Fifty out of 800 people will be elected, and among the 50 people, we will strive for the elite quota of those ten people. This is a team of 800 best soldiers from all major military regions in China. Everyone standing here is an elite soldier selected from all major military regions. As an excellent soldier, the first thing they have is a good sense of competition. There are challenges ahead. They are not afraid. Each of them has strong self-confidence. They are confident in their own strength and ignore the strength of their opponents.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. When fan Shihua said this, although it was quiet below, it ignited something called "war spirit" in everyone's heart.

”As a soldier, since I'm standing here, I have to go down. Even if there is a sea of knife and fire ahead, I have to go there. " Fan Shihua's last sentence suddenly increased its loudness and shouted very loudly, "let me listen to your faith. Are you confident of success!"

”Yes! " The uniform sound reverberated the whole underground concentration yard, but it was unknown whether Qin Yang's voice was mixed in it.

That's all fan Shihua wants to do. Although there are only 50 promotion places among the 800 people, his purpose is to drive the fighting spirit of all candidates. As long as he does this, his declaration conference will be a success. It is difficult to find Qin Yang in the whole team, and fan Shihua can only silently wish the boy recommended by his boss good luck.

After two months of intensive training, fan Shihua didn't know how much Cai Zheng had taught Qin Yang, let alone how much Qin Yang's strength had reached. However, since Cai Zheng was invited, no matter how bad the team members were, they could enter the top 50. Now he is most worried about whether Qin Yang is qualified to enter the top 10. If Qin Yang doesn't reach Han Tieyi's goal, even fan Shihua can't do anything.

The top ten places must be won by ourselves. Only when we get the top ten places can we have the qualification to enter the fourth team. Han Tieyi said when he brought Qin Yang to this place: within three years, Qin Yang must become the captain of the fourth team. This is a dead order issued by his head. Although Han Tieyi has withdrawn from the military, in fan Shihua's mind, he Han Tieyi will always be the boss of that team. Even if some members of that team have become officers in power, the head will always be the head, which can not be replaced by anyone.

”I hope you can achieve your goal. " Fan Shihua's eyes swept the square team at the bottom of his eyes, whispered in his heart, and then walked off the rostrum and left everyone's vision.

”The first column arrives at the training room 14 within 15 seconds. The second column is ready. The rest are waiting in place and entering the rest stage! " The voice of the command came from the radio horn.

When they heard the order, the 40 people of the first column lined up and ran out of the concentration field to the specified training room No. 14.

As for the team members on standby, they all started appropriate preparation activities in situ, or loosened their muscles and bones in silence, or whispered about the specific contents of the test. Now that the superior has issued an order, the concentration field has become a rest place for all team members. All they have to do now is wait.

Qin Yang found a relatively quiet corner and didn't talk to other people. Compared with the reserves who had been specially trained in this special war training camp for half a year, he was the one directly recommended by fan Shihua and one of the two most special reserves. One person's situation is similar to him: before accepting this selection, he was not a formal soldier. Therefore, the quietest one in the two corners is Qin Yang, and the other is the one recommended.

For two months, Qin Yang was isolated and trained by Cai Zheng alone. Therefore, I don't know any of the team members in this special training camp. I'm afraid the only person I know is major general fan Shihua. As for Cai Zheng, he left yesterday. On today's selection day, he didn't want to stay. The only thing left to Qin Yang is a word and a gun. That sentence is: I taught you. If you can't get the first, we will be strangers. If you get the first, I can still remember you. The gun has been with CAI Zheng for many years, and there is no powerful sand Eagle "tongue of fire" for real murder This gun is reserved for your training. Killing people may be a little difficult, but it's still very exciting for training, isn't it? "

Yes, Qin Yang, who has been devastated by the "tongue of fire" for two months, knows the strength of the gun. After learning the use of pistols, machine guns, rifles and sniper rifles in turn, Qin Yang's daily training content is the eight hour shooting training in the climate room. Each type of gun he took was the one with the greatest setback force among those kinds of guns. What Cai wanted was a gun with strong setback force. As for the accuracy, he didn't ask for it at all. He only wanted the person on the target when you were moving at high speed. If you didn't complete the target, you would get the punishment yourself.

As for the rest of his spare time, it is physical training and special combat arms training, but Cai Zheng's requirements for Qin Yang have doubled. Compared with the deadly shooting training, this physical training is relatively "relaxed".

People are like this. You suddenly ask him to complete a very difficult thing. Maybe he will be flaccid soon, but after he has experienced long-term and high-intensity work, if you let him complete something with lower requirements than before, he will feel much more relaxed. This may be a kind of human inertia. Of course, it is more related to human adaptability. No, has anyone ever said? The most adaptable animal in the world is human.

Compared with other people's quiet conversation, Qin Yang stood alone in the corner of the concentration field in silence. The person in the other corner seemed to be very interested in Qin Yang, who was "the same person at the end of the world", and his eyes frequently looked this way.

It was a young man of about 18 years old. At least from his face, it was about the same height as Qin Yang. They all looked like one meter seven or eight. Soldiers don't have any hairstyles, and Qin Yang and this man are "different". Qin Yang has simple broken hair, bangs on his forehead stop at his eyebrows, and hair on the back of his head doesn't cover his neck. The man's hairstyle is a natural and unrestrained middle hair, which is quite like the taste of his royal highness. If Qin Yang liked to read the Cinderella's story when he was a child, he must be no stranger to this kind of natural and unrestrained hairstyle in melancholy. Unfortunately, Qin Yang was "spoiled" by Han Tieyi. He didn't like to watch the cartoon and read the newspaper instead.

If it's serious, Qin Yang doesn't pay attention to the national event, because he knows he won't go on an official career in the future. I'm afraid he won't get involved in current events for eight years, so he sees more things such as "today, so and so saved a three meter long Radish" and "so and so school teachers corporal punish students".

That was one of his hobbies in the past. Now he rarely has the opportunity to contact TV. He is no longer the teenager. He may not be a great man for generations, but he must perfect his life in this life: he will not take what he should take, and he will never let go of what he should not let go.

”The second column goes out to training room 9. " When the radio rang again, it was one hour after the first column officially conducted the test, and the training room the second column went to was not on the 14th. Some people figured out a clue from it. I'm afraid this test selection is a staggered number of comprehensive tests.

Almost after the broadcast, the 40 members of the second column have assembled. After all, they are elite soldiers of major military regions, which still has some quality.

Qin Yang seemed to be in no hurry. He still clubbed in the corner like a piece of wood, put his hands together and closed his eyes to nourish himself.

If you look carefully, you will find a pistol pinned to Qin Yang's waist, which is the "tongue of fire" given to him by Cai Zheng.

”The fifth column assemble and go to training room 9. " When the radio rang, Qin Yang Huoran, who had closed his eyes for a long time, opened his eyes. At the same time, the man in the other corner also stepped to the center of the venue.

The team of 40 people had gathered soon after the broadcast. Qin Yang stood at his No. 4 position, lined up and ran, and the whole team left in the eyes of everyone in the venue.

No. 9 training room is a training ground specially used for shooting training. When a team of 40 people enters the training ground, the whole room still looks very wide.

There are three examiners in the whole training room. They are uniformly dressed in Sergeant grade instructors' uniforms and stand in front of Qin Yang and other team members who came to accept the postgraduate entrance examination.

The test supervisor headed by the middle stepped out and began to announce the test contents of the room without giving the team members a time to adapt.

”A total of six target positions, each with a disassembled pistol. Our test content is to assemble the gun at each target position in three minutes and fire three bullets in each pistol, that is, your final score depends on the time taken and the number of rings in each bullet. The ring number system we adopt is one ring to ten ring system. The best score is ten rings and the worst score is one ring. " The middle-aged instructor said methodically. He tried to bite every word very clearly so that every team member could hear it clearly.

”If anyone has any questions, please raise them now and I will explain here. " This is the instructor's supplement.

”Report! " There are still some members of the team who have doubts.

”I would like to ask the instructor whether it will be regarded as eliminated if all bullets are not fired within the specified time * *, or if they are stopped halfway when the time is up. " The good boy who asked his doubts was immediately smiled by the instructor, which was more ugly than a ghost.

”That's a good question. " The middle-aged instructor looked "kind" and then explained: "if he didn't shoot all the bullets within the specified time, his previous scores will not be cancelled, but combined, divided by the average number of rings obtained by eighteen, this is the final score of this test, the highest is ten and the lowest is zero." The man stretched out a finger, "for example, if Wang wumazi only shot ten bullets when he arrived in three minutes, then we will add up the number of rings hit by his ten shots, divide it by eighteen, and the number we get is his score this time."

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