Qin Yang raised his hand and pointed the barrel of the gun at the center of Chu Yan's chest.

But Chu Yan, who saw this scene, shook his head, "I want you to aim here." A white and tender finger points on the center of his eyebrow, which is very sure.

Qin Yang obeyed the order, raised the barrel slightly and pointed to the center of Chu Yan's eyebrows.

Chu Yan, who was trapped in the dead, was not nervous. On the contrary, Qin Yang, who was the executioner, was nervous. His heart beat much faster than usual, but the gun in his hand did not shake at all. This is also thanks to the two-month cultivation of CAI Zheng, a firearms expert.

”You don't have to worry about me. You can shoot whenever you want. You don't have to say hello to me in advance. " Chu Yan said in a steady tone.

Fang Shiren felt that his breath was gone. What was he doing? Is it so that the flower like leader was killed with such a shot? No matter how fast you react, can you be faster than a bullet?

Qin Yang pulled down the safety bolt when he raised his gun. This is a habitual action, that is to say, Qin Yang can take Chu Yan's life at any time, at least for now.

Chu Yan's eyes twinkled with inexplicable luster, and a good-looking radian appeared at the corner of her mouth, which made people feel that she seemed to enjoy such treatment rather than fear. Her eyes didn't blink. Even Qin Yang had a strange feeling. His every move was controlled by the other party's eyes and the woman opposite.

”Bang! " The fireworks of the barrel made Qin Yang's eyes blink. Never before had he been so uncertain about his shot. It was unknown whether he could hit or not.

Chu Yan kept a sideways posture, and the bullet didn't leave any holes in her body. The shot did not hit her, which stunned the people watching.

Qin Yang slowly dropped his arm, and then looked at the woman with a smile at the corner of his mouth. Her expression lasted for a blink of an eye, but it seemed so long in Qin Yang's eyes.

There was a wisp of smoke on the back wall, very light, and people's attention was not here.

Chu Yan didn't wait for the people to completely turn to God, so he opened his mouth and said, "this is the training you want to complete."

”Hiding bullets? Faster than bullets? " When Fang Shiren said this, even he felt incredible. I'm kidding. Is this the standard that special combat personnel need to meet to avoid oncoming bullets from a distance of 10 meters?

”Can you go faster than bullets? " Chu Yan didn't rush to answer Fang Shiren's question, but asked everyone such a question.

”Maybe there are such people in the world. Who knows? " Fang Shiren said with insufficient confidence.

”I don't know if such people exist, but at least I can't do it. " Chu Yan denied the fact that his reaction was faster than the bullet, "but although I was faster than the bullet, I still hid, which proves that you can, and thus proves the feasibility of this training content." Chu Yan said with a smile.

The four people, including Qin Yang, understood Chu Yan's meaning. The woman didn't want to frighten people with her performance, but proved the feasibility of avoiding bullets with facts, so as to build their confidence.

”The reason why I listed this as a training content is that in the future, you will face all kinds of dangers, especially the confrontation of hot weapons, which is more common. "When Chu Yan said this, it means that she plans to teach her own experience." the barrel of the gun is straight, and the trajectory of the bullet is straight, so I can hide. It's so simple. "

”I don't understand. " Zhao Zhuo giggled and touched his head. He didn't understand Chu Yan's meaning.

Chu Yan did not have the slightest impatience. He continued to solve his doubts and said, "in short, you can shoot a gun and move a finger." While talking, she also pulled the trigger, "being pointed at your head is not only your most dangerous time, but also your most chance to fight back. Because the enemy is in the active position, their vigilance will be unconsciously lowered. The biggest disadvantage of guns is??? "

”Its lines are always straight. " Qin Yang blurted out and was ordered by Chu Yan. He suddenly understood the real intention of this training content.

”That's it. " Chu Yan nodded in agreement.

”So what are we going to do next? " Chu Yan asked, and then answered, "if you are pointed at a certain distance with a gun, you need to pay close attention to each other's finger movements and where the quasi center of the barrel points. If you do this, you will be in an invincible position. If you are pointed with a gun on your head, what you need is to minimize the enemy's vigilance, and then look for the most appropriate time to take the gun, which we will come into contact with in the future. Having said so much, in fact, just now my behavior of avoiding bullets can be summarized in 12 words, that is: 'careful observation, BOLD response and preemptive prediction'. "

It has to be said that Chu Yan had the style of team leader at this moment, described the experience in great detail and summarized it very accurately. At this moment, she showed the demeanor of a senior general with 72 special combat strength.

”Brilliant! " Zhao Zhuo, who has always had poor vocabulary, praised for the first time.

”Now do you understand why I did that training yesterday? " Chu Yan's eyes were on Fang Shiren's face.

”Team leader, I was wrong. " Fang Shiren's face showed embarrassment. After understanding Chu Yan's real intention, he knew how much he spent the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart. Before Chu Yan said the real intention of yesterday's training, he was quite angry at Chu Yan's "unreasonable", but now he can't be angry at all.

”In fact, I don't need to explain anything to you. After all, you are my men. For you, you only need to work hard to complete the orders I issued. However, from the performance of the two players yesterday, there are still some people who have opinions on me. I don't want us to get along badly in the future. Do you understand? " A woman with such an open mind is really strange. More importantly, her grasp of the people's heart can be called an old way.

”I see! Team leader! " The four shouted together.

”OK, so today we start training to dodge bullets. " Chu Yan said with a faint smile.

”No, leader, I think we'd better follow your plan. " Fang Shiren stepped out and said, with a trace of shame.

Chu Yan stared at Fang Shiren for a while, and then agreed to Fang Shiren's suggestion, "then we'd better carry out the training according to the original plan." At that moment, Qin Yang seemed to catch a smile hanging from the corner of Chu Yan's mouth.

”Beep ~ ~ beep ~ ~ "several crisp phone calls rang out.

In the room, a man of old age was concentrating on looking at a document. When he heard the sound, he pressed the hands-free button, "Wen Xu, what's up?"

”Chief, I received a call from the National Security Bureau. Director Xu has something to tell you. " The caller was a man in his thirties. His voice was rich in magnetism and warm.

Yang Wenxu is the Secretary of Guo Chang, the General Commander of the special war military region. He is responsible for all Guo Chang's foreign reception.

The first hand of the National Security Bureau has important matters to discuss. Naturally, such major events should be reported to Guo Chang at the first time.

”Well, put the phone in. " Guo Chang put down his report and said without hesitation.

”Toot. " Yang Wenxu connected director Xu's telephone to Guo Chang's office.

”Hello, Lao Guo? " Director Xu's voice was very loud. As soon as he opened his mouth, he said that the quiet atmosphere of the whole office was destroyed.

”I'm Lao Xu. What can I do for you? Why are you willing to call me? " Guo Chang couldn't help laughing happily. The old colleague hasn't called to greet him for a long time. It's rare to talk to him last time. He was also a little surprised in his heart.

”Ha ha, I'm going to the three treasures hall. " Director Xu laughed and then said, "I'm looking for you for business this time."

”Oh? " Guo Chang wondered, and then suddenly thought of something, "it won't be looking for someone I want."

”Hehe, Lao Guo is Lao Guo. You'll hit it as soon as you guess. " Director Xu made a ha ha, and then he didn't feel so casual anymore. Instead, he pondered for a while, and then said seriously, "this time, I really want someone for you."

”Isn't there someone in your NSA? " Guo Chang heard the tone of director Xu's voice and realized the importance of the matter.

”Although there are people in the National Security Bureau, after all, it can't be compared with your whole special war military region. Who doesn't know that the special war military region brings together the most elite soldiers of the whole Yanhuang country. I won't talk to you anymore. Let me tell you the truth. The reason why our national security bureau came to you this time was to borrow some of your soldiers. Our national security bureau has just caught a big fish and needs some people to escort the fish to America. "

”Oh? " Guo Chang is a little interested.

Hearing the undisguised curiosity in the tone of his old colleague, director Xu continued: "Fisher, the American drug lord."

Guo Chang heard that director Xu deliberately lowered his voice to the lowest when he said the name, so that he didn't hear it clearly at first. Finally, he repeated it several times before he realized the weight of the name.

”It's him! " Guo Chang's psychology set off a storm.

”How did he get caught by your NSA? " Guo Changyi can't believe it.

”It's because we caught it that we had a headache. " Director Xu's annoyed tone was at a glance over the phone. " He committed a homicide in China. How could those ordinary police stations hold him down? Finally, our national security bureau came out and caught him back before we knew his identity. There were five casualties during the capture. Alas, because of his lawyer and his nationality, he will be transported to the United States for trial.

”I see. " Guo Chang basically understood the whole story, but he didn't expect that such a big fish would be arrested for killing people. But everyone in his position knows that once Fisher is transported to the United States, he will be flying again, and the law can't punish him at that time. This is not only because the laws of the United States are not as strict as those of Yanhuang. More importantly, Fisher's inside information determines that as long as he does not make any big mistakes, ordinary cases will not bring him very serious punishment.

”As you know, after several people died, those children inevitably had emotions. I??? Alas, "director Xu sighed again, but he didn't say anything." This escort operation is not so simple. The action taken by the United States is to pick up our personnel at the airport at that time, and we need to be fully responsible for the transportation process. You should know what this means? " Director Xu said meaningfully.

”He's crazy about America. " When Guo Chang heard what director Xu said, he felt a sense of indignation.

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