Chu Yan served as the leader of the team. From that moment on, Qin Yang and others had only four first-line lives: toilet, dormitory, canteen and training ground.

Their work is training, 12 hours a day, and they can't say they don't have any rest time. From the current first training month, the leader of Chu division still gave enough rest time, did not know how to squeeze people day and night, and knew how to combine work and rest.

Qin Yang and others will not think about what tomorrow's content is. They just need to accept it.

Moreover, the leader of Chu team also told them a cruel fact: the reason why she was sent down as the leader of Chu Yan instead of sending three executives like other ACE special teams is that Qin Yang's whole team is still outside the formation, that is, the so-called "probation period" in job application.

The responsibility of her team leader is to teach them what they should learn. The time given to the four of them is two years. After two years, the leader will send someone to test the results. At that time, a task will be assigned to them. If it is completed, they will be incorporated into the formal team. Otherwise, the four will be beaten home and go back wherever they come from.

When Chu Yan told them the news of the whole team, he said four people, not five. They heard right. They were four, except Liu Zhongnong.

Under such circumstances, people feel that they are under great pressure, and this is not the most important source of pressure. The biggest source of pressure comes from Chu Yan's words.

”Two years later, I don't know what the task is for you. After all, this is the only team that needs to pass the test. "But..." At that time, Chu Yan's expression was very serious, but then he showed a strange smile. While flirtatious, he was also very frightening, "maybe a narrow life is not necessarily."

This paragraph has been engraved on the hearts of Qin Yang and others. Two years seem long, but when measured by life, it seems short. So they train very hard, and even feel that this level of training is not enough for them to meet the task two years later. Because the word "near death" came from Chu Yan, a member of 72 special combat power.

In fact, this kind of almost confinement training is originally a kind of spiritual exercise. Since they entered this place, they have no contact with the outside world. Maybe they have forgotten the warmth of the sun.

They are no better than those in prison: there is no freedom.

Qin Yang finished taking a bath in the specified ten minutes, then went to bed. He didn't think of anything in his mind. He lay down and closed his eyes.

What will tomorrow be? Whatever.

Five o'clock is the time for Qin Yang and others to gather. After ten minutes of washing, those who are late will automatically run ten kilometers.

As a soldier, they have long known what is "strict with themselves", so it is almost impossible for them to be late.

With a loud whistle, four people, including Qin Yang, gathered on the playground and finished the team.

The sleepy Chu Yan wiped his eyes and breathed a sigh. He had a tendency of not waking up.

Fang Shiren is the most complaining of the four. Every time he sees Chu Yan like this, he feels very oppressed. " Come on, you're the team leader. Do you look like a team leader? Your yawn will arouse my sleepiness. " This is his most exact voice.

The first thing Chu Yan said when standing in front of Qin Yang's four people every day was not "stand at attention", but "sister, I don't know what evil I did in my last life. I was sent to be your team leader and follow you from morning to night all day." Then his face showed a sad expression, as if he had been dumped by someone. But then again, a woman like her will be dumped. That old innocence is unreasonable.

”Stand at attention. " After Chu Yan's complaint was published, he softly shouted a password, and then said, "the old rule is to run ten laps for me to relax, pay attention to the time, and don't overtime."

The four started running laps obediently, but the speed of running laps was completely irrelevant to the word "warm-up". When the four started running, their speed suddenly accelerated. Where that posture is to relax their body, it is pure racing.

The time requirement for ten laps is 15 minutes, not more than one second, or you will run another lap. As for the length of one lap, the most standard inner lane of 400 meters is used. Fortunately, the four were not ordinary people. They stood in their original position within 15 minutes and waited for Chu Yan's instructions.

”Good, good spirit. " Chu Yan said lazily, his eyes half narrowed. " Well, you can go to breakfast now. Break up. " With these words, he yawned and went to wash. Fang Shiren directly gave a contemptuous gesture, "this woman is really lazy to a certain extent. I used to treat her as a goddess."

After 20 minutes of breakfast, Qin Yang returned again, but Chu Yan didn't show up, but it's good to get used to it. The four stood in line, motionless, waiting for the arrival of leader Chu.

About twenty minutes later, Chu Yan came with three balls in his hand. The size of the ball was just the size of the palm of an adult man, and he could control it in his hand.

Chu Yan's appearance and the image of just getting up before are completely subversive, especially the bright red on his lips, which adds a little charm. The clothes have been changed into the military uniform that has not changed for a hundred years, highlighting the body flawless, like a piece of jade that is exquisite to the extreme. The long hair was tied and hung in his ears, which was quite elegant of ancient beauty. But the bright red on the lips brings a fashionable temperament. This is a woman who perfectly combines classical and modern. It makes people feel palpitating when they look at it.

Fang Shiren, who always thinks a lot of boring questions in his mind, can't understand why such a beautiful woman has such terrible strength. In his opinion, such a woman is not only the best, but also a goddess, which can be viewed from a distance and can not be blasphemed. But a fairy with a saint's face has the temperament of a witch. Tut tut Tut, it's incredible. Comrade Xiaoren couldn't help smacking his lips many times to show his incomprehension.

”Today we play a game, "Chu Yan smiled with his eyes narrowed. A fine invisible wrinkle hung from the corners of both eyes. But not only did it not affect the beauty of Chu Yan, but also had a bit of mature charm. Fang Shiren took a look, then turned his head and read: "goblin."

Two of the four can look directly at Chu Yan. One is Qin Yang and the other is Luo Yi. Even Zhao Zhuo's pure child is embarrassed to look into Chu Yan's eyes for fear that he will show a pig shape if he is not careful. He will be ashamed at that time.

”Our content this month is much simpler than that of last month. Let's start by throwing sandbags. " Chu Yan raised her hair in her ear and said with a smile.

Qin Yang, who has always been calm, couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Chu Yan say the word "throwing sandbags".

As for Fang Shiren, he grew up and couldn't control his chin.

”What? " Chu Yan asked suspiciously, looked at the puzzled expression of the people, and then explained, "you didn't hear wrong. We'll throw away the sandbags for two days to prepare for the follow-up training content." She accentuated her tone, afraid that the four people didn't hear clearly, and her pronunciation became more and more clear.

”Yes! " Qin Yang first returned to his original state, and then the three quickly recovered and shouted in unison.

Chu Yan threw the three balls out and fell into the hands of Qin Yang, Luo Yi and Zhao Zhuo.

This contact immediately made the three people feel the unusual of this "throwing sandbags" game. " This weight? "

”One kilogram. Fang Shiren is the target of being lost. I have only one request. Throw it to the key part. " Chu Yan's words shocked the audience. This woman's words are so sharp!

Zhao Zhuo looked blankly holding the black ball like a steel ball. Then he looked at Chu Yan and waited for the leader's instructions.

”Today's training is the 'throwing sandbags' game you played when you were a child. " As if Qin Yang and others hadn't understood, Chu Yan shook his fingers again and said, "Fang Shiren is the target and Zhao Zhuo is the pitcher. I think everyone knows the rules, but I have a requirement that the pitcher's hitting parts are limited to two places, respectively your head." Chu Yan looked at Fang Shiren's crotch with a depressed face and narrowed his eyes like a fox, ”And crotch. "

”Protest, "Fang Shiren quit and jumped out and said," team leader, I don't want to hit in the crotch. "In order to increase his chips, he went on to say," besides, I don't think this game has any effect on our training. "

Chu Yan strongly interrupted Fang Shiren's words. "I has the final say," the soldier's doctrine is only obedient to obedience, and then obedience. How do I arrange it? You do it. It's just a warm-up for the training afterwards. I want to relax you, and then really train and have a good preparation. "

Then the occasionally strong girl continued, "I don't need you to catch the ball, just you to hide, and your body can't move until the pitcher throws the ball."

”The distance is ten meters, which can only be less, not longer. That's what you're training this week. Well, now you can start playing. " Chu Yan then walked aside with his towering chest, nodded to Zhao Zhuo, signaled that he could start, and looked on with a cold face.

Fang Shiren went to the square area. Zhao Zhuo was weighing a kilogram sphere in his hand and stood ten meters away from Fang Shiren.

Qin Yang looked at all this and thought about Chu Yan's intention. What he cared more was the so-called formal training that Chu Yan talked about.

A world-class male tennis player can serve with a racket, making the ball speed reach a terrible 240 km / h. Although it is the highest instantaneous speed, it also indirectly proves a fact: if a tennis player serves and hits an important part of the human body, the consequence of that person has a 99% chance of direct death, and the remaining 0.10% is possessed by God, Achieve immortality.

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