The night continued to flow and time continued to run. Qin Yang didn't know why. He stood foolishly in the corridor waiting for Peng Xiaoling's return.

It's not the kind of waiting between lovers, nor the kind of waiting between relatives. It's the moment when Qin Yang wants to see Peng Xiaoling come back. Qin Yang doesn't know why he wants to do this. He just wants to wait until Peng Xiaoling comes back.

It's very painful for a man who doesn't know how to smoke to wait. Although it's entirely Qin Yang's fault, Peng Xiaoling has had more than an hour from meeting him to leaving. Naturally, Qin Yang will have a question: "what's the matter with me today?" Did the woman leave too long? " What is she going to do for such a long time? "

When two o'clock came in the morning, Qin Yang saw that at the end of the corridor, at the brightly lit elevator, a familiar woman was walking slowly towards this side.

Because the light on both sides of the corridor was not too bright, Qin Yangmo vaguely couldn't see the face of the person opposite when the woman came here, but judging from the familiar posture, it should be Peng Xiaoling.

When the whole woman stood in front of her, Qin Yang confirmed that Peng Xiaoling was right. Subconsciously, he wanted to ask, "what have you done for so long?"

But when he remembered the woman's attitude towards him, he still didn't ask, but nodded, then turned sideways and let her go into room 4407.

”Ding Dong ~ ~ " Peng Xiaoling nodded to Qin Yang in the same friendly way, and then rang the doorbell.

Qin Yang couldn't react for a moment. The woman suddenly became polite to him. It was really a little strange. Although she just nodded, she smiled at the moment she nodded. " Why? "

There was a pause in the room, and then someone came to open the door. The national security team members who came to open the door were about to welcome Peng Xiaoling into the room. Suddenly, they stretched out a palm and pulled the wooden door to be closed.

”May I come in? " Qin Yang smiled and narrowed his eyes and said to the national security team member.

”Oh, it's captain Qin. Of course you can. " Guoan team member said with a smile, then let Qin Yang in and followed Peng Xiaoling's back.

After entering the room, Qin Yang found that the "room" specially arranged was actually similar to a building, with a hall, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. It was completely an independent cabin.

”Where is the criminal? " Qin Yang's first question was this.

The four national security team members were stunned first, and then captain Chen Luo pointed to the left room of the two rooms and said, "it's inside."

Qin Yang walked over. After opening the door, he saw the foreigner with a big nose lying comfortably in bed watching TV.

Suddenly, Qin Yang seemed relieved and felt that he was still distracted. Can such a big man be robbed here? This is not in the magic world, but also a big change.

However, there is one thing that still leads Qin Yang to think deeply. Tonight is too calm. Everyone else takes such calm for granted, but he won't pass so simply tonight.

Glancing at the clock, the present time is two twenty-three. It seems that this period of time is still very early for those who want to rob criminals.

Qin Yang looked down and thought. Unconsciously, he went to the balcony surrounded by rows of French windows. From this perspective, the night scene downstairs was as beautiful as a dream.

”What are you thinking? " Chen Luo came up and patted Qin Yang on the shoulder.

The boundless prosperous city, just at a glance, is like being in a flashy world. Qin Yang's thoughts are a little far away, but the ideas in his mind are still clear.

”Do you think there is a kind of bullet that can pass through bulletproof glass and shoot into a person's body, making it deadly? " Qin Yang's eyes were staring outside, his fingers stroked the mirror of the French window, and the touch from his fingertips was very smooth.

Chen Luo was a little speechless for a moment, "Captain Qin, you????" After thinking about it, he replied, "of course there are bullets that can penetrate bulletproof glass. More accurately, there are guns. Even the most advanced bulletproof glass will have stronger anti equipment guns, at least sniping???" Chen Luo said here, but he stopped, then showed an unbelievable look, and looked at the place where Qin Yang's eyes were staring at at this time.

It was a building with the top of the roof just equal to the 44th floor of the hotel. In the unknown dark depth, Chen Luo seemed to see a dark gun barrel aiming here.

”You know what??? How could you have such a guess? " Chen Luo suddenly understood what Qin Yang's question meant. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he still couldn't get back from Qin Yang's rapid thinking.

Qin Yang was silent. His eyes were still staring at the building 300 meters away. Although he couldn't see what was going on across the street, he was really staring at it seriously.

”We just need to help the FBI look after it all night. " Chen Luo said.

”My team leader once told me that anything can happen during your mission. " Qin Yang said indifferently. At this moment, his expression became unusually cold, just like the eyes of a god watching the world coldly.

”You don't trust the FBI? " Chen Luo was a little trembling.

”I don't know how powerful the man in the room is, but in the information I know, he is a figure listed as an international drug lord. " Qin Yang's eyes were unprecedentedly calm.

”"But..." Before he finished, Chen Luo heard the sound of broken glass. It was close enough to kiss death.

In Qin Yang's stunned eyes, a bullet was shot into Chen Luo's chest and instantly embedded into Chen Luo's body.

”Alert!!! "

”Alert!! "

The quality of the national security team members is not high. Almost at the moment when the accident broke out, some team members shouted and woke up the sleepy team members next to them.

Qin Yang's reaction was quick. His first action was to rush to Chen Luo, hold him and rush to one side, looking for a cover object.

”Bang!! " The huge fish tank broke instantly. The bullet directly penetrated the bulletproof glass, broke the fish tank and shot into the leather of the sofa. It was the position Qin Yang had just stood.

The power of this sniper bullet is beyond imagination!!!

”Captain Chen! " Qin Yang shouted at Chen Luo and shook his body.

Chen Luo's eyes, which were closed, suddenly opened, like a dead man's sudden rebirth.

Chen Luo stretched out his hand to indicate that he had no particularly big problem. Then he took out half of the bullets embedded in his chest with his other hand and said with lingering fear: "fortunately, I put on bulletproof vests when I came out on this mission, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die in this place tonight."

Not only is Chen Luo glad that he survived the disaster, but he is also relieved for Qin Yang. If the captain of the national security team dies, even if the task is completed, I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense.

”Move the position! " Chen Luo glanced at the bullet in his hand, but suddenly pushed Qin Yang and rushed to one side. Then the sofa that the two people used as cover objects immediately penetrated through a bullet and shot into the wall. Another shot almost brought them into the shooting in front of the God of death.

”They have infrared fluoroscopy! " Chen Luo couldn't calm down and shouted, "don't stay in one place."

This unusually loud roar seemed to play a symphony of death, and then bullets hit like flying fish. Although there was no continuity of machine guns, the terrible lethality shook the things in the whole room. Everything that could be broken was scattered like petals, and the broken glass debris flew all over the sky, Cutting the skin of people exposed to the air.

After the sniper in the dark shot through the bulletproof glass with an anti equipment bullet, it was replaced with a new type of killing bullet scattered after colliding with an object. The situation is getting worse and worse.

Room 4407 on the 44th floor of the hotel has become a shooting range for enemies in the dark. The number of snipers seems to be about five. Such a dense number of shots will not be caused by a sniper, and the sniping technique of these five people is terrible. They can connect five sniper guns into the firing frequency of a machine gun.

”Bad! " When Chen Luo thought of someone watching TV in his bedroom, he felt very bad, "Fisher! He can't die! " Realizing that such a dense sniper fire was fatal, Chen Luo rushed to the bedroom.

”People are with me! " A member of the national security team who suddenly appeared shouted, and then he opened the only door by himself and moved with the foreigner half his head high.

”Transfer all! " Chen Luo shouted and then rushed towards the gate.

”Luo Yi, Fang Shiren, Zhao Zhuo! Out of the room! " When Chen Luo took action, Qin Yang roared at the headset at the neckline. Such a violent shooting should be heard in room 4408 over there. As long as room 4407 makes an abnormal sound, the well-trained Luo Yi and other three people will certainly take action.

When Qin Yang tried his best to rush out of the door, he saw Luo Yi coming this way with an alert look on his face.

Throughout Qin Yang, blood was seeping from his shoulder. A sharp piece of glass was inserted into his shoulder in a pyramid shape, which was directly pulled out by him and thrown on the ground.

”Come on, let's go downstairs. " Chen Luo looked back at the whole team. Everyone, including Qiao Yang, had arrived. After he issued the order, he walked first and led the people to the elevator.

The alarm on the 44th floor began to sound, and then triggered the alarm device of the whole hotel. Almost at this moment, all the room lights of the hotel were on at the same time. The relevant personnel in charge of safety management must have started special emergency measures.

”Captain, he's wounded! " Holding Fisher like a dead dog is Peng Xiaoling and another national security player. The man on the left said this.

At this time, Fisher's right thigh appeared a blood red ulcer, and a large piece of meat disappeared.

”Take him to the nearest hospital. " Chen Luo, whose brain was spinning rapidly, said such a sentence without thinking about it. Then he took out his waist pistol and walked ahead.

”All the members of the national security team except me escorted the criminals to the hospital for treatment, and the relevant people of the fourth team followed me to destroy the enemy. " Chen Luo deserves to be an old hand with many years of experience in performing tasks. He has the calmest thinking in the most critical moments. He issues orders very quickly, but he speaks clearly. Everyone can clearly hear his arrangement.

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