The world's fastest baseball throw speed is about 160 kilometers per hour in official records, which is also a speed that can throw dead people.

Therefore, we can imagine how fast Zhao Zhuo, who has a kungfu strength of more than 600 kg, threw a ball weighing one kg with all his strength. Although there is not necessarily the terrible ball speed generated by serving with a racket, nor does it necessarily surpass the record of the world's fastest baseball swing speed, it is only limited to ordinary people. For Zhao Zhuo, who is full of brute force, he throws a kilogram of ball empty handed to more than 160 kilometers per hour. At this point, he has much more confidence than others.

Qin Yang and others also know that Zhao Zhuo's extreme boxing strength fluctuates up and down at 820Kg, which is a strength that even God will marvel at. If Zhao Zhuo can create a throwing speed of 200 kilometers per hour, Qin Yang and others will not doubt it.

The reason for saying this is to highlight this seemingly "throwing sandbags" children's game, because a group of special combat readiness team members participated in the game, resulting in qualitative changes. Even if Chu Yan keeps saying that this is a game, no one will really think that this is a game. If we have to define this game, then this is a "death game" that is extremely likely to die once the body touches the ball.

”Come on. " Fang Shiren stabilized his heartbeat, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stared at Zhao Zhuo's every move. If he has a trace of spiritual slack, he is likely to lose his life. No one will think that Fang Shiren's performance is "excessive". In the face of life and death, no matter how excessive it is, it is understandable.

”Zhao Zhuo, I hope you don't release water and throw it out with your best strength. If I find you suspected of releasing water, you will be the next station in the field. I'll throw you. " Chu Yan, who saw Zhao Zhuo's flashing eyes, narrowed his eyes and said that at this time, the leader just gave everyone a cold taste. When the tone sounded in his ear, it seemed particularly gloomy. Make people understand that the leader is playing for real this time.

However, for the special combat team members, the test of life and death is inevitable, but Chu Yan let them further understand the nature of their duties.

”Come! " Fang Shiren looked at the tangled expression on Zhao Zhuo's face and knew that the fool was very embarrassed. He suddenly shouted a sharp drink and woke Zhao Zhuo who was in a dilemma.

”Do you know where you're going to throw it? Head, or crotch. " Fang Shiren showed a boiling red face because of the boiling blood. He said with an open mind. His fingers also pointed out the positions of the two key parts for Zhao Zhuo.

It seemed that Zhao Zhuo was cruel. Zhao Zhuo breathed an atmosphere, and his right leg stepped back and hit the ground with a standard bow. His right hand extended back over his shoulder, his palm held the one kilogram ball, and his eyes focused on Fang Shiren's head.

At this moment, Qin Yang inevitably tightened his nerves. The only person in the field who didn't feel was Chu Yan.

It is an extreme stretch and the most scientific throwing posture. There is no doubt that the muscles on the arm are prominent and the green tendons are looming. Chu Yan couldn't help but show a satisfied smile. In her opinion, Zhao Zhuo was still obedient. He did it according to her instructions with all his strength.

When Zhao Zhuo stretched his body to form a throwing posture with a side angle of 150, Fang Shiren entered the state of whole cell activation, and each nerve was stretched to the extreme.

”Ah ah! " Zhao Zhuo started quickly. His 150 degree body turned like the speed of light. He was dazzled. He didn't even see his body. The arm that started with his body was fixed in front of him and maintained the throwing posture.

I don't know when the sphere got rid of it. It seems that the sphere was no longer in hand during the 0.3 second posture freeze frame from the beginning.

At that moment, except Fang Shiren, who was in the crisis, everyone else was in despair.

Fang Shiren's pupil enlarges very quickly. He doesn't even have time to think. He has shown the largest radial pupil.

”Bang! " This huge sound closely followed Zhao Zhuo's roar, and there was almost no big gap in time. There was no second, and the sound of the ball entering the wall rang through. A ball was embedded on the wall more than 50 meters away from Fang Shiren.

”Grunt! " Not only Fang Shiren swallowed a mouthful of saliva again, but even Qin Yang and Luo Yi couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Fang Shiren didn't move at all, because he couldn't hide. After countless physical training, he didn't even have time to hide at that time. Although he was well prepared, and although he concentrated all his spirit to make his exercise state at its best, he still couldn't hide.

”I don't play anymore. This game is not fun. " After a long silence on the training ground, a voice finally sounded. It was the voice of Zhao Zhuo. He shook his head and refused to be a pitcher again. He didn't want to take the life of his comrades in arms as a bet in the game.

”Pa Pa! " Chu Yan patted his palm with a gentle smile on his face and walked slowly to everyone's eyes. " Zhao Zhuo, good. You dare to disobey my orders. " There was a dangerous light in her eyes, and there was a trace of anger in her smile.

”Team leader, me??? Let's change the content. The game is not fun. " Zhao Zhuo stood in front of Chu Yan, who was more than one head shorter than him, and didn't even have the courage to look at each other.

”Whether you accept it or not, this is what this week is all about, "Chu Yan said in an indisputable tone." Zhao Zhuo! " Her sudden burst of drink shocked everyone present.

”Yes! " Zhao zhuoduan stood upright and shouted.

”You disobeyed the order and did not strictly follow the instructions I gave you. You are not allowed to eat today. Now run a hundred laps around the playground immediately. When will you finish running and when will you rest? " Chu Yan's performance at this moment made everyone in a trance. The once "kind-hearted" leader had such an iron side. This woman is really a "witch".

”Report to the team leader, I want to run with Zhao Zhuo. " Fang Shiren clamped his arms, trotted to Chu Yan's face and said coldly. " Zhao Zhuo resisted the leader's order because of me. " At this time, Fang Shiren had no decency at all. Instead, he had a cold face.

”I'll satisfy you. Now you two go and run a hundred laps for me. " Chu Yan showed no mercy.

Fang Shiren and Zhao Zhuo trotted away with a hundred laps of punishment.

”It's really unpleasant today. You all go back. Today's training will end and continue tomorrow. " Chu Yan left a graceful figure behind Qin Yang and Luo Yi standing in place and left leisurely.

I didn't expect that today's training would be such an unhappy result. Qin Yang walked alone to the position where the sphere was embedded in the wall and touched the sphere with a little temperature on it.

Zhao Zhuo tried his best, but the aiming position was an empty position, terrible strength, and, of course, the accurate aiming. The track of that ball is completely wiping Fang Shiren's face and dragging out a "tail", which is extremely thrilling.

”What is the intention? " Qin Yang whispered, wondering the purpose of Chu Yan's team leader's training.

”We had a bad time yesterday. "Chu Yan dressed up and stood in front of Qin Yang, Fang Shiren, Luo Yi and Zhao Zhuo very early today. However, unlike in the past, she didn't look lazy. Instead, she was energetic and her face was no longer smiling, but very serious.

”Originally, I wanted you to adapt and lay some foundation for your future training, "Chu Yan glanced across the faces of the four people, and then said," it is undeniable that Zhao Zhuo's strength was a little more than I expected yesterday, but even so, you should understand that since you chose to come to this place, you must have the consciousness of death. There are accidents in the training process, which occur in the alternative training of any special combat team member. I hope you can understand this. "

”As a special combat team member, what are you going to do? " Chu Yan threw out a question and soon gave the answer, "you should do what ordinary people can't do, and you should do what soldiers can't do. This is the significance of the existence of special combat team members. If you bleed more in training, you will have more chances to survive in the formal battlefield. " Chu Yan's tone increased his strength, almost gritting his teeth and talking.

”The country needs your ability. In a sense, special combat personnel are soldiers outside the regular establishment. Because they need to know a lot, such as assassination, lurking, or sneaking into the enemy as a spy. These are not what ordinary soldiers can do. Since special combat team members are such a special existence, they need to have corresponding abilities to match, otherwise they can't be called special combat team members. "

”Don't do porcelain work without diamond. You can't look at yourself as ordinary people. " Chu Yan's voice was not big or small, and everyone could hear it clearly.

”In fact, the arrangement I made yesterday was just to lay a foundation for you. But then I went back and thought for a long time. I couldn't ask too much of you. After all, you are just a group of 'children' who have just entered this special war mechanism. Therefore, today we will start the formal training content. Of course, before that, I will give you correct guidance to avoid any accidents. " Chu Yan said here and stopped suddenly. Then he took out a pistol from behind his waist, a long black tube, an unusual ordinary pistol, which is obviously not Chu Yan's gun.

”Do you think yesterday's game was difficult to do? Well, I'll show you today, "Chu Yan smiled, quite a bit of the charm of reversing all sentient beings, and then pointed to Qin Yang and said," Qin Yang is out of the line. "

”Yes! " Qin Yang came out and came to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan handed the gun in his hand to Qin Yang, "wait, you shoot at me with this gun."

In a word, everyone was surprised. Qin Yang was holding a black pistol in his hand. He couldn't believe Chu Yan's order. "Is this woman crazy?"

Qin Yang is not the only one who thinks so. Even Fang Shiren, Zhao Zhuo and Luo Yi on one side all think so.

”Yes! " Qin Yang, who was repeatedly indoctrinated by Cai Zheng that "only obedience is the creed of soldiers", accepted the order.

Then Chu Yan retreated step by step and stopped ten meters away from Qin Yang. Her eyes have been on Qin Yang's body. To be exact, it should be the gun in Qin Yang's hand.

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