said.

”Thank you, "Han Tieyi thanked Huofeng from the bottom of his heart.

”Hum, I don't need your thanks. I promised you with a condition. You won't forget it. " Huofeng smiled and looked forward to it.

”Of course I remember the one-year engagement. " Han Tieyi understood what Huofeng, a battle madman, meant in his words. They always kept this agreement in mind, "but now the one-year period has not arrived, and there are still two months to go before our engagement." Just when Huofeng thought she could finally be ashamed before the snow, Han Tieyi said with a smile.

”Yes, it's a year. " Huofeng was stunned at first, and then relieved. He knew that Han Tieyi would not eat his words and get fat, so he was not in a hurry. " No more. " Huofeng left this remark, but she turned and left without procrastination. It's an alien to be a man.

Butcher Dao followed, but when he left, he said meaningfully to Qin Yang, "I hope we can see you again next time." Then with the fire phoenix disappeared into the crowd.

”Let's go. " Han Tieyi hugged Qin Yang's shoulder and looked very happy. This scene is particularly precious to Qin Yang. It seems that only his own master can depend on him now.

Qin Yang, who was 1.77 meters tall, walked side by side with Han Tieyi and got on another train, which was bound for the northwest.

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