Qin Yang took the gun and felt that the gun in his hand was heavy. This was his first contact with hot weapons, and he didn't know what it was like in his heart. Now what has been engraved on his head for a long time is Cai Zheng's incredible two guns. He can't help looking at the center of the target again, "three times it's an impeccable bull's-eye."

”Qin Yang, who started with "fire snake", felt the heavy weight in his hand and suddenly realized how difficult the two guns were.

”Watch your feet! " Cai Zheng roared in the heavy rain. He didn't have an umbrella or a raincoat. He stood upright in his military uniform and stared at Qin Yang in the center of the venue. Four searchlights completely enveloped the area in four directions × In the 50 square meter training field, the most shining position is the center of the field where the targets have been densely distributed.

At this time, Qin Yang was shuttling among various targets. About 100 targets were surrounded by a gossip array, and each target maintained a distance of less than half a meter, all standing upright. Cai Zheng directed Qin Yang's training to find the moving target among 100 targets and shoot.

Qin Yang is holding Cai Zheng's "fire snake" in his hand. This gun is really difficult to control. It took Qin Yang three days to learn to control it well. Compared with CAI Zheng's one handed gun, Qin Yang held the gun with one hand and the other hand.

Qin Yang, who was 1.77 meters tall, kept a height of 1.7 meters, moved slowly and grabbed the ground as much as possible. He adjusted his body all the time, and searched the field of vision with twelve points of attention at each step of movement.

At this time, Qin Yang had nothing but the target in his eyes. The only thought in his heart was: shoot or not.

Cai is watching all this ten meters away. Although he is full of lessons about Qin Yang's performance at this time, he has recognized Qin Yang as a student in his heart.

Cai Zheng deliberately created this environment. In order to achieve the best training effect in the shortest time, he had to take extraordinary measures.

Fan Shihua answered every request. As long as it was helpful to Qin Yang's training, he approved it without hesitation. At this time, the training room is the special combat team member training room No. 16, which is used to simulate the climate training room in various harsh environments. The only improvement is that Cai Zheng moved all the moving targets here, combined with the rainstorm climate.

If it's just ordinary shooting training, Qin Yang may have met the requirements. Although he won't hit 100 goals, he has at least the basic quality of a gunman. Cai Zheng chose the training site in the special combat training room 16, which undoubtedly added great difficulty to Qin Yang. First, regardless of the huge setback brought by the gun itself to Qin Yang, the external conditions reached a harsh level. The rainstorm and unstable wind factors made it much more difficult to shoot.

Even the sweat has been mixed in the rain. I can't tell which is sweat and which is rain.

His right hand stretched straight. Qin Yang had maintained this position for ten minutes. From the opening of the first shot to the sixth bullet now, his spirit and body had reached the limit. If it were not for the support of a will, he would almost be tired to lie on the ground. It is precisely because he has a breath of refreshing, so he can't relax. Once he relaxes his body, he will be endless fatigue waiting for him.

Ten shots! What Qin Yang has to do is hit the target with ten shots, which is the goal set by Cai Zheng for his training.

Raindrops fell down along the eyebrows, like bead curtains, onto the ground, covered by the dense sound of rain.

When Qin Yang turned into a corner, he suddenly started running and rushed to the end of the corridor. There was another corner. A hundred targets formed one channel. What he wanted to look for was the moving "target".

This seems to run aimlessly. In fact, it greatly tests a person's endurance. You know, Qin Yang's posture of reaching out and raising his gun has lasted for 20 minutes. He couldn't put down his hand because it would increase the speed of shooting, so keeping a flat pistol was what he had to do all the time.

Even when he was walking fast, Qin Yang's body still maintained a sideways angle. When his eyes were rapidly scanning the front, he was also paying attention to his rear.

The storm increased his visibility, but it did not affect his capture of the moving track. He had learned a little from the previous six shots.

As he walked sideways, a shadow between white and black flashed in the field of vision of his left eye.

Almost a shadow flashed out. When a gun was pointed at him, Qin Yang's body completely turned around. His reaction can be regarded as a first-class special combat soldier in CAI Zheng's eyes.

The moment he turned around, Qin Yang's gun stood in front of him. Without the slightest hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

”Bang! " The fire of the seventh gun flashed. It hit the shoulder position of the person on the target. As soon as it passed, he didn't hit the person on the target at all. This is the shot that determines life and death. The seventh shot is already the limit of Qin Yang. At this time, he had no accuracy. His powerful setback didn't give him a chance to shoot a second shot, making his whole body unbalanced and shaking to one side.

The sound of opening was very clear in CAI Zheng's ears. Although he couldn't see the accuracy of Qin Yang's shot, he still saw Qin Yang's shooting posture through the crack.

”Pretty good. " Although it is the rule of ten shots, Cai Zheng doesn't expect Qin Yang to complete the ten shots at all. All he needs is to know where Qin Yang's limit is.

This is the first day of special training in the climate training room. Although it is much worse than the previous week, it is the most effective way to achieve remarkable results. Cai Zheng has a profound understanding of Qin Yang: This is a good seedling with endurance, strength and potential. There are too many places to explore compared with his own in those years.

”Stop! " When Cai Zheng shouted loudly, there was a smell of roaring up to the sky, but Qin Yang was used to all this. After a short two weeks together, he had completely found out the instructor's temperament.

When Qin Yang heard a voice, he put down his hand holding the gun. At this time, he and his auxiliary left hand were trembling faintly. As for his right hand, people who didn't know would think Qin Yang was suffering from the old man's platinum Johnson's disease. The blood overflowing from the tiger's mouth didn't cause Qin Yang any pain. The only thing he couldn't control was the trembling on his hand, As for the "insignificant" tiger crack, it was not a big deal for him.

CAI was walking in the rain and soon came to Qin Yang. He sipped a sneer at the corners of his mouth, "tell me! What is your task? "

”Ten bullets hit ten moving targets, and each shot hit the person on the target. " Qin Yang replied expressionless, but his voice was loud enough, which Cai Zheng asked him to do since he officially became his instructor - when answering an officer's question, his voice must be loud enough to express every word clearly.

”Hum, very good. Your current score is six out of seven. " When Cai Zheng said this achievement, his eyes glanced at the blood overflowing from the tiger's mouth on Qin Yang's right hand. " I don't think you can hold on like this, can you? "

”Report, sir, I can. " Qin Yang looked up and met Cai Zheng's eyes. He was not burning. He seemed to be telling a very common thing. As long as he wasn't dead, he could stick to it. Even he didn't know whether he could complete the tenth shot.

”Your boy loves to be brave. " Cai Zheng said with disdain, turned his eyes away, and then said, "if the task fails, there will be no lunch today. Go to the playground and run 20 laps."

”Yes! " Qin Yang almost didn't have time to think, so he responded. This is the rule they set at the beginning, and the soldiers also have a rule: unconditionally accept the orders of their superiors. They have no right to ask "why", only implementation. Cai Zheng, as Qin Yang's firearms instructor, is also responsible for teaching him how to become a qualified soldier.

In CAI Zheng's opinion, it's not a big deal for soldiers not to eat one or two meals, so it's just the same thing that Qin Yang is not allowed to eat lunch. But what he ignored was that Qin Yang's training amount was more than ten times that of an ordinary soldier.

The playground is one of the most public occasions in the northwest base, and it is also the focus of every large-scale meeting. It covers an area of 40000 square meters, 200 meters long and 200 meters wide. There is a runway for military training outside the concentration area of the whole playground, with a length of 800 meters.

Qin Yang's only task before the next training is to finish 20 laps. He started running at a speed of two meters per second. This marathon like long-distance running will shorten people's life, but for soldiers, such training will be experienced all the time.

No complaints, only obedience. If you want to go unpunished, then finish the task well.

”Today is the day of the triennial selection of the special combat arms of the thorns special combat battalion in Northwest China. And you are the most promising soldiers selected from various military regions to be promoted to special forces. "Fan Shihua stood upright on the rostrum and issued a declaration." from the moment you were recommended as special forces reserves, you should know what you shoulder. Except for one or two people who did not have alternative special training for half a year for individual reasons, all 800 soldiers have carried out special training and adaptation before selection. " Through the microphone, fan Shihua's voice resounded through the whole concentration hall, loud and high.

”I have to tell you a cruel fact. The real special forces training is more demanding than the training content you have been exposed to in the past six months. " Fan Shihua was very serious when he spoke, which made the whole gathering place shrouded in a solemn atmosphere.

The 800 soldiers at the bottom were lined up in turn, with 20 rows in the horizontal and 40 in the vertical. They almost occupied the whole site. When they looked down from the rostrum, almost all of them were soldiers dressed as one. Qin Yang is one of them, but it's not easy to find him among so many team members.

”Among the 800 candidates, only 50 can be admitted as special combat arms, and the top 10 will have the opportunity to enter a higher special combat team. " Fan Shihua continued his speech, which ignited a strong sense of competition in the hearts of every team member below.

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