”I don't want to stay in this place. This place makes me very uncomfortable. Where's my money? " Michelle's tone is very cold, but it is a smile on her face. It seems that everyone knows the truth that she doesn't hit the smiling face.

”Miss Michelle? " The vampire man was about to say something, but the old man next to him said two words directly, and immediately told him to shut up and do things obediently.

”Give it to her. " This is the old man's order.

”You can go. The hot man behind you will stay. " The old man didn't open his eyes, but he knew there was Chen Luo.

The vampire man walked to Michelle with a silver suitcase when the old man spoke. He handed the box to Michelle. "Here."

Michelle naturally took the box, but unexpectedly, the vampire man touched her smooth hand, and then put a few fingers across the back of her hand in front of her nose, which made Michelle feel bad, but didn't say anything. She got the money, turned and left.

Chen Luo was the only trader left in such a large hall.

For some reason, the couple talked with Michelle in Yanhuang Mandarin, so Chen Luo heard it very clearly. Even if they used English, Chen Luo could not hear it if he wanted to.

The vampire man sent away the charming blonde Michelle, turned his head and asked his old man, "why don't you leave the woman." Without any respect.

”He has a brother who is famous in the whole killer world, "the old man didn't answer, but the man who quietly looked at the book interrupted, but his eyes stayed between the lines in the book instead of looking at the vampire man. Compared with the young people with vampire knight temperament, this man is more handsome, and even handsome to the trend of transforming into women. The beautiful middle hair is scattered and falls down, showing a childe aristocratic temperament. Even from the eyes of Yanhuang people, you will feel that this is an exceptionally good-looking man. Once the word "good-looking" is used on a man, even if it changes a little, it can best describe the handsome man. " We don't need to be in any trouble. "

”Oh, "the vampire man answered, and then asked," very strong? "

The book man replied, "that's the top ten on the list." However, I don't have much impression of what is praised as the gold medal list by many international killers.

”Hey, that's good. Have time to compete with him. " The vampire man showed a hint of excitement. " What are you? " Then the vampire man came to Chen Luo and looked around.

”Another piece. " The bookman said that he seemed to know everything.

Chen Luo didn't feel anything about the "chess piece" and said, "I've done everything according to your arrangement. You can let my family go."

”Oh, your family. " The vampire man was suddenly enlightened. It seems that he can only remember the relationship between the man in front of him and them now.

The book man heard Chen Luo's words, suddenly closed the book, took a sip of chocolate milk tea on the table, and told Chen Luo, "kill."

The sound was very faint, but it felt like a bolt from the blue to Chen Luo. He stood still. He didn't know what expression to express his roaring grief and anger.

Vampire man is near Chen Luo and looks at Chen Luo's facial expression with great interest. He was absent-minded at first, but his back hole was ferocious, his eyes were red, his forehead was full of blue veins, and there were severe contraction marks in his pupils.

”Ah ah!!! " Chen Luo, like a mentally disordered patient, suddenly roared up to the sky. Then he quickly took out his pistol and pointed it at the old man who had been sitting with his eyes closed.

The vampire man smiled. Under the dim candle light, his smile was particularly strange.

”Bang! " There are very few people in the world who dare to raise their guns in front of vampire men. It's useless to count them with both hands.

The bullet penetrated close to Chen Luo's forehead. Because it was too close, there was even a circle of burning flame halo marks on his skin, which was clearly visible.

”Give him back to them and let them deal with it. " When the old man said this, he had stood up and slowly paced up the stairs. It seemed that he was going to bed. After all, it was only more than five o'clock now. The old man had to sleep enough so that he could live a long time.

The book man also stood up and looked like he was going to have a rest.

”Hey, I'll carry the body alone. No, you have to help. " Vampire man dissatisfied.

The man who took the book tilted his head and left a sentence "I'm your brother", and then he disappeared.

”"Fuck", the vampire man gave the figure a vertical middle finger, and then kicked the lying corpse discontentedly, "death will give me trouble." Murmured in his mouth.

At the same time, in another place, among the people who failed in the task, except Qin Yang, who was the captain, had no expression change, the other team members showed more or less an emotion of indignation or sadness.

Indignant is the fourth team under Qin Yang, sad is the eighth team of Guoan led by Chen Luo.

Qiao Yang was silent for a long time, and finally decided to tell Qin Yang his identity. "Qin Yang, I have something to say to you. If it's convenient, let's find a quiet place."

When they heard that Qiao Yang took the initiative to talk to Qin Yang, they couldn't help looking at Qiao Yang with a cigarette in his mouth. It's Qiao Yang's bad habit to smoke when he's worried. Few people know about it. After all, it's bad to smoke too much. Qiao Yang chose to quit many years ago, but he has always been in a state of failure to completely cut off. Once he encounters something disturbing, he will get used to smoking one naturally. At ordinary times, Qiao Yang seldom smokes in front of outsiders. Even in the eyes of everyone at this time, Qiao Yang smoking is a very strange thing, which makes them all express a daze at Qiao Yang's smoking. No matter how good a man is, he can't help smoking and wine.

Without hesitation, Qin Yang went out in advance, followed by Qiao Yang.

”'villain', why did the uncle call the captain out? " Zhao Zhuo moved to Fang Shiren's side and whispered, with a strong vigilance to the national security team in his eyes. His mind is very simple. Since your captain is a traitor, there must be an insider in your Guoan team.

Fang Shiren gave the small table a white eye, "don't call me 'villain', call my name."

”Then you can't call me a small table in the future. " Zhao Zhuo retorted.

”???” Fang Shiren rolled his eyes and said he was helpless. He knew that the trouble was caused by himself and could not blame anyone.

Seeing that Fang Shiren had nothing to say, Zhao Zhuo immediately showed a triumphant smile, "what do you want to say?"

”I don't know. " Fang Shiren flashed his body and did one side. He didn't want to ignore the stupid man.

Zhao Zhuo moved his body close to Fang Shiren, "ah, I say you are really. You can't say it at ordinary times. Are you dumb now? Cut, I used to feel itchy when I didn't talk like you. Now I've learned to be silent. " The nervous Zhao Zhuo said Luo Yi's name, but he couldn't say it anymore and was silent.

Fang Shiren looked at Zhao Zhuo's lost expression. "Don't worry, the boy will be fine. Didn't Qin Yang tell us not to worry? Even Qin Yang said it was all right, so it must be all right. When you saw Qin Yang, what you said was wrong. "

”That's true. " Zhao Zhuo lost his spirit.

They fell into silence one after another and were no longer in the mood to pull this and that.

Of the ten people who had come, only five stayed in the room.

”Deng Deng. " In an unpleasant silence, there was a knock at the door.

Zhao Zhuo stood up and opened the door. When he saw the man standing outside the door, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely wonderful. He rubbed his eyes and asked, "Luo Yi?"

Standing outside the door, Luo Yi nodded stiffly, "there's another person." Then he let his body open. This time, not only Zhao Zhuo was stunned, but also the national security team members behind him could not help standing up and looking at the familiar figure beside Luo Yi in surprise.

”Xiao Ling! " The most exciting thing is Lin Tao. He never thought Peng Xiaoling was still alive. At this time, he stood in front of him alive. In the hearts of Guoan team members, they have made the worst plan. They thought that Peng Xiaoling might be more or less bad this time. They even had the impulse to find Peng Xiaoling's body. To their surprise, Peng Xiaoling didn't die!

Qiao Yang threw the cigarette butts into the ashtray, stared at Qin Yang and said, "I need to explain to the above. I'm sorry to tell you that you failed this task and didn't successfully complete the transfer task. I'm afraid there will be some measures for you."

At this time, Qiao Yang and Qin Yang were talking in another room. The TV was on and the sound was loud. Both men were talking in a low voice.

”Well, "Qin Yang nodded.

”I'd like to hear what you think of Chen Luo's rebellion. " Qiao Yang said.

”I don't have any opinions. What should be done is still how to deal with it. " Qin Yang was single and said that he really didn't know why Chen Luo suddenly turned the gun Gang, and there was nothing to prove the reason for Chen Luo's rebellion.

Qiao Yang nodded clearly, "you should have some speculation about my identity. Although the boss apparently sent me to do translation, it can actually be called 'supervisor'. I was sent by the boss to supervise the completion of your task. After I go back, I will truthfully report everything I know to the people above."

Qin Yang nodded to show understanding.

”Chen Luo's rebellion will not happen without cause. Although this mission is not a big case in the eyes of some people above, we have a file investigation for each member of the mission. Such a sudden mutiny must have its reason. According to the information I know, Chen Luo has made countless contributions since he was selected as a member of the national security special action team. Four years ago, he was appointed the captain of the eighth team of the national security special action team, and the team he led also made great achievements. These are well founded. "

”How can such a person be an insider who has been inserted into national security? " Qiao Yang asked Qin Yang, but it was also a kind of self-question. He sighed, "before talking to you, I called home to find out the situation and proved some of my guesses. Chen Luo is likely to be threatened with rebellion. Just now, I received an unfortunate news. " Qiao Yang's eyes were fixed on Qin Yang, "Chen Luo's family died at 1 a.m. this morning."

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