Jone went to the counter, talked with the blonde at the front desk, took out a certificate, said a few words in detail, and then took the key to Chen Luo and others.

”Now I'll take you to your respective rooms. " Jone's smile is unchanged. Even though Qin Yang and others have a little menstruation on their faces because they have kept smiling for a long time, he still looks happy. It seems that the middle-aged foreigner likes to laugh very much. Maybe he was chosen as the welcome agent because of his 24-hour smile.

”Please. " Qiao Yang maintained the unique politeness of Oriental people, nodded to Chen Luo, Qin Yang and others, and then followed Jone's footsteps.

”There is a request that may trouble you. " When everyone got on the elevator, Jone's smile was a little reserved, which seemed to mean sorry.

”Please also ask Mr. Jon to bring it up. " Qiao Yang completely took over the diplomat's task.

Jone glanced at Fisher, who was surrounded by four national security team centers, and said: "tonight, he may bother you to take care of him all night. Our organization has not fully determined how to arrange this guy's plan, so???" Jon's face with brown eyes showed an unspeakable meaning.

”He wants us to keep an eye on Fisher tonight. " Qiao Yang did not reply immediately, but turned his head to negotiate with Chen Luo.

”Huh? " Chen Luo pretended to be listening carefully to the conversation. Although he didn't understand a few words, such behavior at least gave others respect. At this time, when he heard Qiao Yang say so, he didn't think about it, so he asked, "why can't they pick up people tonight?"

”According to Jon, they haven't arranged a place to deal with criminals. " Qiao Yang replied solemnly.

Chen Luo was silent for a moment.

For a long time, Chen Luo seemed to have thought about the pros and cons, looked up and gave Jon a kind smile, "yes, we'll take care of them for another night." His eyes were on Qiao Yang.

”Dear Jon, we have no problem with this. We can take care of the criminals for you for another night. " Qiao Yang said with a smile.

”Oh, great. Thank you for your understanding. We have specially arranged a place for this guy. At that time, your people will just rest in the specially arranged house. " Jone looked very grateful and hugged Qiao Yang uncontrollably, and then gave him a big hug in Chen Luo's staring eyes.

”Chen, thank you for your understanding. I'm sure we'll have a pleasant cooperation this time. " Jone's words seemed to come from the heart. Chen Luo could feel the foreigner's enthusiasm.

The whole elevator showed a harmonious atmosphere. With the end of this scene, the whole elevator fell into silence again, and everyone was patiently waiting for the arrival of the floor.

”Ding! " With a crisp sound, the residence of Chen Luo and others tonight has arrived, but the number displayed by the red light makes everyone, including Qin Yang, frown.

”44. " The number of this floor building is actually 44.

The number four may be nothing in other countries, but it is extremely unlucky in the eyes of Chinese people, because it is homonymous with "death". Even though Chen Luo and others are not the kind of old people with feudal thoughts, their understanding engraved in their bones is inseparable. Seeing the overlap of the two numbers four immediately raised an unusual idea in the hearts of all the people on Chen Luo's side.

”I'm afraid it's not easy tonight. " This is the conclusion that Qin Yang raised his head and stared at the two figures for a long time. He was the last one to keep up with Jone. Sometimes a qualified soldier's hunch plays a very important role. He thinks so arbitrarily, but he is firm in his guess.

”There can be two people in each room, plus him in the back, "Jone pointed to Fisher with a swollen face, and then said," there are eleven of you. I have arranged four rooms for you. At that time, there will be about four people in charge of him. That's a big room, enough for you to use. " Jone said kindly, and then handed the key to Qiao Yang. "Here are the keys to your rooms. I wish you a wonderful dream." Jone, who left the key, left in the eyes of everyone.

”Well, I'll name the number of people on duty tonight, "Chen Luo quickly recovered and said to the people," Captain Qin and I are respectively in charge of a team. Our national security bureau's guard is in the middle of the night, and your fourth team is waiting in the middle of the night. " Chen Luo's eyes are on Qin Yang's face. Although the decision has been made, he can also make any changes according to Qin Yang's refutation.

”I agree. " Qin Yang readily nodded in favor of Chen Luo's point of view.

”Peng Xiaoling, you live with Li Nan. " Chen Luo handed one of the keys to the only female member of the mission.

”Yes, captain. " Peng Xiaoling, as the only woman, has no hesitation about this arrangement. Since she chose to become a member of the special action team of the National Security Bureau, she has regarded herself as a man. In her concept, there is no saying that "men and women live in the same room, who has lost".

”Ding! " The clear prompt sound of the elevator sounded, and Jon with a pair of leather shoes stepped out. At this time, a mobile phone was pasted to his right ear, "head, it's arranged. You can act according to the plan tonight." Jone's voice was not the kind of kindness that greeted Qin Yang before, but an unusually cold expression. Speaking standard American English sounds very magnetic.

”OK, the person I asked you to contact should also be ready. Let him kill that guy tonight. Hum, it happened in the hands of those Yanhuang people, but it has nothing to do with us. They left us a lot of trouble. Hei hei "a voice of about 50 years old came from the other end of the mobile phone, and the tone was very calm.

”Yes. I like these Chinese people very much. They are really helpful. " Jone, who was originally a kind and friendly smile, looked very strange with his cold lips, which made people look cold.

It is said that the foreign moon is relatively round, and I don't know whether the authenticity of this statement has been studied and confirmed by those experts. Qin Yang doesn't know much about foreign literature and art. He hasn't heard this sentence. The only thing to be sure is that he can't sleep tonight.

On the one hand, as the captain of the fourth team, he has the insight of focusing on his shoulders. On the other hand, he feels a trace of abnormality. The source of that abnormality is Jon, a foreigner from the FBI.

If you have to worry about why a person feels uneasy, this kind of thing can't be explained by ordinary people for a while. People sometimes need to believe in their sixth sense, that is, hunch.

This feeling may be bad or good. What matters is whether you are willing to believe it or not.

Qin Yang chose to believe in his sixth sense, so he didn't go to bed at midnight. But a man came to the corridor and wandered around, like a ghost on the aisle on the 44th floor.

Even though the lights in the corridor showed an especially emotional luster, that was not the focus of Qin Yang's attention. He was concerned about whether the people who came tonight would be very difficult. This night may be his real battle night after a year of special training under Chu Shiyao. As for why he is so uncertain but so sure, he still needs to ask himself.

Room 4407 is where Fisher is under house arrest and is guarded by five national security players, including Chen Luo. Under such strict circumstances, Qin Yang wondered who would have such great power to rob people.

His silk is sure. Someone will rob Fisher tonight. His silk is uncertain. He's not sure. He's a little thinking too much

When Qin Yang was thinking more, the 4407 room opened and Peng Xiaoling, the only female of the national security team, came out head-on.

”What are you doing here? " Peng Xiaoling's face was as cold as when Qin Yang first saw her.

”I can't sleep. Let's go. " Qin Yang said this sentence almost without much thought, and then heard Peng Xiaoling's faint "Oh". There is no dialogue between the two.

Peng Xiaoling bypassed Qin Yang's body and walked towards the elevator.

”Where are you going? " In fact, Qin Yang shouldn't have asked this sentence, but he still couldn't help asking it. Even he felt that he was a little jumpy tonight. He regretted asking this sentence.

”Where am I going? Do you care? " Peng Xiaoling turned her face sideways with a sneer on her lips. This woman is not very beautiful, but this temperament can arouse men's desire to conquer. Unfortunately, Qin Yang doesn't have the spirit of a big man at present, and he won't take it as his duty to pick up girls all day. Therefore, he doesn't have that vigorous desire.

”Just ask, "Qin Yang was strangely discouraged, whispered, and then turned around, looking for something to divert his attention and help himself out.

”Hum! " Peng Xiaoling was angry and left.

”So angry? " Qin Yang frowned and thought that even if the woman didn't want to see all the members of their fourth team, she shouldn't have such a bad attitude. That mood, that attitude, it's like "that" coming.

Qin Yang's feeling is really amazing sometimes. Unfortunately, Peng Xiaoling's problems are just right in his words. This week is the day when her great aunt greets her.

Originally, Peng Xiaoling had the opportunity to ask for leave and didn't come to the United States to perform this task, but she was indoctrinated since childhood that "everything is based on national interests, followed by personal interests". She just hid it, and then followed captain Chen Luo to perform this task.

Women are always in a bad mood for a few days. You know, Qin Yang is also ignorant.

Peng Xiaoling made some preparations before coming to America, but she still didn't stop the running trend. She suddenly came again tonight. How can she change her towel in a room full of men. Besides, she didn't bring those supplies.

At this moment, Peng Xiaoling's only thought is to buy a bag quickly, then run to the public toilet to change it, and finally comfortably return to her room to guard the criminals.

The question is, it's so dark now. Won't you buy it without that? Peng Xiaoling, who didn't know about the American hotel service, got into the elevator.

When Qin Yang heard the footsteps of the girl around him leaving, he dared to turn around and saw Peng Xiaoling press the door key and close the elevator door with a face.

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