Holding a submachine gun, he made a sniper action, half narrowed his eyes and fired a shot at the man who was running away, "ho!" No suspense hit. Then he gathered up his gun and walked towards the man who fell to his knees.

”Protect the site and exclude irrelevant people. " A middle-aged police chief with a stiff face said to one of his men.

At this time, the main road of Qingxin road has been filled with police, and because the location of the major incident is on the road, the traffic in this section of the road has been divided into prohibited areas.

The police of each division of labor are already doing their own things, handling corpses, handling corpses, collecting samples, collecting data, interrogating criminals, interrogating criminals.

Captain Chen of the National Security Bureau was standing next to police chief Xiao Jingbin at this time, and several national security team members nearby also gathered around them. Qin Yang was watching the scene, like a lone wolf.

”Captain Chen, I know the matter of your national security bureau is important, but this time, the nature of the matter is too serious. " Xiao Jingbin frowned into a Sichuan character, with a sad look on his face.

”Director Xiao, you can rest assured that the impact of this matter will be suppressed by relevant people at that time. You just tidy up the scene now. " Chen Luo didn't explain anything else. His psychology was also covered with a layer of haze.

”I'm not afraid that this will have a bad impact on me, but you should know where this is. Things have alerted the top. At that time, not only your people will come, but also the top will send people to understand the situation. Ah ~ ~ "director Xiao sighed, but he didn't continue to tangle about this problem. He turned and left and walked towards his police car.

”Bang! " After director Xiao left, Chen Luo finally vented his sullen anger. He hit the car next to him, and there was a loud crash.

”Asshole! " Chen Luo, who was biting his teeth, said as if he could eat human flesh and blood, but he was angry at the innocent dead people.

”They are challenging the limits of our patience, "Chen Luo said. When he looked up, his eyes were red again. Then he picked up his special mobile phone and dialed the superior officer.

Zhao Zhuo, who accompanied Qin Yang to inspect the scene afterwards, clenched his fist, and the anger on his face was at a critical point.

On the contrary, Qin Yang did not show his deep-rooted anger on his face, but his face was calm. His eyes swept over the dead innocent citizens one by one, and unconsciously touched the blood stained on his cheek. At this time, the blood had crusted and solidified on his face.

”The large-scale exchange of fire between police and bandits is a serious terrorist attack, according to a relevant person. The details need to be further understood. " Hearing the formula language of the media reporter, Qin Yang suddenly felt that the world had become trance in a second, and then returned to normal.

”Dad! Mom! " A girl's roar resounded through the whole scene, desperately squeezing into it, just touched by Qin Yang's line of sight.

It was a girl in a school uniform. She was 15 years old. Her short hair set off her beauty and made people feel her strong independence at the first sight. It was such a strong looking girl who was crying and was stopped by two patrolmen and could not touch the two bodies of a man and a woman.

Qin Yang walked over and said to the two patrolmen, "let her in and let her see her parents." Qin Yang, who said this sentence, didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations.

After hesitating, the two patrolmen listened to Qin Yang and let the girl in.

”Dad! " Ignoring the eyes of others, the girl suddenly threw down the man's body, held the frozen body and cried bitterly, and the tears on her face couldn't stop falling. And her mother was just hugged and reluctant to let go.

In order to grab the most valuable news, the notified media turned the camera to the girl who went to her parents for the first time.

Qin Yang stood still, blocking the flash of those cameras and the media reports. He can understand the girl's mood at this moment, and all he can do is this. No one wants to be used by the media with ulterior motives when mourning for the loss of close relatives.

He watched silently, knowing that the girl fainted with heartache and her tears had dried up, he asked the nurses to carry the two bodies away, and the girl was taken into the ambulance for care.

”I have understood that you continue the task, and I will deal with this matter, "director Xu of the National Security Bureau's solemn tone came from the other end of the phone, and finally added a murderous sentence," I will start with the local gangs and find out the truth, and none will be left at that time. " This is the towering anger shown by the director of the National Security Bureau, which made him directly plan to move several local local local snakes. The government has not shown vigorous means for a long time.

When he set out again, every member of the team whose task was to escort fisher to the United States had a cold face.

The sniper captured by Qin Yang was finally handed over to the police station. Apparently, it still had to go through such a procedure, but secretly, the National Security Bureau had sent a special investigation team to take over the case.

The task of Qin Yang and others is to escort fisher to the United States as soon as possible. As for other things, someone will deal with them, so they don't need to worry about them.

Compared with the previous calm, the latter half of the route to the airport seems murderous.

The foreign handsome man was lying half dead in the back car. The members of the national security bureau basically didn't treat Fisher as a person at this time.

”Captain, "an hour later, Fang Shiren's report sounded on Qin Yang's headset again," there is no problem at the scene. Luo Yi and I have finished all the exploration. "

”Um. " Qin Yang simply accepted, and then turned his attention to the metal ceiling structure of the international airport not far ahead.

The passenger plane scheduled to leave at 9:30 was delayed for two hours because of Qin Yang. Finally, they arrived at the airport and did not affect the schedule of the mission because of anything.

Qin Yang and others escorting Fisher entered the airport from a special channel, and the final area is also a special section of the whole flight.

Zhao Zhuo, who had never seen any big scene, stared at the foreigner opposite without saying a word. In that way, he seemed to completely regard Fisher as his father murderer.

”At that time, give this bastard to the FBI of meijiajia, and our task will be over, Captain Qin. " Chen Luo's face was still blue. Seeing Qin Yang's calm appearance like autumn water, he moved in his heart and spoke to him.

”There should be no more unpleasant things on the plane. " Qin Yang said faintly.

”This will never happen. The inspection of this flight is several times more severe than usual. It will not happen before. " Chen Luo talked with Qin Yang. The members of the National Security Bureau and Qiao Yang listened. No one spoke. The whole atmosphere seemed a little strange.

”I feel very sad about what happened before. " Chen Luo bowed his head and thought for a while. There was no taboo. Fisher, who was no longer adult and could not speak, said: "this action should be known by no other organization except our two organizations." His words were doubtful, but they were also affirmative. His eyes stared at Qin Yang's eyes. The implication period is: then the formation and exposure of this time is either that the members of our national security team have ghosts, or that there are ghosts in your special war military region.

”Maybe. " Qin Yang began to think because of Chen Luo's explicit words. He deflected his head and looked at the scene outside the window, "but the head knew, I'm afraid some people also knew. Even if the members of our two teams are suspicious, I can trust my brother, and you must be the same. " Qin Yang looked back and gave Chen Luo a faint look.

”Yes, I don't believe there will be ghosts under my hands, "Chen Luo said only half of what he said, but then gave it up." our task is to escort. As for other things, I have reported all the doubts to my superiors. I have put forward all the doubts about this matter. There will be results in the near future. It's just a matter of time. "

”Um. " Qin Yang agreed, and then kept looking out of the window. The whole special area was quiet without a little sound. They maintained such an atmosphere until the arrival of the United States of America.

”If you don't mind, we hope you can stay in the hotel we arranged and make a good host. " Qiao Yang meticulously translated the other party's words to Chen Luo, while the opposite FBI agent Jon looked at captain Chen Luo with a smile.

”Of course. " Chen Luo nodded and smiled, while Qin Yang behind him quietly observed several tall foreigners in front of him.

When they got off the plane, they were greeted by FBI agents who had been notified in advance. At this time, these foreigners acted as the main personnel of this negotiation.

This is the capital of the United States and the headquarters of the FBI in Washington, D.C. For Qin Yang and others who escorted the Drug Lord Fisher to the United States this time, the FBI naturally wants to receive them with the highest treatment.

Jone, the leader in front, led them into the black car, and then talked about some beautiful places in Washington. Most Americans are still talkative. They don't have the kind of implicit Chinese people. They prefer to speed up their relationship and enhance their feelings by talking, rather than being ashamed to speak because they are unfamiliar.

Although he was unable to communicate deeply because of language problems, Qiao Yang grasped the degree well and brought all the communication to himself, which made Chen Luo and Qin Yang a lot easier.

Qiao Yang probably knows more than Chen Luo and Qin Yang.

”THEWINTER'SHOTEL。” Qin Yang, used to Chinese, suddenly looked up and looked at the English letters on his head. Suddenly, he was in the territory of others. I'm not familiar with my hometown, and I can't communicate with the American people around me.

”"Please," Jone said sideways in front, expressing gentleman's courtesy, and then he was the first to enter this five-star restaurant.

Zhao Zhuo saw the two security guards outside the door. Although they were tall, they were still a little short. He couldn't help being a little proud: we were pure men. Zhao Zhuo, who is more than two meters tall, not only has a height, but also has muscle bumps. He is terrible, like a machine monster.

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