The Great Northwest is the general name of a large part of the territory of the Yanhuang state, which generally refers to the northwest area of the Yanhuang state. The northwest region is plagued by wind and sand all year round, with vast desert areas. The economic development of cities is not as fast as that in the East and central part of Yanhuang country. It is the most backward of the three departments.

Although the Great Northwest is the most backward of the three, it is also the most concentrated area of military training institutions in Yanhuang state.

Four of the seven training bases are in the northwest. Every year, there are countless recruits who perform compulsory military service and move to the Northwest for transformation. As the secret training area of Yanhuang country, the Great Northwest has its significance and value.

After getting off the train, Han Tieyi and Qin Yang had a good meal in a restaurant, and then kept moving towards the desert in the northwest.

During this period, the two can be described as crossing mountains, crossing a continuous mountain range, and finally reaching a desert border.

”For you now, if you want to wash away the stain of your life, there is only one way to go, "this is what Han Tieyi said to Qin Yang when he left his hometown.

”What? " Qin Yang asked.

”Join the army. " Han Tieyi said firmly.

So for Qin Yang, after Han Tieyi received him from Huofeng, he immediately rushed to this place where birds don't shit. He was not surprised at all. The previous one-year special training in Huofeng is actually to prepare for entering the military world.

This will be a hard road, and it is also the road Qin Yang must take. Only in this way can he stand in front of the world again.

If you simply join the army, the stain of Qin Yang will never be washed away. After all, the country has its rules, and not everyone can override it. The place Han Tieyi wants to take him is not an ordinary military training base, but a military training base that does not belong to the normal formation of the whole Yanhuang country.

No matter which country it is, it has military forces that are not disclosed to the public. All countries that have entered the ranks of world military powers have many hidden forces, and this is also the elite force of a country.

Such as the fiery yellow wild Army Corps, the American sea lion commando, and Abel of the former Soviet Union, these are all public forces floating in the world. A country will never put all its strength in the open. These internationally renowned special forces are just a representative, among which there are not hundreds, but dozens.

The army Qin Yang wants to run for is one of the many mysterious troops. Han Tieyi had explained to him before he came to this desert.

The yellow sand flying all over his eyes and the endless desolation spreading to people's hearts. Qin Yang looked at the surrounding environment and felt a trace of despair. If Han Tieyi didn't lead the way, I'm afraid he didn't even have the courage to step into the desert. As far as the surrounding field of vision is concerned, there is no bird, and there are no other plants except a few sparsely growing cactus.

The sky is very blue. It feels good to look up at the sky, but when you look down at the yellow sand, you will have no interest and only have a bitter face.

In the face of all this, Qin Yang was just distracted, and then followed Han Tieyi's footsteps and began a long-distance journey to the desert.

”We are the same kind of people. " Huofeng tore off the cloth on her body. Since it was broken, there was no need to cover anything.

A scarred body appeared naked in front of Qin Yang. Qin Yang, who had seen the butcher's body, thought he saw the most desperate people in the world, but compared with the traces of Huofeng, the butcher's achievements seemed a little childish.

At this time, Huofeng's body was unprecedentedly straight. When she stood up, there were bursts of bone sounds, like a machine that had been shelved for a long time to restart, and it was inevitable to make a sound.

Now Qin Yang felt that the one eyed Huofeng who could defeat his master woke up. The previous person was also Huofeng, just a sleeping Huofeng.

Huofeng's body is much straighter than before. At least in Qin Yang's understanding, now Huofeng seems to have changed a person.

He hasn't seen the battle of Huofeng, and he doesn't know how unfathomable strength this man has. The only thing he knows is that this man has fought life and death with his master Han Tieyi. Although the final result was that Huofeng was defeated, it was precisely because of Qin Yang's worship and understanding of Han Tieyi that he had a clear positioning for the strength of Huofeng in his heart: this man was definitely a terrible man. The most important thing is that he doesn't believe that a man known as the mercenary king of the Yan and Huang kingdom will be defeated by the Western hand in front of Qin.

”We had fun. You did what you should do, and I got what I should get. It's good that everyone is in peace. " Huofeng held a short knife in her hand, swayed between applause, and showed a senhan smile.

”Hehe, I've been longing for today's World War I for a long time. Qin has a reason to let you do it. How can I let go? " Edward licked the blood on his claws, which was drawn from the fire phoenix. It was still fresh for the time being. The side cheeks cut by the knife looked quite handsome. Edward was indeed a rare beautiful man.

”I'm afraid you can't afford it. " Huofeng's smile became stronger and stronger, and the war in her eyes had been lit up a little.

He stepped forward, and the short knife on his left hand began to drift between his fingers. It was a different dance, like starting a feast of death, visual confusion and terrible feeling. You can't imagine how strange a three foot knife rotates on his fingers. He didn't rush forward, waved with one hand, and then walked towards Edward's galloping body.

When Edward was facing it with a fierce spirit, Huofeng's short knife had reached the right palm. You didn't even have a psychological preparation, and you saw a piece of blood rendered in the air. It was Edward's blood alone. It was like a rose blooming in the cold winter, with a trace of cold penetrating into the heart and spleen.

There was a flash of horror in Edward's eyes, and then he recovered his calm. When the two people who passed by turned around again, there was only a faint trace on Huofeng's arm, showing a faint light red. Edward's chest revealed a knife mark with a scale of 30 cm, which went deep into the flesh, like a rolled up page.

”Again, "Huofeng's smile is very plain, but it is this expression that nothing has happened that makes people feel desperate for no reason. No one knows that Edward will never despair, but Qin Yang's heart still aroused waves.

Only those who saw the scene with their own eyes know what effect will appear once their Kung Fu reaches a peak. Qin Yang had to admit from the bottom of his heart that now he is simply a small role that doesn't enter the stream. Compared with Huofeng.

When God gives you mercy, you should be grateful, but Edward never. He doesn't need anyone's mercy, let alone the charity of the enemy. Nothing like today has ever happened. He has lost without suspense, and the other party's tone seems to have the intention of letting him go.

Disdaining charity, Edward's body shot out again.

Huofeng's action is very simple. She holds a short knife back. Her two eyes, together with the abandoned Bai Ren, stare at Edward's crazy claws.

A knife cut off the autumn water, suddenly a cold flash, firmly stuck the claw, but it was just a slight pause, like a stop, but more of the moment of stay, a terrible grasp of the time.

The straight line between the two points is the shortest, but the straight-line chop of a knife can not be cut continuously on the sharp claws in different positions. Huofeng did it, so he controls the opportunity of life and holds the sky Libra at the end of victory.

It's just the simplest eye power, hand power and accurate power. These three appear in Huofeng's hand. They are so tolerant of Qin, like ghosts, both ghosts and evil. Qin Yang feels that all this is untrue.

Huofeng is not an amorous seed, nor is he a base man, so when he broke two sharp claws with a knife, he pulled one leg on Edward's face. In addition to indifference or indifference in his eyes, an ugly laughter appeared in his mouth, like telling the loser: you are still too far away. Talk to me again after practicing for more than ten years.

”Boom! " The power of this foot was so strong that Edward's body flew sideways at a speed of 50 yards per second and hit the wall. I'm afraid this degree of injury even became a problem to stand up.

What about Edward, who used to suppress the fire phoenix? Have the two sides exchanged identities, or is this the real gap in strength.

Having done all this, Huofeng was like sending off an annoying child. He walked away leisurely, obviously in the direction where Edward lay down. Qin Yang unconsciously moved his steps and followed Huofeng behind.

Edward, who fell to the ground, seemed to have lost his ability to move. He lay there motionless and allowed several big wounds to bleed out. From the beginning of fighting with Huofeng, his blood didn't seem to stop flowing.

What a stupid man. Huofeng looked down at Edward's head, stretched out her hand, pulled up his hair, and hit the wall.

”Bang! " The fire phoenix with green veins on his arm smashed Edward's head against the wall. A very handsome face was destroyed, not as beautiful as it used to be.

Qin Yang looked at him calmly. He didn't know what kind of psychology Huofeng wanted to treat the enemy like this. Perhaps this is what Huofeng said every time he taught him: being soft hearted to the enemy is cruel to himself. The man undoubtedly interpreted this sentence to the extreme, so ruthless that people unknowingly gave birth to a sense of fear.

”Whew, Edward, whose mind had fallen into a fuzzy state, grabbed and tore with his backhand without warning, but was locked by a horizontal knife of Huofeng. The sharp blade directly penetrated the whole palm and nailed it to the ground.

”Ah ah!!! " It turned out that Edward also knew the pain. This is what Huofeng thought funny. Why did a person who felt excited and didn't say a word for two consecutive bleeding injuries before yell to vent his pain at this time?

Is this all the performance of a person whose physiology and psychology are on the verge of collapse? Huofeng verified her doubts and asked and answered herself.

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